Data Workflow Component


The Data Workflow component processes and manipulates data in your Unqork applications. The Data Workflow component has broader functionality than any other component in Unqork. It's an ETL Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) is the process of combining data from multiple sources into a single, centralized location. (Extract, Transform, Load) tool that lets you transform, manipulate, and move data.

Below are a few examples for using the Data Workflow component:

You'll find the Data Workflow component under the Data & Event Processing group to the left of the Module Builder.

About the Configuration Window

To learn more about general component settings and those that display when a component is associated with Data Models, view our General Component Settings article.

Display Panel

Field Text

A static image displaying the Data Workflow component's Display settings.

Setting Description

Canvas Label Text

Label Text conveys what the input component is and what information it displays. Enter the purpose of the corresponding component or field.

User-friendly labels make your module more accessible. Keep labels short and descriptive (a word or two) using title case. For longer entries, use sentence case.


Setting Description

Open Canvas

Opens the Data Workflow canvas.

Data Workflow Canvas

The Data Workflow canvas lets you add, arrange, and connect Data Workflow operators. Operators are the individual parts of your Data Workflow. They let you manipulate large and complex data structures from multiple sources, and you'll connect them to complete your operations.

A static image displaying the Data Workflow component's Canvas.

Operator List and Canvas Settings

The Data Workflow canvas contains a list of operators on the left side, and the canvas on the right. To add an operator, drag and drop it onto the canvas.




Lets you quickly search for an operator by name.

Frequently Used

A list of frequently-used operators in Unqork.


A list of Input/Output operators. These operators let you input data, create tables and values, and output data to components. They include the Input, Create Table, Output, and Console operators.

To learn more about the I/O operators, view our Introduction to Data Workflow I/O Operators article.


A list of Gateways operators. These operators let you introduce decision logic, control Data Workflow pathways, and merge and split branches. They include the Branch Split and Branch Merge, Decision, and Input Switch operators.

To learn more about the Gateways operators, view our Introduction to Data Workflow Gateways Operators article.


A list of Table operators. These operators let you append and merge tables, create a nested table, and output data as a string or an object. They include the Append, Create Field, Merge, Nest By, and Table2Object operators.

To learn more about the Table operators, view our Introduction to Data Workflow Table Operators article.


A list of Array operators. These operators let you retrieve data from a data set, add values to a data structure, and join an array of values. They include the Array2Col, Get, Join, and Set operators.

To learn more about the Array operators, view our Introduction to Data Workflow Array Operators article.


A list of Object operators. These operators let you remove null values, create a table into an object, and merge two objects into one. They include the Clean Object, Diff, Extend, and Has operators.

To learn more about the Array operators, view our Introduction to Data Workflow Object Operators article.


A list of Value/String operators. These operators let you convert Excel files into JSON, convert a JSON string to a JSON object, and find matching values in a table. They include the Convert Value, Formula, NLP, and Split String operators.

To learn more about the Value/String operators, view our Introduction to Data Workflow Value/String Operators article.

Enable Manual Layout

Set to (ON) to place operators anywhere on the canvas without them organizing by default.

By default, this toggle is set to (OFF).


A static image displaying the Data Workflow component's Canvas Inputs table.

Setting Description

Inputs Table

Displays every Property ID, Label, Requirement, and Source configured in the Data Workflow's Input operators. You can make changes to these values and they'll be reflected in the operator settings.



A static image displaying the Data Workflow component's Canvas Outputs.

Setting Description

Outputs Table

Displays every Property ID, Label, and Action configured in the Data Workflow's Output operators. You can make changes to these values and they'll be reflected in the operator settings.


Data Workflow Configuration

A static image displaying the Data Workflow component's Canvas.

Setting Description

Data Workflow Configuration Table

Displays every other operation in the Data Workflow, in the order than they fire. You can see each operator's Label and Opt 1-5.

Opt columns represent fields in each operator. For example, in the Clean Keys operator, Opt 1, Opt 2, and Opt 3 represent the Keys, Fill If, and Fill With fields, respectively.

Actions Panel


A static image displaying the Data Workflow component's Actions settings.



