Radio Buttons Component



The Radio Buttons component creates a list of mutually exclusive options for end-users End-users, also known as Express Users, are the individuals accessing an application through Express View. In most cases, end-users are the customers using the product.. Use the Radio Buttons component when you have a list with five or fewer options, and the end-user can only select one of the options.

Here are some examples of when to use a Radio Buttons component:

  • Ask a yes or no question.

  • Select an age or salary range.

  • Create a multiple-choice quiz.

  • Choose from a product selection.

The Radio Buttons component is located in the Primary Fields group to the left of the Module Builder.

About the Configuration Window

To learn more about general component settings and those that display when a component is associated with Data Models, view our General Component Settings article.

Display Panel

Field Text

A static image displaying the Radio Buttons component's Display settings.



Label Text

Label Text conveys what the input component is and what information it displays. Enter the purpose of the corresponding component or field.

User-friendly labels make your module more accessible. Keep labels short and descriptive (a word or two) using title case. For longer entries, use sentence case.

Contextual Help




A short hint that displays when an end-user positions their cursor over the Questionmark Icon (Tooltip) icon. Tooltips can display across more than one line.

Default State Options



Read Only View

When set to (ON), the component is display-only. If another component pushes content to the field, the end-user sees that content. Otherwise, end-users see the word None.

By default, the Read Only View toggle is set to (OFF).

Disable User Input

When set to (ON), end-users cannot interact with or edit the Express View's input field or element. When end-users hover over the field, their cursor changes to alert them to the status change.

By default, the Disable User Input toggle is set to (OFF).

Hide Field

Shows or hides the component from view. Setting the Hide Field toggle to (ON) hides the component in Express View. Setting the toggle to (OFF) shows the component. The component is always visible in the Module Builder.

By default, the Hide Field toggle is set to (OFF).




Horizontal Layout

By default, the component's options display vertically, one below the other. When set to (ON), the component's options display horizontally, side-by-side.

By default, Horizontal Layout is set to (OFF).

Show as Button Group

When set to (ON), Radio Buttons options display as buttons instead of a list of dots. To use this setting, you must have an existing button group style within your environment.

By default, the Show as Button Group toggle is set to (OFF).

Data Panel

Data Storage

A static image displaying the Radio Button's Data settings.



Store Data in Database

The Store Data in Database setting affects how data persists through your application. When set to  (ON), Unqork stores values entered into the field to the database (server-side submission). This occurs in three scenarios:

  • Navigating between Panels in a Navigation component. On navigation between pages (Panels), the component’s value saves to the database.

  • Triggering a module save event using a Button component with an Action Type of Save.

  • Navigating between screens of a workflow. On navigation between screens, the component’s value saves to the database.

By default, workflows persist data from all fields in the client-side submission when navigating between screens. However, only values from fields with Store Data in Database enabled store in the server-side submission.

Set the toggle to when you don’t want to store the values from this field in the database.

When using a Plug-In to remote execute a module, ensure data moving between modules is persistent. You can optionally enable Store Data in Database for components in the source module. But any components in the API module whose values are included in an API response must have Store Data in Database enabled. When a component’s data is not persistent, the data isn't included in an API call's response. So, Plug-Ins or external services requesting data from the API module can't receive non-persistent data in the response. To learn more about Store Data in Database in the context of API modules, see the panelResponse Panel section of the API Specification Snippet article in our In-Product Help.

Store Data in Database also affects what data is tracked using Unqork’s built-in tracker. When the Enable Tracker and Track Value toggles are set to  (ON) in Module Settings, only values from fields with Store Data in Database enabled are tracked.

Data Source Type

There are two methods that you can use to populate a Radio Buttons component: Values or a Data Reference Key.


Values are the simplest way to populate a Radio Buttons component. Click the Edit button top open the Values table. In this table, enter each Radio Button option and its associated value.



Option Label

Each option needs an end-user End-users, also known as Express Users, are the individuals accessing an application through Express View. In most cases, end-users are the customers using the product.-facing label describing the choice that it represents. Enter your Option Labels using this column.

After you create an option, another row displays for you to create the next option.

