Real-Time Configuration Analysis: Runtime Tests Reference
The Real-Time Configuration Analysis tool runs tests to determine if the configuration meets runtime best practices. When a runtime issue occurs, the tool provides a recommendation to correct that issue. You can cross-reference the runtime issues with the Runtime Test Reference list to help you configure your Vega modules.
To learn more about the Real-Time Configuration Analysis tool, see our Real-Time Configuration Analysis Tool article.
Real-Time Configuration Analysis Runtime Tests
This reference guide provides the Real-Time Configuration Analysis runtime tests used to validate your Vega runtime configuration as you build.
Tests are added reguarly to ensure a better building experience. Return to this page on a regular basis to see enhancements to the tool.
Issue Title |
Issue Description |
Recommended Action |
Affected Components |
Severity |
Dynamic Refresh Limitation |
Dynamic Refresh is not currently supported in Vega when:
Ensure component definitions are only passed to one intermediate component before triggering the Dynamic Refresh. Verify component definitions are fetched directly from the module and not manipulated directly. |
Data Format Change |
Data for this component stores as an array of strings and does not use the Allow Multiple Selections setting. |
Update components and logic that are dependent on the drop-down data. For example, use a Hidden component to contain the flattened string A string is an object that represents a sequence of characters. Strings typically hold data represented in text form. value and update Property IDs appropriately. Doing so ensures downstream logic Downstream logic occurs after current logic. For example, if you have components triggering in a chain, the components that are later in the chain are downstream. that depends on the Multi-Select Dropdown component's flattened string value stays the same. |
Input Mask Behavior Change |
Input masks are visual constraints on what the end-user End-users, also known as Express Users, are the individuals accessing an application through Express View. In most cases, end-users are the customers using the product. can or cannot enter into a field. Input masks do not validate, so logic components can set component values regardless of input mask validations. |
Add component validations using component settings or logic components. Important settings include:
Options Data Change |
When the Data Source Type is set to URL or Data Reference Key, the Value Property setting is required and must be a primitive data Primitive Data includes the following types: string, number, boolean. type. The entire data source object for selected options does not store in the Vega runtime. If the Value Property setting is blank, no validation occurs. |
Verify the Value Property setting is a primitive data Primitive Data includes the following types: string, number, boolean. type. Ensure dependent components can accept the primitive data type and value. If you need the entire data source object, consider using a Data Workflow component to map the value to the reference data, and retrieve the entire item object. |
"Watch" Trigger Type Behavior Change |
The Watch Trigger Type does not fire on load when watching components with default values. |
Add an Initializer component with a New Submission or Edit Submission Trigger Type to watch components that fire for default values. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
The Address (v1) component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Use the Address Parsing Snippet from the Unqork Marketplace. This snippet uses the Google Places API to validate addresses and parse the data to individual Text Field components. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
The Address Search component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Use the Address Parsing Snippet from the Unqork Marketplace. This snippet uses the Google Places API to validate addresses and parse the data to individual Text Field components. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
The Autocomplete component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Configure this component in a Centauri module, then update to the Vega runtime when the component becomes available. |
"Refresh On" Behavior Change |
The Refresh On Data Reference Key setting can now watch any component. The Clear on Refresh setting also clears all selected options. |
Verify the component behaves as expected. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
The License Scanner component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Configure this component in a Centauri module, then update to the Vega runtime when the component becomes available. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
Browser Storage component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Configure this component in a Centauri module, then update to the Vega runtime when the component becomes available. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
Chart component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Configure this component in a Centauri module, then update to the Vega runtime when the component becomes available. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
Checkpoint component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Use a Calculator component to populate a timestamp to a Hidden component's Default Value field. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
Content component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Configure this component in a Centauri module, then update to the Vega runtime when the component becomes available. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
Data Grid component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Use the new Vega Table component, which provides advanced capabilities. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
DataMapper component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Use the Create Field and Map Keys operators in a Data Workflow component to apply formulas to tables for data manipulation. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
Advanced Datagrid component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Use the new Vega Table component, which provides advanced capabilities. |
DOM Structure Change |
The component requires updated styles due to changes in the DOM The Document Object Model (DOM) is the data representation of objects that form the structure and content of a document on the web. The DOM represents the page. structure. Existing styles targeting this component are not backwards compatible, but can be reworked to achieve design parity. |
Verify and update the stylesheet when switching to Vega to ensure design parity. |
Removed "Multiple" & "Merge" Execution Types |
Removed the Multiple and Merge Execution Type settings. |
Verify the component behaves as expected. |
Removed "Execute All Child Decisions" & "Execute Decisions from First to Last" Settings |
The Execute All Child Decision and Execute Decisions from First to Last settings have been removed from the Decisions component. |
Update the Decisions component to trigger additional Decisions components sequentially using the OUTPUTS table. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