Trigger Type

A drop-down menu that lets you decide how to trigger your Data Workflow. The options include:

  • Manual: The component fires when triggered by another component, like a Button or Plug-In component.

  • Watch: The component fires after waiting for an action to occur by another part in the module. Actions include entering a new value or editing or overwriting a saved value.

By default, this drop-down is set to Manual.


Advanced Panel

Set Execution

A static image displaying the Data Workflow component's Advanced settings.



Debug Mode

Selecting this checkbox outputs the inputs and outputs from each operator. You can view every execution, operation, and data manipulation occurring in the Data Workflow. This setting lets you open the DevTools Console while in the Module Builder to troubleshoot, without having to preview the module in Express View.

If an issue occurs in your Data Workflow, select this checkbox and open the DevTools Console. You'll see detailed error messages identifying the issue and the operator where the issue occurred.

Disable Execution

If Disable Execution is set to  (ON), the logic tied to this component does not execute. Use this to keep the component's settings, but disable the operations it performs.

By default, this setting is set to .

Error Trigger

Enter the Property ID of a component to trigger if the Data Workflow fails.

Adding a Data Workflow Component

This article will help you set up a simple Data Workflow that does the following:

  • Brings data from a Data Table component into your Data Workflow, using the Input operator.

  • Turns the table data structure into an object, using the Table2Object operator.

  • Pulls out a single value from the object, using the Get operator.

  • Outputs the value to a Hidden component, using the Output operator.

You'll also include Console operators at each step so you can visualize what the Data Workflow component does.

These instructions assume that you have an open module saved with a title.

Configure the Data Table Component

First, you'll configure a Data Table component with two columns of field and value with a simple annual income value.

A static image displaying the Data Table component's configuration window. The data table list displays an annual income value.

1. In the Module Builder, drag and drop a Dropdown Component Icon Data Table component onto your canvas.
2. In the Property ID A Property ID is the unique field ID used by Unqork to track and link components in your module. and Canvas Label Text fields, enter dtData.
3. In the Inputs table, enter the following: 
  A B







4. Click Save Component.

Configure the Hidden Component

Configure a Hidden component to store the Data Workflow component's output.

1. Drag and drop a iconHidden component onto your canvas, placing it below your Dropdown Component Icon Data Table component.
2. In the Property ID A Property ID is the unique field ID used by Unqork to track and link components in your module. and Canvas Label Text fields, enter income .
3. Click Save Component.

Configure the Data Workflow Component

Next, you'll configure the Data Workflow component's settings and operators.

1. Drag and drop a Data Workflow Icon Data Workflow component onto your canvas, placing it above your iconHidden component.
2. In the Canvas Label Text and Property Name fields, enter dwfData.

Configure the Input Operator

You'll configure an Input operator to retrieve the Data Table component data and input it into the Data Workflow.

1. Drag and drop an Input operator onto your Data Workflow Icon Data Workflow canvas.
2. Configure the Input operator's Info window as follows:









A static image displaying the Data Workflow canvas, an Input Operator has been added to the Canvas.

Configure the Table2Object Operator

The Table2Object operator converts the table data structure into an object.

1. Drag and drop a Table2Object operator onto your Data Workflow Icon Data Workflow canvas.
2. Configure the Table2Object operator's Info window as follows:



Key Column Name


Value Column Name


3. Connect the output port (right) of the Input operator to the input port (left) of the Table2Object operator.

Configure the Get Operator

Use a Get operator to retrieve the incomeAnnual value from the object.

1. Drag and drop a Get operator onto your Data Workflow Icon Data Workflow canvas.
2. Configure the Get operator's Info window as follows:





3. Connect the output port (right) of the Table2Object operator to the input port (left) of the Get operator.

Configure the Output Operator

Next, let's output the incomeAnnual value to the income iconHidden component.

1. Drag and drop an Output operator onto your Data Workflow Icon Data Workflow canvas.
2. Configure the Output operator's Info window as follows:







3. Connect the output port (right) of the Get operator to the input port (left) of the Output operator.

Configure the Console Operators

Add three Console operators at the end of each step of your Data Workflow. Console operators let you view how your data is manipulated in the DevTools Console The DevTools Console helps you securely store, build, test, and deploy your software..

