Unqork Glossary

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What Are Accelerators?

An item of computer hardware that increases the speed at which a program or function operates.

Accelerators in Unqork

Apps (such as snippets, templates, and integrations) that allow creators to build and configure apps faster. For example: Product Builder and Case Management.



What are APIs?

APIs (application programming interfaces) are a set of protocols and definitions developers use to build and integrate application software. APIs act as the connective tissue between products and services.

APIs in Unqork

Unqork uses APIs in many of its services, including:

  • Connecting application modules and workflows to each other and external services.

  • Facilitating data manipulation with CRUD (create, read, update, delete) functions.

  • Calling data from external services to use in applications.



What Is an Application?

A web application is a type of software that uses web browsers to perform tasks.

Applications in Unqork

Unqork builds web applications. In Unqork an application is a program used to perform specific tasks. An application can be one of two types: workflow or module.


Application Template

What Is an Application Template?

A premade software program users can download to perform a specific task or set of tasks.

Application Templates in Unqork

In Unqork, application templates are flexible, fully functional solutions designed to help businesses deploy faster. Application templates are built to target specific use-cases, and are installed into workspaces using the Unqork Marketplace.



What Are Assets?

Assets are a collection of materials needed to complete a project. In web design, these assets typically refer to images, videos, audio files, and databases. For example, a corporate logo in .SVG format is an asset used on a project's web page.

Assets in Unqork

In Unqork, assets are a collection of materials used in applications. Assets are managed from the Managed Assets Administration page located in Administration Settings. Style Assets are managed from the Style Administration page located in Administration Settings.



What is Authentication?

Authentication is the act of verifying a user's identity for access to a resource. For instance, entering credentials (username/password) authenticates a user by identifying and verifying who they are. Authentication is different than authorization, which determines what permissions an authenticated user has. When combined, authentication and authorization verify a user's identity and determines what resources they have access to.

Authentication in Unqork

Unqork uses authentication for security across the service. Administrators and Creators must authenticate to access the Unqork Designer Platform. Unqork applications might require end-users to authenticate before granting access. External services such as APIs (Application Programming Interface) require authentication to connect to Unqork.



What Is Authorization?

Authorization is the act of determining what resources a user has access to. For instance, authorization determines if a user can view, edit, or request data. Authorization is different than authentication, which identifies and verifies who a user is. When combined, authorization and authentication verify a user's identity and determines what resources they have access to.

Authorization in Unqork

Unqork uses authorization for security across the service. In the Unqork Designer Platform, authorization enables user permissions and RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) for Unqork applications. Some external services also require authorization to incorporate their APIs into Unqork.



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Business Intelligence (BI) Connector

What Is a Business Intelligence (BI) Connector?

An interface that connects to a data set. Allows an authorized user to view and visualize data from a data set.

Business Intelligence (BI) Connectors in Unqork

Unqork can host and integrate with the MongoDB Connector for BI to connect to any data set compatible with Open Database Connectivity (ODBC).



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What Is a Canvas?

A space or container used to organize and store the elements of an application.

Canvases in Unqork

The blank space inside the Module Builder where you drag and drop components to build out a module.

When you configure a Data Workflow component, another blank canvas displays. This is where you drag and drop operators to build out a data workflow.



What Are Certificates?

An electronic document used to authenticate users, servers, or services in a public key infrastructure (PKI). Certificates contain information about public keys, key owners, and the digital signature of the validating entity.

Certificates in Unqork

A digital tool Unqork uses to add an additional layer of security and to establish trusted connections when integrating external services. Certificates are required for a trusted, secure connection. They are critical in creating a secure enterprise environment, protecting data in transit, and preventing breaches. Unqork's Certificate Management feature allows users to manage their certificates and supports Mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) certificates.



What is Centauri?

Centauri is Unqork's first-generation codeless runtime. While Creators can currently build in the Centauri runtime, Unqork's next-generation Vega runtime is now available to use.

Centauri in Unqork

The Centauri runtime is the foundation of the Unqork Designer Platform experience, empowering Creators to build applications that meet their end-user's needs.


Classic Designer

What is Classic Designer?

Classic Designer is the original codeless application construction platform. It features a Designer View that enables Creators to craft applications using modules and individual components.

