Data & Files

Everything you need to know about working with data and files in Unqork.

Introduction to Unqork Data

Working With Data in Unqork

Learn about working with data in Unqork and explores data storage best practices.

Introduction to Unqork Files

Working With Files in Unqork

Learn about working with files in Unqork and explore File component best practices.

Unqork Data

Accessing Submission Data Using the DevTools Console

Learn about accessing and troubleshooting submission data using the DevTools Console.

Data Types

Get an introduction to the data types supported by the various Module Builder components.

Submission Data

Get an introduction to submission data in Unqork and how to store it in the Unqork database.

Data Validation

Get an introduction to configuring components with data validation.

Data Extraction

Data Extraction in Unqork

Learn about the types of data you can extract from Unqork.

How to: Extract Data From Unqork

Learn how to extract data from Unqork.

Additional Resources


Get an introduction to using and referencing getters in Unqork.

Race Conditions

Get an introduction to race conditions and best practices for triggering synchronous and asynchronous events.