1. Drag and drop three Console operators onto your Data Workflow Icon Data Workflow canvas.
2. Complete the first Console operator's Info window as follows:






Before Table2Object

3. Connect the output port (right) of the Input operator to the input port (left) of the first Console operator.
4. Complete the second Console operator's Info window as follows:






After Table2Object

5. Connect the output port (right) of the Table2Object operator to the input port (left) of the second Console operator.
6. Complete the third Console operator's Info window as follows:






After Get

7. Connect the output port (right) of the Get operator to the input port (left) of the third Console operator.
8. Click Save Component.

Your completed Data Workflow looks like the following:

A static image displaying the completed Data Workflow configuration.

Configure the Button Component

Lastly, trigger the Data Workflow with a Button component.

1. Drag and drop a Button component Icon Button component onto your canvas, placing it below your iconHidden component.
2. In the Property ID A Property ID is the unique field ID used by Unqork to track and link components in your module. field, enter btnRunDWF.
3. In the Label Text Label Text conveys what the input component is and what information it displays. Enter the purpose of the corresponding component or field. field, enter Run DWF.
4. Navigate to the Actions settings.
5. From the Action Type The action performed by the button when selected. drop-down, select Event.
6. From the On Click field, enter or select dwfData .

A static image displaying the Button component's configuration, the Event Action type and Trigger On Click field are highlighted.

7. Click Save Component.
8. Save your module.

Preview your Data Workflow in Express View Express View is how your end-user views you application. Express View also lets you preview your applications to test your configuration and view the styling. This is also the view your end-users will see when interacting with your application. After configuring a module, click Preview in the Module Builder to interact with the module in Express View. and click Run DWF. Open the DevTools Console The DevTools Console helps you securely store, build, test, and deploy your software. to view each step of the Data Workflow's data manipulation. The Data Workflow converts the Data Table to an object, retrieves a single value, and sends the value to the incomeiconHidden component.

A static image displaying the data processes of the Data Workflow in the DevTools Console.


The Data Workflow component processes and manipulates data in your Unqork applications. The Data Workflow component has broader functionality than any other component in Unqork. It's an ETL Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) is the process of combining data from multiple sources into a single, centralized location. (Extract, Transform, Load) tool that lets you transform, manipulate, and move data.

Below are a few examples for using the Data Workflow component:

You'll find the Data Workflow component under the Data & Event Processing group to the left of the Module Builder.

About the Configuration Window

To learn more about general component settings and those that display when a component is associated with Data Models, view our General Component Settings article.

General Settings Panel

A static image displaying the Data Workflow component's configuration window General settings.



Canvas Label Text

A Data Workflow component's Canvas Label Text conveys what the component is and what information it displays. You can only see it in the Module Builder canvas.

User-friendly labels make your module more accessible. Keep labels short and descriptive (a word or two) using title case. For longer entries, use sentence case.

Property Name

A Property Name (Property ID A Property ID is the unique field ID used by Unqork to track and link components in your module.) is the unique field ID used by Unqork to track and link your module components.

The Property Name is how the software identifies your component. Using Property Names lets you link components, creating logic-based configurations and API APIs (application programming interfaces) are a set of protocols and definitions developers use to build and integrate application software. APIs act as the connective tissue between products and services. (application programming interface) calls.

Property Names should use camel case (stylized as camelCase) without spaces or punctuation.

Permissions Tab

Select this tab to see the RBAC RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) is a method to control system access for authorized users. The role in RBAC refers to the levels of access employees have to a network. settings of the component.

Learn About Using Data Workflow

This link takes you to the Introduction to Data Workflowarticle on the Documentation Hub.


Cancels any recent configuration changes and returns you to the Module Builder canvas.


Saves all settings as configured and returns you to the Module Builder canvas.

Data Workflow Canvas

The Data Workflow component also has its own canvas. You'll use this canvas to add, arrange, and connect Data Workflow operators. Operators are the individual parts of your Data Workflow. They let you manipulate large and complex data structures from multiple sources and you'll connect them to complete your operations.