Classic Designer in Unqork

In Unqork, Classic Designer consists of the Unqork Designer Platform's Module Builder and Express View tools. Creators use the Classic Designer Module Builder to create applications, then preview them in Express View.



What Is a Component?

A part of a software system or application.

Components in Unqork

The smallest building blocks in Unqork. Use components to build the structure and functionality of modules.


Component Library

What Is a Component Library?

A set of prewritten functions that provide the building blocks for software design or development. They're separately configured then connected to build a multifunctional application, similar to the distinct parts of a machine.

Component Libraries ensure consistency and efficiency across design projects on a platform.

Component Libraries in Unqork

The smallest building blocks for designing and configuring modules. Unqork components range in purpose, from creating simple fields to adding predefined logic to applications. The Component Library is stored in the Module Editor toolbar and is grouped into accessible categories.



What Is a Creator?

A person who develops computer software.

Creators in Unqork

All Unqork users; anyone who is inside the Unqork platform. Also known as Designer Users.



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Data and Event Processing Fields

What Are Data and Event Processing Fields?

Fields that manage data in motion. These fields create dynamic applications based on logic to track, analyze, and process data input by end-users.

Data and Event Processing Fields in Unqork

Fields that incorporate predefined logic to create dynamic or interactive applications that respond differently to user input. These components are stored together in the Data & Events Processing group at the left of the Module Builder.


Data Model

What Is a Data Model?

A visual representation that organizes elements of data and standardizes how they relate to one another.

Data Models in Unqork

Data models are visual representations of your application's data structure. A data model helps you group data and determine which information passes between data sets. It also helps you organize your application into smaller modules. Benefits of data models include:

  • Ensuring that the data objects created in Unqork align with the external database.

  • Helping with database design at a conceptual, physical, and logical level.

  • Helping to identify missing or redundant data.

  • Making IT upgrades and maintenance cheaper and faster.


Data Workflow

What Is a Data Workflow?

A collection of data processes that gathers and manipulates data to create a desired result. A workflow is a set of steps that optimizes a business process from initiation to completion. Input data can move sequentially or parallel depending on the goal of the project.

Data Workflows in Unqork

Organize and manipulate data from one or more inputs and map the data to an output via a drag-and-drop interface. The Data Workflow component is an Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) tool that transforms, manipulates, and moves data in almost-infinite ways. Data Workflow operators are assembled, configured, and joined together on the Data Workflow canvas to create personalized strings of data processes.



What Is Decryption?

A way to decode previously encoded data so that it can only be read by trusted systems. A way to decode a message that was previously encrypted. Encryption uses an algorithm to encrypt (scramble) data and then uses a key for the receiving party to decrypt (unscramble) the information. In its decrypted (or readable) form, the data is referred to as plaintext.

Decryption in Unqork

An essential security standard to protect your data. Unqork supports the GPG (GNU Privacy Guard) service which allows users to decrypt files. Unqork uses the highest encryption and decryption standards (AES 256 and TLS v1.2+) to secure data at rest and in transit.



What Is a Designer?

One who creates and executes plans for a new product style or structure.

Designer in Unqork

The entire Unqork application building web platform with which Creators interact.


Display and Layout Fields

What Are Display and Layout Fields?

In no-code applications, display and layout fields are used to visually represent data or information to end-users.

Display and Layout Fields in Unqork

Display and layout fields in the Unqork Designer Platform are used to display and organize data. Display and layout fields are most commonly used to create dashboards, or present information using HTML. Popular display and layout fields include the Grid system components, which dynamically organize and display submission data.



What Is DocuSign?

DocuSign is an online platform that automates how organizations prepare, sign, act on, and manage agreements. They do this by creating PDF documents for signature without a PDF editor.

DocuSign in Unqork

Unqork supports DocuSign integration into application environments. Creators can generate PDF files and use DocuSign to gather eSignatures from end-users. Examples of PDFs that might need eSignatures include: sales contracts, invoices, and offer letters.



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Element (of an app)

What Is an Element (of an app)?

A software coding element is a component belonging to a larger group or system. For example, an array is a larger group that contains smaller components known as elements. Another example of elements can be found in HTML documents. The elements of an HTML document are the Individual sections or components within, such as images, buttons, or text segments.

Elements (of an app) in Unqork

In Unqork, an element can define any part of Unqork under the workspace umbrella. That includes workflows, modules, reference data (data collections), or component(s). In Unqork, you can share elements with others in your environment by adding it to your library elements.