The Dynamic Grid component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Use the new Vega Table component, which provides advanced capabilities. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
The Email (v2) component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Use the Email (v1) component when switching to Vega, which provides functional parity. |
Behavior Change |
In Vega, the attachments API is no longer invoked on file upload. So, the file object data does not have a cloud ID when Parse File on Upload is (OFF). |
If the file upload is dependent on the cloud ID, ensure the file saves to a submission before retrieving it. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
File Storage component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Configure this component in a Centauri module, then update to the Vega runtime when the component becomes available. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
File (v2) component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Configure a File (v1) Component, which provides functional parity with an updated user interface. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
Freeform Grid component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Use the new Vega Table component, which provides advanced capabilities. |
Added support for Interpolation |
In Vega, the HTML Element component supports interpolation For example, {{}}. |
Use this added functionality to replace incompatible methods. For example, using a Content component for interpolation can be converted into an HTML Element component. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
Uniform Grid component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Use the new Vega Table component, which provides advanced capabilities. |
Removed "Synchronous Processing" Setting |
The Synchronous Processing setting has been removed from the Advanced Settings. |
Verify the component behaves as expected. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
KPI component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Configure this component in a Centauri module, then update to the Vega runtime when the component becomes available. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
Map component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Configure this component in a Centauri module, then update to the Vega runtime when the component becomes available. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
Map v2 component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Configure this component in a Centauri module, then update to the Vega runtime when the component becomes available. |
"Stagger Load for Performance" Setting Removed |
In Vega, the Stagger Load for Performance setting has been removed. |
Move navigation panels to different modules and connect them with a workflow. |
Added a new "Decimal Separator" setting |
Added a new Decimal Separator setting to select the character that displays in values with decimals. |
Use this setting to set the decimal separator character to be a comma or period. |
"Don't Allow Decimals" Setting Behavior Change |
In Vega, the Don't Allow Decimals setting only affects the numbers displayed to end-users. It does not affect what values end-users can enter in a field or what values logic components can set. |
Use a logic in a Calculator or Decisions component to restrict or validate a Number component's value. That way, the value is populated by another component instead of by the end-user. |
"Disable Autofill" Setting Change |
Removed the Disable Autofill setting when Interaction Type is set to Stepper or Range Slider, |
Verify the component behaves as expected. |
"Placeholder Text" Setting Change |
Removed the Placeholder Text setting whenInteraction Type is set to Stepper or Range Slider, |
Verify the component behaves as expected. |
DOM Structure Change (Panel as a Modal) |
Setting the Interaction Type to Modal requires updated styles due to changes in the DOM structure. |
Existing styles targeting this component are not backwards compatible, but can be updated to match the previous design. Verify and update the stylesheet when switching to Vega to ensure design parity. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
Protected Field component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Configure this component in a Centauri module, then update to the Vega runtime when the component becomes available. |
Phone Number Data Format Change |
The Phone Number component now stores data as an object. This standardizes the component's data structure to match the Intl Phone Number component in Centauri. |
Verify downstream logic Downstream logic occurs after current logic. For example, if you have components triggering in a chain, the components that are later in the chain are downstream. accounts for the data structure change. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
The Plaid component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Configure this component in a Centauri module, then update to the Vega runtime when the component becomes available. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
The Query component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Configure this component in a Centauri module, then update to the Vega runtime when the component becomes available. |
"Require Unique Submission Data" Setting Removed |
Removed the Require Unique Submission Data setting. |
Build an API that validates the Radio Buttons component's value is unique against all other submissions. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
The Radio Buttons (v2) component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Configure a Radio Buttons (v1) component, which provides functional parity. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
The reCAPTCHA component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Configure this component in a Centauri module, then update to the Vega runtime when the component becomes available. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
The Repeater component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Use the new Vega Table component, which provides advanced capabilities. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
The Rich Text Editor component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Configure this component in a Centauri module, then update to the Vega runtime when the component becomes available. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
The Rich Text Editor v2 component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Configure this component in a Centauri module, then update to the Vega runtime when the component becomes available. |
Multi-Select Dropdown DOM Structure Change |
The Multi-Select Dropdown component requires a styles update due to changes in the DOM structure. |
Existing styles targeting this component are not backwards compatible, but can be reworked to achieve design parity. Verify and update the stylesheet when switching to Vega to ensure design parity. |
Values Options Data Change |
When Data Source Type is set to URL, the Value Property setting is required and must be a primitive data Primitive Data includes the following types: string, number, boolean. type. The data source object for selected options does not store. When the Value Property setting is blank, no validation occurs. |