In this section, you'll explore the Data Workflow operator categories to the left of the Data Workflow canvas.

A static image displaying the Data Workflow configuration window.




Lets you quickly search for an operator by name.

Frequently Used

A list of frequently-used operators in Unqork.


A list of Input/Output operators. These operators let you input data, create tables and values, and output data to components. They include the Input, Create Table, Output, and Console operators.

To learn more about the I/O operators, view our Introduction to Data Workflow I/O Operators article.


A list of Gateways operators. These operators let you introduce decision logic, control Data Workflow pathways, and merge and split branches. They include the Branch Split and Branch Merge, Decision, and Input Switch operators.

To learn more about the Gateways operators, view our Introduction to Data Workflow Gateways Operators article.


A list of Table operators. These operators let you append and merge tables, create a nested table, and output data as a string or an object. They include the Append, Create Field, Merge, Nest By, and Table2Object operators.

To learn more about the Table operators, view our Introduction to Data Workflow Table Operators article.


A list of Array operators. These operators let you retrieve data from a data set, add values to a data structure, and join an array of values. They include the Array2Col, Get, Join, and Set operators.

To learn more about the Array operators, view our Introduction to Data Workflow Array Operators article.


A list of Object operators. These operators let you remove null values, create a table into an object, and merge two objects into one. They include the Clean Object, Diff, Extend, and Has operators.

To learn more about the Array operators, view our Introduction to Data Workflow Object Operators article.


A list of Value/String operators. These operators let you convert Excel files into JSON, convert a JSON string to a JSON object, and find matching values in a table. They include the Convert Value, Formula, NLP, and Split String operators.

To learn more about the Value/String operators, view our Introduction to Data Workflow Value/String Operators article.

Enable Manual Layout

Lets you place operators anywhere on the canvas without them organizing by default. By default, this toggle is set to (OFF).

Show Table Settings

Now that we've explored the Data Workflow canvas, let's scroll down and explore the settings. Clicking the Show Table button displays the table representation of your Data Workflow. This table is helpful because placing one operator in front of another on the canvas does not always represent the triggering order. The Data Workflow Configuration table lists your operators in the order they fire. When you add, remove, or reorder operators on the Data Workflow canvas, it's represented in the table. However, if you reorder the table rows, it does not affect how your operators display on the canvas. But, you can reorder operators in the table to adjust the order of operations. For example, if one path leads to two outputs (one value and one trigger), the order in which they display in the table is the order they execute.

Below is a description of the various configuration tables that display after clicking Show Table.



Inputs Table

Displays every Property ID, Label, Requirement, and Source configured in the Data Workflow's Input operators. You can make changes to these values and they'll be reflected in the operator settings.

Outputs Table

Displays every Property ID, Label, and Action configured in the Data Workflow's Output operators. You can make changes to these values and they'll be reflected in the operator settings.

Data Workflow Configuration Table

Displays every other operation in the Data Workflow, in the order than they fire. You can see each operator's Label and Opt 1-5.

Opt columns represent fields in each operator. For example, in the Clean Keys operator, Opt 1, Opt 2, and Opt 3 represent the Keys, Fill If, and Fill With fields, respectively.

Additional Settings

Below the configuration windows, there are other actions you can configure in your Data Workflow component. These actions determine how your Data Workflow runs and collects data.



Trigger Type

A drop-down menu that lets you decide how to trigger your Data Workflow. The options include:

  • Manual: The component fires when triggered by another component (for example, a Button or Plug-In component).

  • Watch: The component fires after waiting for an action to occur by another part in the module. Actions include entering a new value or editing or overwriting a saved value.

By default, this drop-down is set to Manual.

Disable Execution

If Disable Execution is set to  (ON), the logic tied to this component does not execute. Use this to keep the component's settings, but disable the operations it performs.

By default, this setting is set to .


Selecting this checkbox outputs the inputs and outputs from each operator. You can view every execution, operation, and data manipulation occurring in the Data Workflow. This setting lets you open the DevTools Console while in the Module Builder to troubleshoot, without having to preview the module in Express View.