To learn more about library elements, visit our Unqork Library Elements article.



What Is Encryption?

A way to encode data so that it can only be read by trusted systems able to decode the data. Encryption uses an algorithm to encrypt (scramble) data and then uses a key for the receiving party to decrypt (unscramble) the information. In its encrypted (or unreadable) form, the data is referred to as ciphertext.

Encryption in Unqork

An essential security standard to protect your data. Unqork supports the GPG (GNU Privacy Guard) service which allows users to encrypt files. Unqork uses the highest encryption and decryption standards (AES 256 and TLS v1.2+) to secure data at rest and in transit.



What Is an Endpoint?

An API (Application Programming Interface) endpoint is a digital location where a web server receives requests for a resource. Endpoints are typically URLs (Uniform Resource Locator) that provide the location of a resource on the service. Endpoints work in tandem with API methods, permitting users to retrieve, create, update, or delete resources on a web server.

Endpoints in Unqork

Unqork utilizes endpoints as part of the Unqork Customer API. In the Unqork Designer Platform, endpoints are used for making API calls with the Plug-In component.



What Is an End-User?

A person that can view and interact with an application's front-end.

End-Users in Unqork

Any person that views and interacts with an Unqork front-end application using Express View. Also known as Express Users.


Environment Level

What Is an Environment Level?

A nearly exact replica of a production environment for software testing. This preproduction environment is used for testing codes, builds, and updates before making it visible on a live site.

Environment Levels in Unqork

Unqork has environment levels to support each phase of the application development process. These levels include environment levels to build, test functionality, test end-user interactivity, and make available to end-users to use.

  Environment Level Description Codebase



Where Unqork Creators Also known as Unqork Users, or Designer Users; is anyone who is inside the Unqork platform. configure applications. This non-production environment level is meant for test data only. This level is where you create and update configurations before promoting to QA for testing.

Staging is an internal environment level and part of Unqork's cloud infrastructure. Staging offers both a Designer and Express View interface.



Quality Assurance (QA)

Where Unqork Creators test and verify processes, artifacts, and ensure applications are built using best practices. This non-production environment level hosts test data only.

QA is an internal environment level and part of Unqork's cloud infrastructure. QA offers both a Designer and Express View interface.



User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

Where the Creators and end-users End-users, also known as Express Users, are the individuals accessing an application through Express View. In most cases, end-users are the customers using the product. can view the latest build. Use this environment level to test your application's end-user experience. This non-production environment hosts test data only.

UAT is an internal environment level and part of Unqork's cloud infrastructure. UAT offers both a Designer and Express View interface.




This is the live application and the only environment level where end-users can access it. This level is also the only environment level to store live client data.

Following SDLC best practices, development should never take place in Production.


Additional environments can also include Pre-Production (Pre-Prod) environment levels. Pre-Prod environments use the Production codebase. The progression order is Staging, QA, UAT, Pre-prod, and Production. Client leads decide the number of environments to use when developing a customer application.



What Is ExpressCloud?

A way to bypass the public Internet and connect your Wide-area Network (WAN) directly to a Cloud Service Provider (CSP), making the CSP a virtual endpoint on your network.

ExpressCloud in Unqork

A cloud-based platform as a service (PaaS) that gives you the ability to run applications and services without having to install or manage middleware/hardware infrastructure or directly manage your own cloud platform. You can deploy applications to ExpressCloud directly from Unqork’s management console, Conductor.


Express/Express View

What Is Express/Express View?

Express View refers to the front-end view of an application. This is the view your end-users see when using your application. This front-end view allows your end-users to use and interact with your application.

Express/Express View in Unqork

Express View is how your end-user views you application. Express View also lets you preview your applications to test your configuration and view the styling. After configuring a module, click Preview in the Module Builder to interact with the module in Express View



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Global Variables

What Are Global Variables?

Global variables are variables (values that can change) with global scope that are visible throughout an entire application.

Global Variables in Unqork

In Unqork, global variables are variables you can create and reference across all applications in an environment stage. Use global variables when:

  • Referencing a value in multiple modules and components in an environment stage.

  • Environment stages require a different value for testing purposes.



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HTTP Status Codes

What Are HTTP Status Codes?

