Authentication Types


Authentication types provide service authentication for securely connecting to external services from the Unqork Designer Platform. Service authentication manages the credentials for authentication and allows access to external APIs in your application.

Discover more service settings in our Services Administration article, or, learn how to add a service to the environment in our Administration Services - How to: Add a Service article.

Click on the tabs below to learn more about authentication for services, encryption, and FTP:

Authentication Service Type Settings

Creators can set up access to dozens of services using the Authentication Service Type. Refer to each service's API access documentation to see which authentication method they use, and what keys must be obtained to access.

Client Secrets, passwords, and other service information are encrypted and stored in the local database.

Using the menu below, select a service to discover its settings:


No Authentication

No Authentication provides support for SOAP Digital Signatures.

To learn how to set up SOAP Digital Signatures, view our Enabling Soap Digital Signatures article in the Doc Hub.