If an issue occurs in your Data Workflow, select this checkbox and open the DevTools Console. You'll see detailed error messages identifying the issue and the operator where the issue occurred.

Error Trigger

Enter the Property ID of a component to trigger if the Data Workflow fails.

Field Tags

Assign components one-word labels to help organize, identify, and group the components in your application.

Consider an example from the API Specification Snippet: Field Tags are applied to Hidden components in the panelRequest and panelResponse Panel components. The Field Tags identify the data type of parameters included in the API APIs (application programming interfaces) are a set of protocols and definitions developers use to build and integrate application software. APIs act as the connective tissue between products and services. request and response. The API Docs Dashboard tool populates with information about each parameter’s data type, identified by the Field Tag.

Field Tags act as a type of Property ID A Property ID is the unique field ID used by Unqork to track and link components in your module. group and let you group components for configuration purposes. Field Tags let you target two or more components using a simple logic component.

For example, add the Field Tag tagForDecision to multiple components in your module. Open the Inputs table of a Decisions component and reference the tagForDecision Field Tag as the input of the Decisions component. The output of the Decisions component then affects all components with the tagForDecision Field Tag.

Save your Field Tags by pressing Enter (Return) or adding a comma after each entry.


Add comments in your Data Workflow to help team member's understand its functionality.

Unit Testing

It's important to ensure all operators work as intended. So, you can run a test of your configuration before finalizing the Data Workflow component. Just enter the data you want to test in the Inputs table, and the results of the test display in the Outputs table. Console operators output to the DevTools Console when running a unit test. Doing so makes configuring more efficient and is a good way to catch logic errors early.

At the bottom of the Settings modal, click Open Unit Testing and click + Add Test to create a new test.



Close Unit Testing

Collapses the Unit Testing section. When collapsed, the button text changes to "Open Unit Testing." Clicking this button again expands the Unit Testing section.

Refresh Fields

Updates all Input fields to reflect changes on the canvas.

Run All Tests

Runs all added tests with the Input values entered.

Input Table

Use this table to enter the information you want to test. If you have multiple inputs and want to skip testing certain inputs, just leave the Value column blank.

If you set an input as required, then you must enter its value. Only non-required inputs can have a blank Value column.


Automatically populates all components in your Data Workflow synced with an Input operator.


Automatically populates the label of your connected Input component.


Enter example data in this column that you want to test.

If you enter a JSON value with a syntax error (such as a missing bracket), the cell turns yellow indicating an error scenario.


Select this checkbox when you enter a Value that's written in JSON. This can be an object, array, number, or Boolean (true/false) value.

Output Table

This table displays the results of your test.


Automatically populates all components listed in the Calculator's Outputs table.


Automatically populates with the label of your connected Output component.


Enter the outcome you expect from the test you're running. You can use this to compare the result you expected with the actual result side-by-side.

This column is optional. If you decide to leave it blank, the cell turns red when the unit test runs.


The result from the test you ran.


Select this checkbox when your result must display in JSON. This can be an array, string, or object.

Delete Test

Removes an existing test.


Makes a copy of an existing test.

Run Test

Runs the test with the Input values entered.

Adding a Data Workflow Component

This article will help you set up a simple Data Workflow that does the following:

  • Brings data from a Data Table component into your Data Workflow, using the Input operator.

  • Turns the table data structure into an object, using the Table2Object operator.

  • Pulls out a single value from the object, using the Get operator.

  • Outputs the value to a Hidden component, using the Output operator.

You'll also include Console operators at each step so you can visualize what the Data Workflow component does.

These instructions assume that you have an open module saved with a title.

Configure the Data Table Component

First, you'll configure a Data Table component with two columns of field and value with a simple annual income value.

1. In the Module Builder, drag and drop a Dropdown Component Icon Data Table component onto your canvas.

A static image displaying the Data Table component's configuration window. The data table list displays an annual income value.

2. In the Property ID A Property ID is the unique field ID used by Unqork to track and link components in your module. and Canvas Label Text fields, enter dtData.
3. To the left of the component's configuration window, select Data Icon Data.
4. In the data table, enter the following: 
  A B







As a best practice, enter column titles in lowercase, with no breaks or special characters.