HTTP response status codes identify successful or erroneous responses in web page applications and API calls.

HTTP Status Codes in Unqork

Unqork lets you use HTTP response status codes in the Decisions and Initializer components of server-side API modules. HTTP response status codes help you identify successful and erroneous API calls. Unqork lets you configure any of the following HTTP response status codes:

  • 100-199: Informational Responses informing the client their request was received, and the process is continuing.

  • 200-299: Successful Responses informing the client their request was successfully received, understood, and accepted by the server.

  • 300-399: Redirection Responses informing the client that additional action needs to be taken to complete the client request.

  • 400-499: Client Error Responses indicating an error occurred in the client's request, or the request cannot be fulfilled.

  • 500-599: Server Error Responses indicating the server was unable to process a request that might be valid.



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What Is Integration?

Integration is the process of combining different software programs or elements into one system. Integrations with third-party providers typically occur using API calls. These integrations allow businesses to grow and meet customer needs.

Integrations in Unqork

In Unqork, you can use integrations to provide a better end-user experience when building applications. Not only does Unqork provide various internal API services for integration, but you can also integrate with many third-party providers. Use the Unqork Designer Platform to configure BI (Business Intelligence) connectors, and integrate with SendGrid and Twillio services.


Integration Template

What Is an Integration?

An API Integration is the connection between multiple application APIs that enable systems to exchange data.

Integration Templates in Unqork

Unqork Marketplace integration templates are custom built third-party APIs that can be connected to a workspace. Unqork integrations are use-case specific arrangements, and are installed into workspaces using the Unqork Marketplace.



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Listing Page (Marketplace)

What Is a Listing Page (Marketplace)?

A marketplace listing page displays the details about an application, add-on, or modification.

Listing Pages (Marketplace) in Unqork

Unqork Marketplace listings detail Unqork's applications, templates, integrations, or snippets. You can add these products to your environment, build applications, configure integrations, and incorporate snippets into your modules. Listing details include an overview, release notes, reviews, publisher information, and documentation.


Listings Directory (Marketplace)

What Is a Listings Directory (Marketplace)?

Marketplace listing directories display a list of free or paid content that end-users can install into a software program.

Listings Directory (Marketplace) in Unqork

The Unqork Marketplace listing directory provides a searchable list of applications, templates, integrations, and snippets that creators can apply in their environment.



What Is Lodash?

A JavaScript utility library of functions that helps programmers write more concise and maintainable JavaScript.

Lodash in Unqork

Unqork allows you to use Lodash functions anywhere you can write a formula. You can write Lodash formulas as =LODASH("method", parameter 1, parameter 2) in components such as the Calculator or Decisions components.



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What Is Marketplace?

A marketplace is an online storefront where customers can find, purchase, and manage their applications.

Marketplace in Unqork

The Unqork Marketplace offers application blueprints in preconfigured packages. Here, you can find and reuse common configuration snippets and templates to make building applications easier. You can also find snippets and templates that address very specific needs. You can use Marketplace configurations right out of the box or configure them to meet customer needs. Each snippet and template is built using Unqork best practices.


Marketplace Application Template

What Is a Marketplace Application Template?

A premade software program users can download to perform a specific task or set of tasks. These premade programs are available for access from a software marketplace.

Marketplace Application Templates in Unqork

In Unqork, application templates are flexible, fully functional solutions designed to help businesses deploy faster. Application templates are built to target specific use-cases, and are installed into workspaces using the Unqork Marketplace.


Marketplace Assets

What Are Marketplace Assets?

Marketplace Assets are a collection of common configurations that help simplify processes in an application.

Marketplace Assets in Unqork

Unqork Marketplace Assets are a collection of pre-configured packages that can be installed into a workspace. Assets are broken down into 4 categories: Applications, Templates, Integrations, and Snippets. Assets are installed into workspaces using the Unqork Marketplace.


Marketplace Integration Template

What Is a Marketplace Integration?

A API Integration is a premade connection between multiple application APIs that enable systems to exchange data. These API integrations are available for access from a software marketplace.

Marketplace Integration Templates in Unqork

Unqork Marketplace integration templates are custom built third-party APIs that can be connected to a workspace. Unqork integrations are use-case specific arrangements, and are installed into workspaces using the Unqork Marketplace.



What Is a Module?