Verify the Value Property key is in the data source and is a primitive data Primitive Data includes the following types: string, number, boolean. type. Verify dependent components can accept the primitive data type and value. If the entire data source object is needed, configure a Data Workflow component to map the value to the reference data and retrieve the entire object. |
Values Options Data Change |
When Data Source Type is set to Data Reference Key, a Data Reference Key is required and must be a primitive data Primitive Data includes the following types: string, number, boolean. type. The data source object for selected options does not store. |
Verify the Data Reference Key is in the data source and is a primitive data Primitive Data includes the following types: string, number, boolean. type. Verify dependent components can accept the primitive data type and value. If the entire data source object is needed, configure a Data Workflow component to map the value to the reference data and retrieve the entire object. |
Item Template Support |
The Item Template setting does not evaluate AngularJS AngularJS is a JavaScript framework added to an HTML page with a <script> tag. AngularJS extends HTML attributes and binds data to HTML using expressions. or HTML HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is the standard markup language for for achieving font, color, graphic, and hyperlink effects when creating web pages. code. |
Update the Item Template setting value to exclude AngularJS AngularJS is a JavaScript framework added to an HTML page with a <script> tag. AngularJS extends HTML attributes and binds data to HTML using expressions. and HTML HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is the standard markup language for for achieving font, color, graphic, and hyperlink effects when creating web pages. code. |
Dropdown Menu Height Change |
The Set Dropdown Menu Height setting limits the number of visible options before scrolling. In Centauri, this setting cuts off non-visible options. |
Verify the component behaves as expected. |
Selection UI Change |
Selected options display as pills inside the drop-down input box. In Centauri, selected options display above the drop-down input box. |
Verify and update the stylesheet when switching to Vega to ensure design parity. |
Chevron UI Change |
The drop-down chevron displays inside the drop-down input box. In Centauri, the drop-down chevron displays above the drop-down input box. |
Verify and update the stylesheet when switching to Vega to ensure design parity. |
"Refresh On" Behavior Change |
The Refresh On setting now watches any component. If the Clear Value on Refresh is set to (ON), all selected options clear. |
Verify the component behaves as expected. |
Removed Feature Flag Support |
Removed support for the |
Verify the component behaves as expected. |
Removed Settings |
Removed the Limit Number of Items, Disable Limiting Response, and Require Unique Submission Data settings. |
Verify the component behaves as expected. |
Component Not Yet Available in Vega |
The Multi-Select Dropdown (v2) component is not available in Vega. |
Configure a Multi-Select Dropdown (v1) component, which provides functional parity. |
Removed "Custom Error Message" Setting |
Removed the Custom Error Message setting. |
Verify the component behaves as expected. |
Setting Change |
Removed the Component to Trigger When a User Selects This Option setting's Text Field option. |
Verify the component behaves as expected. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
The Set Cookie component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Configure this component in a Centauri module, then update to the Vega runtime when the component becomes available. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
The Signature component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Configure this component in a Centauri module, then update to the Vega runtime when the component becomes available. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
The Sheet component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Use the new Vega Table component, which provides advanced capabilities. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
The Matrix component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Use the new Vega Table component, which provides advanced capabilities. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
The Table component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Use multiple Columns components with the same column width settings to achieve a similar end-user interface. |
"Remaining Character Count" Setting Change |
The Show Max Length Countdown setting is based on component's data value instead of the value that displays to the end-user. |
Verify the component behaves as expected. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
The Tracker component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Configure this component in a Centauri module, then update to the Vega runtime when the component becomes available. |
Component Not Yet Supported in Vega |
The ViewGrid component is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Use the new Vega Table component, which provides advanced capabilities. |
Data Change |
The Interaction Type Modal now stores child component values. |
Add a logic component to clear component values if needed when closing the Panel component's modal. |
Translations Not Yet Supported in Vega |
Module Translations are not yet supported in Vega. |
Configure this component in a Centauri module, then update to the Vega runtime when the component becomes available. |
Server Side Execution Info |
Server-side executed modules will run in Centauri, regardless of the module's Runtime setting value (Centauri or Vega). |
No action needed. For consistency, keep server-side execution modules set to the Centauri runtime. |
"Load Submissions With Initial Module Version" Not Yet Supported in Vega |
In Vega, Load Submissions With Initial Module Version setting has been removed based on user feedback. |
Configure this component in a Centauri module, then update to the Vega runtime when the component becomes available. |
"Enable Stagger Load" Not Yet Supported in Vega |
In Vega, Enable Stagger Load setting has been removed based on user feedback. |
Configure this component in a Centauri module, then update to the Vega runtime when the component becomes available. |
"Container Components' Propagate "Disabled" to Logic Components" Not Yet Supported in Vega |
Removed the module setting Container Components' Propagate "Disabled" to Logic Components setting. |
Individually set the Disabled state on all child components of the container. |
"Enable Tracker" Not Yet Supported in Vega |
The Enable Tracker module setting is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Configure the module in Centauri, then update to the Vega runtime when the setting becomes available. |
"Show Page Title" Not Yet Supported in Vega |
The Show Page Title module setting is not supported in Vega at this time. |
Configure the module in Centauri, then update to the Vega runtime when the setting becomes available. |