Table Component

The Table component is a Centauri (1.0) component that organizes components into rows and columns for efficient readability. The Table component is similar to the  Columns component. But, the Columns component can only organize components in vertical groups. The Table component aligns components both vertically and horizontally.

You can use the Table component in the following ways:

  • Organize components into columns and rows.

  • Display components in a grid-like format.

You can find the Table component in the Display & Layout group to the left of the Module Builder.

To learn more about general component settings and those that display when a component is associated with Data Models, view our General Component Settings article.

A static image displaying the Table component's Display settings.



Set Number of Rows

Sets the number of rows in the table. By default, the Table component has three rows.

Set Number of Columns

Sets the number of columns in the table. By default, the Table component has three columns.

Display Bordered Cells

When set to  (ON), each cell in the table displays a gray border.

By default, this setting is (OFF).

Reduce Padding Between Rows

Padding sets the amount of space between the border of a table cell and its contents. When set to  (ON), the table's padding lessens, bringing rows are closer together.

By default, this setting is (OFF).

Display Alternating Colored Rows

When set to  (ON), table rows alternate between gray and white backgrounds.

By default, this setting is (OFF).

Highlight Row on Hover

When set to  (ON), individual rows highlight when you hover over them. Use this setting to display related components by row.

By default, this setting is (OFF).

Hide Field

When set to  (ON), the table and all components inside it are hidden from the end-user. Use this setting instead of hiding each component.

By default, this setting is (OFF).

In this example, you'll configure a Table component in a module and display a short survey about an end-user's experience with an application.

These instructions assume that you have an open module saved with a title.

Configure the Table Component

This component organizes the other components into columns and rows. That way, your survey displays in a grid-like format.

1. In the Module Builder, drag and drop a Table component onto your canvas.
2. In the Property ID field and Canvas Label Text fields, enter tableSurvey.
3. In the Set Number of Rows field, enter 2.
4. Set Display Bordered Cells to  (ON).
5. Set Display Alternating Colored Rows to  (ON).
6. Set Highlight Row on Hover to  (ON).

A static image displaying the Table component's Display settings.

7. Click Save Component.

Configure the HTML Element Components

Place the first HTML Element component above the tableSurveyTable component to provide the end-user with instructions about the survey. Then, configure two more HTML Element component inside the Table component to display text the end-user can either agree or disagree with.

Configure the First HTML Element Component

1. Drag and drop an  HTML Element component onto your canvas, placing it above the tableSurvey Table component.
2. In the Property ID field, enter htmlSurvey.
3. In the Content component field, enter Please rate your experience in using the application.
4. In the Tag field, enter h3.

A static image displaying the HTML Element's settings. The Tag and Content fields are highlighted and filled out.

5. Click Save Componente.

Configure the Second HTML Element Component

1. Drag and drop an  HTML Element component onto your canvas, placing it in the top-left cell of the tableSurvey Table component.
2. In the Property ID field, enter htmlEasy.
3. In the Content field, enter The application was easy to use.
4. Click Save Component.

Configure the Third HTML Element Component

1. Drag and drop an  HTML Element component onto your canvas, placing it in the bottom-left cell of the tableSurvey Table component.
2. In the Property ID field, enter htmlHelpful.
3. In the Content field, enter I found the documentation thorough and helpful.
4. Click Save Component.

After adding the Table and HTML Element components, your canvas looks like the following in the Module Builder:

A static image displaying the Module Editor's Canvas. The Table component and three HTML components help shape how the survey will look.

Configure the Radio Buttons Components

Configure two Radio Buttons components for the end-user to rate their experience. Apart from their Property IDs, all other settings are the same.

1. Drag and drop two Radio Buttons components onto your canvas, placing them in the top and bottom rows of the tableSurvey Table component's middle column.
2. Complete the Property ID and Label Text fields as follows:

Property ID

Label Text


Please select one:


Please select one:

3. Navigate to each component's Data settings.
4. In the Values table of each component, enter the following:




Strongly Agree












Strongly Disagree


A static image displaying one of the Radio buttons component's configuration window. The Values table is displayed and the Option Label and Value to Store fields are filled out.

5. Navigate to each component's Validation settings.
6. Set Required to  (ON).
7. Click Save Component for each component as you complete it.

Configure the Text Area Components

Lastly, configure two Text Area components to each cell in the far right column for the end-user to add comments. Apart from their Property IDs, all other settings are the same.

1. Drag and drop two Icon Text Area components onto your canvas, placing them in separate cells of the right-most tableSurvey Table component column.
2. Complete the Property ID and Label Text fields as follows:

Property ID

Label Text


Additional Comments


Additional Comments

3. Click Save Component for each component as you add it.
4. Save your module

Preview your module in Express View. Here's how your module displays:

A static image displaying the module in Express View. The Table component sorts the other components into an orderly list of rows and columns.