A module serves as a container for objects related to a business application task. Specifically, it encloses the data model associated with a task, plus the code required to implement the task.

Modules in Unqork

Modules are the building blocks of Unqork applications. Unqork Modules serve as a container for the rapid creation and management of business application data.


Module Builder

What Is a Module Builder?

A Module Builder is software designed to edit a module container. Module containers consist of a data model and the code necessary to execute it.

Module Builder in Unqork

Unqork's Module Builder is a user-friendly model data editing tool. Creators can use the Module Builder to create data collection web pages, API integrations, analysis tools, dashboards, and more!


Module History

What Is Module History?

Module history is a function that stores previous versions of a module application. Developers use module history to track changes and restore modules to previous versions.

Module History in Unqork?

Module history in Unqork tracks saved changes made to modules by Creators. Module history is also used for analysis, or to restore modules to earlier versions.



What Is Moment.js?

Moment.js is an open-source Javascript library used to parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates and times.

Moment.js in Unqork

Unqork uses Moment.js for creating date formulas and manipulating values in components that accept date inputs.



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What Is a Node?

In computer science, a node is a basic unit of data structure. Nodes contain data, and might link to other nodes to form tree-like diagrams of information.

Nodes in Unqork

Nodes in the Unqork Designer Platform form the basis of application workflows. In workflows, Creators add and connect nodes to each other for these benefits:

  • Automated execution of workflows and processes.

  • Linked modules can collect data and create a single submission.

  • One agent can complete part of a submission before handing it off to another agent. Then, your second agent can return the submission to the original agent if needed. This is called multi-party support and happens automatically. Workflow processes can also be completed in parallel, with multiple end-users interacting with a workflow at the same time.

  • Seamless orchestration, routing, rules, and dynamic flow, achieving full flexibility in your applications.

  • The ability to quickly and easily apply role-based security.

  • Creation of any number of unique user journeys by using multiple nodes.

  • URL redirects to lead your end-users from one workflow to another, all while saving data before redirecting and offering the option to continue a submission later.



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OpenID Connect (OIDC)

What Is OIDC (OpenID Connect)?

An SSO (single sign-on) method of verifying a user's identity. Users can access multiple web applications using one set of login credentials. An OpenID Connect Provider, or OP, authenticates a user. OIDC uses OAuth 2.0 for authorization, and then builds identities that uniquely identify users.

OIDC in Unqork

OIDC (OpenID Connect) is one of the SSO methods Unqork supports. OIDC makes granting access to your Unqork application easier by:

  • Letting you grant access to users who do not have Unqork credentials.

  • Letting Unqork users log in without having to enter their credentials.



What Is an Operator?

In computer programming, an operator is a symbol that represents an action or process. Operators perform mathematical, logical and relational actions to manipulate data.

Operators in Unqork

The Unqork Designer Platform uses operator components to manipulate data in the Data Workflow component. Common uses of Operator components in Data Workflow components include: inputting, filtering, appending, and outputting data. Operator components are also used for unwinding data structures and viewing data at different points in a workflow.



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Primary Fields

What Are Primary Fields?

In no-code applications, primary fields are the most common methods used for capturing user data.

Primary Fields in Unqork

Primary fields in the Unqork Designer Platform are the simplest and most common components used to capture or display data. Examples of Unqork primary field components include Text Field, Checkboxes, and Data Input.



What Is Production?

Production is the final phase of software development where end-users can begin using and interacting with your application.

Production in Unqork

Where both Unqork and the client can view and interact with your completed application. Unqork hosts the Production environment internally.



What Is Promotion?

Promoting is a part of the software development life cycle (SDLC). Developers use promotions to move software through different stages of its life cycle. The software begins in the development stage. Once development is complete, it is then promoted to the testing stage. Once tested, the software is then promoted to the production stage.

Promotion in Unqork

Promotion is the process of moving an application and its assets through the different environment stages. The three basic environments in Unqork are Customer Staging, UAT (User Acceptance Testing), and Production. Some projects might include extra stages such as QA (Quality Assurance) and Pre-Production.



Quality Assurance (QA)

What Is Quality Assurance (QA)?

A phase of software development in which the software's processes and artifacts are tested and verified to ensure standards are acceptable.