5. Click Save & Close.

Configure the Hidden Component

Configure a Hidden component to store the Data Workflow component's output.

1. Drag and drop a iconHidden component onto your canvas, placing it below your Dropdown Component Icon Data Table component.
2. In the Property ID A Property ID is the unique field ID used by Unqork to track and link components in your module. and Canvas Label Text fields, enter income .
3. Click Save & Close.

Configure the Data Workflow Component

Next, you'll configure the Data Workflow component's settings and operators.

1. Drag and drop a Data Workflow Icon Data Workflow component onto your canvas, placing it above your iconHidden component.
2. In the Canvas Label Text and Property Name fields, enter dwfData.

Configure the Input Operator

The Input operator brings the data from the Data Table component into the Data Workflow.

1. Drag and drop an Input operator onto your Data Workflow Icon Data Workflow canvas.
2. Configure the Input operator's Info window as follows:









Configure the Table2Object Operator

Next, the Table2Object operator converts the table data structure into an object.

1. Drag and drop a Table2Object operator onto your Data Workflow Icon Data Workflow canvas.
2. Configure the Table2Object operator's Info window as follows:



Key Column Name


Value Column Name


3. Connect the output port (right) of the Input operator to the input port (left) of the Table2Object operator.

Configure the Get Operator

Now you'll use a Get operator to retrieve the incomeAnnual value from the object.

1. Drag and drop a Get operator onto your Data Workflow Icon Data Workflow canvas.
2. Configure the Get operator's Info window as follows:





3. Connect the output port (right) of the Table2Object operator to the input port (left) of the Get operator.

Configure the Output Operator

Next, let's output the incomeAnnual value to the income iconHidden component.

1. Drag and drop an Output operator onto your Data Workflow Icon Data Workflow canvas.
2. Configure the Output operator's Info window as follows:







3. Connect the output port (right) of the Get operator to the input port (left) of the Output operator.

Configure the Console Operators

Add three Console operators at the end of each step of your Data Workflow. Console operators let you view how your data is manipulated in the DevTools Console The DevTools Console helps you securely store, build, test, and deploy your software..

1. Drag and drop three Console operators onto your Data Workflow Icon Data Workflow canvas.
2. Complete the first Console operator's Info window as follows:






Before Table2Object

3. Connect the output port (right) of the Input operator to the input port (left) of the first Console operator.
4. Complete the second Console operator's Info window as follows:






After Table2Object

5. Connect the output port (right) of the Table2Object operator to the input port (left) of the second Console operator.
6. Complete the third Console operator's Info window as follows:






After Get

7. Connect the output port (right) of the Get operator to the input port (left) of the third Console operator.
8. Click Save.

Your completed Data Workflow looks like the following:

A static image displaying the completed Data Workflow configuration.

Configure the Button Component

Lastly, trigger the Data Workflow suing a Button component.

1. Drag and drop a Button component Icon Button component onto your canvas, placing it below your iconHidden component.
2. In the Property ID A Property ID is the unique field ID used by Unqork to track and link components in your module. field, enter btnRunDWF.
3. In the Label Text Label Text conveys what the input component is and what information it displays. Enter the purpose of the corresponding component or field. field, enter Run DWF.
4. To the left of the component's configuration, select Actions.
5. Select Event as the Action Type The action performed by the button when selected..
6. From the On Click field, enter or select dwfData .

A static image displaying the Button component's configuration, the Event Action type and Trigger On Click field are highlighted.

7. Click Save & Close.
8. Save your module.

Preview your Data Workflow in Express View Express View is how your end-user views you application. Express View also lets you preview your applications to test your configuration and view the styling. This is also the view your end-users will see when interacting with your application. After configuring a module, click Preview in the Module Builder to interact with the module in Express View. and click Run DWF. Opening the DevTools Console The DevTools Console helps you securely store, build, test, and deploy your software., you can see each step of the Data Workflow's data manipulation. The Data Workflow converts the Data Table to an object, retrieve a single value, and sends the value to the Hidden component.

A static image displaying the data processes of the Data Workflow in the DevTools Console.