Quality Assurance (QA) in Unqork

Where Unqork Creators test and verify processes, artifacts, and ensure applications are built using best practices. This non-production environment level hosts test data only. Unqork hosts the QA environment internally. QA offers both a Designer and Express View interface.


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Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

What Is Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)?

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is a method to control system access for authorized users. The role in RBAC refers to the levels of access employees have to a network.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) in Unqork

Role-Based Access Control is a secure method used at every level of the Unqork Designer Platform. Administrators create and assign roles to Creators based on their environment and workspace needs. Creators assign roles in their modules and components to determine what end-users have access to.


Reference Data/Data Collection

What Is Reference Data/Data Collection?

Reference data is data that is typically static and updated infrequently. It can be held in a data collection and referenced by applications. Examples include:

  • Corporate codes

  • Country codes

  • Units of measurement

Reference Data/Data Collection in Unqork

Reference data is static data that you can reference across modules and applications. It can be created and stored in a Data Collection at the App Level of your workspace. Examples include:

  • A list of options that displays in a Dropdown component.

  • A data set used to run calculations in your application.



What Is Regex?

A regex, or regular expression, is a string of text forming a pattern to help you match, locate and manage text. You'll typically use regex for text search/replace or password validation operations. For example, searching for data in a string, you'll use a search pattern to describe what you're looking for. A regular expression can comprise of a single character or a much more complex pattern.

Regex in Unqork

A character sequence that describes what pattern a string must follow. For example, when creating a new password, you might need to use a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. If you enter a password that doesn't meet this criteria, you'll receive an error.



What Are Roles?

Roles define the level of access for authorized users in RBAC RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) is a method to control system access for authorized users. The role in RBAC refers to the levels of access employees have to a network. (role-based access control) controlled programming. A role for end-users might grant them access only to a finished product. While a role for developers might grant them access to edit the finished product.

Roles in Unqork

Roles in Unqork define the level of access for authorized users in the Unqork Designer View and Express View. Common RBAC roles in Unqork include Administrator, Contributor, Viewer, and Data Manager.



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Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)

What Is SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language)?

An SSO (single sign-on) method of verifying a user's identity. Users can access multiple web applications using one set of login credentials. It works by passing authentication information between an idP (identity provider) and a web application.

SAML in Unqork

As a service provider, SAML makes granting access to your Unqork application easier by:

  • Letting you grant access to end-users without Unqork credentials.

  • Letting Unqork users log in without having to input their credentials.

You'll most commonly use SAML to grant access. But you can also use SAML in reverse. When using SAML as an identity provider, you can use Unqork to authenticate a user for another service.


Secondary Fields

What Are Secondary Fields?

A part of a software system or application that validates data inputs.

Secondary Fields in Unqork

Secondary Fields are components that capture and validate data. For example, the Phone Number component might verify if a phone number is in a valid format before letting end-users progress. Non-numeric values are not valid in a Phone Number component field.


Secure File Transfer

What Is Secure File Transfer?

SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) is a network protocol that allows for secure file access, transfer, and management.

Secure File Transfer in Unqork

In Unqork, SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) is a network protocol that lets you securely connect to a server using password protection. This added layer of security lets you transfer large folders and files of sensitive information.


Server-Side Validation

What Is Server-Side Validation?

Server-side validation prevents malicious users from submitting invalid data. Server-side validation checks data on the server instead of the browser. Server-side validation provides extra security by preventing XSS Cross Site Scripting attacks vulnerability used by malicious entities to bypass the access controls of a website. (cross site scripting) and SQL SQL (Structured Query Language) is language used in programming and designed for managing data contained in a relational database system. (structured query language) Injection attacks.

Server-Side Validation in Unqork

Server-side validation checks the data of Unqork applications on the server instead of the browser. Server-side validation is important for preventing XSS or SQL Injection attacks from applications that send or receive API APIs (application programming interfaces) are a set of protocols and definitions developers use to build and integrate application software. APIs act as the connective tissue between products and services. (application programming interface) data to Unqork applications.



What Is a Service?

An API (application programming interface) service offers access to information or data using API calls. Examples of API services include Google Places, MongoDB, and OpenWeather.

Service in Unqork

In Unqork, a service is an internal or external API that can connects to the Unqork Designer Platform. Use the Services Administration page to add, edit, or remove external services from your workspace.


Shared Element Library

What Is a Shared Element Library?

A shared element is a file intended for sharing across multiple programs. The program's objects load from shared libraries into memory at run time. A shared library is a location that contains all shared elements.

Shared Element Libraries in Unqork

Library Elements are mmoduleodules and data collections that you can add to your environment's Library. The Library is where you'll track your shared modules and data collections. You can then add and connect these Library Elements to one or more applications. Depending on your permissions, you can view, edit, and even remove Library Elements.

You can access the Library from anywhere in Unqork by clicking the Library link in the top menu bar.



What Is a Snippet?

Snippets are typically reusable source code, machine code, or text incorporated into larger programming modules.

Snippets in Unqork

Unqork’s Marketplace snippets are small configurations designed to incorporate into modules. Snippets are prebuilt using best practices to be added to a module to making building applications easier.



What Are Solutions?

Related software programs and/or services sold as a single package.

Solutions in Unqork

Finished software products targeting industry-specific needs. Unqork works with customers to define requirements and build solutions. For example: Client Onboarding (in Financial Services) and COVID Rent Relief (in Public Sector).


Single Sign-On (SSO)

What Is SSO (Single Sign On)?

An authentication method where users can access multiple web applications using one set of login credentials. It works by passing information between an authentication provider and a web application. This allows users to sign in only once to access various accounts.

SSO in Unqork

For applications that work with sensitive information, keeping that information secure is key. Having end-users use SSO (single sign-on) to access your application is a great solution. When setting up SSO, you can select the authentication provider for your Unqork application. Instead of Unqork needing to store the end-users End-users, also known as Express Users, are the individuals accessing an application through Express View. In most cases, end-users are the customers using the product.' credentials, the SSO provider takes care of it. Using SSO also gives your end-user fewer sets of credentials to remember. Your end-user gets a seamless login experience, and you can trust your SSO provider to ensure the right people have access to your app.

Unqork supports OIDC (OpenID Connect) and SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) to authenticate users.



What Is Staging?

A phase of software development in which the software is developed and tested before releasing it to end-users.

Staging in Unqork

Where developers can plan, develop, and build an application. This non-production environment hosts the development phase of an application build. Unqork hosts the Staging environment internally. Staging offers both a Designer and Express View interface.



What Are Swimlanes?

Sections of a diagram that show who does what in a process. Process steps display in the horizontal “swimlanes” of a group. This diagram shows connections, communication, and handoffs between different lanes.

Swimlanes in Unqork

Swimlanes (or lanes) set the responsibilities in your business process. Lanes are always part of a pool (or workflow), representing one parallel of a process. Each lane communicates with other lanes in the same workflow.



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What Are Transforms?

Data transforms allow companies to convert data into a format to be used for various processes.

Transforms in Unqork

Because Unqork uses JSON formatting, transforms let you convert data for use with external services that require formats other than JSON.



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What is UDesigner?

UDesigner is a codeless and interoperable Unqork IDE (integrated development environment) with a new and improved user experience that allows for a seamless transition for all your applications. It features a modern user interface with new personalization, collaboration, and configuration experiences.

UDesigner in Unqork

In the Unqork Designer Platform, UDesigner replaces the Classic Designer experience for Creators. Creators can now customize their designer profiles, bookmark their favorite modules and applications, and take advantage of a wide range of new features.


Unqork Agile Framework (UAF)

What Is an Agile Framework?

Agile is an iterative and responsive software development methodology. Features of Agile development include high levels of communication and collaboration, fast and effective responses to change, adaptive planning, and continuous improvement.

Unqork Agile Framework in Unqork

The Unqork Agile Framework (UAF) is Unqork's standard approach for how teams deliver applications. UAF is based on Agile principles, project management best practices, and Unqork’s best practices and lessons learned on how to successfully deliver a no-code application. UAF includes project planning materials, standard operating procedures, and templates necessary to complete a project.

The UAF process has four phases:

1. Kickoff
2. Discovery
3. Build | UAT
4. Go live

When you review tasks and materials, you do so as you need them chronological to project delivery. Remember, the nature of agile development is cyclical. So, you might repeat some items in each build cycle as applicable.


Unqork Development Life Cycle Toolkit (UDLC)

What Is a Development Life Cycle Toolkit (DLC)?

The development life cycle (DLC) is a crucial process for producing high-quality software that meets a client’s expectations, requirements, time-frame, and cost estimations. The DLC process promotes quality and efficiency, while encouraging ongoing testing and application maintenance. The traditional DLC process consists of the following phases:

  • Planning

  • Designing

  • Developing

  • Testing

  • Maintenance

Unqork Development Life Cycle Toolkit (UDLC) in Unqork

To ensure success when building Unqork applications, we have developed a class of tools to help you achieve DLC standards. These tools are part of the Unqork Development Life Cycle Toolkit, or UDLC Toolkit. These tools are available in all lower-level environments to help you develop, test, and deploy your creations to production. You can access these tools anywhere in the Unqork Designer Platformor download the Chrome extension. The UDLC Toolkit consists of the following classes of tools:

  • Plan and Design: These tools help you organize your thoughts, build using best practices, and monitor module dependencies.

  • Build and Test: These tools let you view module and transform revisions, monitor service logs, and test all logic and API calls.

  • Deploy: These tools catch best practice and performance issues, as well as let you promote modules, data collections, and applications to your different environments.

  • Maintain and Operate: These tools let you update submissions, view submission revisions, and monitor environment performance metrics.


Unqork Platform

What Is a Platform?

A platform is a software system and surrounding ecosystem that helps you grow your business. Platforms let you manage the growth of your business by providing a single package of tools. This set of tools brings your team, data, and processes together, and allows you to integrate with third-party applications.

Unqork Platform in Unqork

The Unqork Designer Platform is a drag and drop interface with security and scalability in mind. It gives you the freedom to incorporate analytics, integrations, rules, workflows, front-end UX, legacy transformations, maintenance processes, and communication management systems. Benefits include flexibility, reliability, scalability, and security—allowing you to build enterprise-grade applications. The Unqork Designer Platform also provides out-of-the-box Marketplace assets, and access to the Community Q&A and other resources.



What Is a User?

A person with certain permissions to manage a feature or administration service.

Users in Unqork

Any person with permissions to edit and manage applications and administrative services in the Unqork Designer Platform.


User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

What Is User Acceptance Testing (UAT)?

A phase of software development in which the software is tested in the "real world" by the intended audience or business representative.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) in Unqork

Where both Unqork and the client can view the latest build. This non-production environment hosts test data only. Unqork hosts the UAT environment internally. UAT offers both a Designer and Express View interface.



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Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

What Is a Virtual Private Cloud?

A VPC (virtual private cloud) is a secure and isolated networking environment on a public cloud Data stored on internet services instead of your device's storage drive. that requires authorization to access.

Virtual Private Cloud in Unqork

Unqork uses AWS (Amazon Web Services) and Azure VPCs to host and manage customer environments. Unqork also uses VPCs to create secure connections to clients using AWS and Azure PrivateLink.


Vega Runtime

What is the Vega Runtime?

The Vega (v 2.0.0) runtime is the next-generation engine of the UDesigner platform. Vega uses cutting-edge technologies to improve the Creator and end-user experience. Vega is also an extensible foundation for capabilities planned in Unqork’s roadmap, accelerating the tools available to build best-in-class applications.

Vega in Unqork

In Unqork, Creators can build new modules in the Vega runtime, or change the runtime of existing modules to Vega. Enabling the Vega runtime lets Creators use Vega tables, Embedded UI, and the Operations Builder.



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What Is a Workflow?

A workflow automates business processes like data and document processing to reduce human error and improve productivity.

Workflow in Unqork

Unqork workflows streamline and organize business processes by separating complex logic across a series of modules. This achieves the same result as including everything in one module, but offers a smoother end-user experience. Plus, Unqork workflows let you see what step of the process your end-user has reached with just a glance.


Workflow Builder

What Is a Workflow Builder?

A Workflow Builder lets developers create and manage software workflows for their services.

Workflow Builder in Unqork

Unqork's Workflow Editor is based on the Business Process Model & Notation (BPMN) model. The Workflow Editor provides the interface to visually outline business processes and automate complex logic across modules. With the Workflow Editor, you can create and change workflows by adding, arranging, deleting, and connecting nodes.



What Is a Workspace?

An application that allows users to access, organize, and share files with other users.

Workspace in Unqork

The entry point to the Unqork Designer Platform where you can group and organize all your Unqork applications and application elements. You can also share modules and reference data across workspaces and applications.