Value to Store in Submission Data

Each option needs an associated value to store in the submission data. Enter the values to store in submission data using this column.

By default, the value is a camelCase A naming convention for computer programming. Use camelCase for Property IDs, for example: newUser, lastName, & rdoButton. version of the Option Label.

Data Reference Key

With a Data Reference Key, you can use data from another component to populate your Radio Buttons component. You'll most often achieve this function with a Data Table component. Add your data to this component and then reference it in your Radio Buttons component's configuration menu.

Think of this as a hybrid of using Values and Data Collection to populate your Radio Buttons. You still use data stored in Unqork, but it's data from your module instead of a Data Collection.



Data Reference Key

Enter the Property ID  of the component whose data you're referencing.

Value Property

If a data set includes a column for values, enter the column's name here.

If not specified, the application uses the data drawn using the Label Path setting below.

Label Path

This field refers to the option labels to retrieve. If you're retrieving data from a Data Table component, enter the column header in this field.

Actions Panel


A static image displaying the Radio Button's Actions settings.




To set up a trigger, enter the Property ID A Property ID is the unique field ID used by Unqork to track and link components in your module. of your chosen logic component into this field. When the end-user performs an action on the current component, the triggered component fires.

Validation Panel

User Input

A static image displaying the Radio Button's Validation settings.




When set to (ON), the end user must enter a value in the component's visible fields. Set the toggle to (OFF) when an entry is optional.

By default, the Required toggle is set to (OFF).

Required Error Message

A custom error message that displays below a required field. The error message displays when the end-user tries to save or submit the module without completing the required field.

Advanced Panel

Additional Validation Options

A static image displaying the Radio Button's Advanced settings.



Require Unique Submission Data

When set to (ON), the end-user cannot select an option that displays in an existing database submission.

By default, the Require Unique Submission Data toggle is set to (OFF).

Additional Styling



Custom CSS Class

Enter a Custom CSS Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for presenting how a HTML or XML document looks to end-users. Class to apply to your component. Custom CSS lets you maintain a consistent look and feel when the field or element is part of a template or multiple modules.

Updated CSS styling applies to all components that reference this custom class name.

Adding a Radio Buttons Component

Add a Radio Buttons component to collect your end-user End-users, also known as Express Users, are the individuals accessing an application through Express View. In most cases, end-users are the customers using the product.'s age. You'll present five age ranges, allowing for a single selection by the end-user.

1. In the Module Builder, drag and drop a Radio Buttons icon Radio Buttons component onto your canvas.
2. In the Property ID A Property ID is the unique field ID used by Unqork to track and link components in your module. field, enter ageRange.
3. In the Label Text Label Text conveys what the input component is and what information it displays. Enter the purpose of the corresponding component or field. field, enter How old are you?.
4. Navigate to the component's Data settings.
5. Next to the Values table, click Edit. The Values panel displays.
6. Underneath the Values table, click New five times.
7. In the Option Label and Option Value fields, enter the following:

Option Label

Option Value


0-15 years old



16-20 years old



21-30 years old



31-45 years old



45+ years old


8. Click Save Component.
9. Save your module.

Once implemented, your Radio Buttons component looks like the following in Express View Express View is how your end-user views you application. Express View also lets you preview your applications to test your configuration and view the styling. This is also the view your end-users will see when interacting with your application. After configuring a module, click Preview in the Module Builder to interact with the module in Express View.:

Structure of a Radio Buttons Component's Data

The Radio Buttons component's data stores in a key/value format. In the above example, the ageRange Radio Buttons icon Radio Buttons component stores the 16-20YearsOld value.

A static image displaying the Radio Buttons component's data structure as seen in Developer Console view.





The Radio Buttons component creates a list of mutually exclusive options for end-users End-users, also known as Express Users, are the individuals accessing an application through Express View. In most cases, end-users are the customers using the product.. Use the Radio Buttons component when you have a list with five or fewer options, and the end-user can only select one of the options.

Here are some real-world examples of when to use a Radio Buttons component:

  • Ask a Yes or No question.

  • Select an age or salary range.

  • Create a multiple-choice quiz.

  • Choose from a product selection.

The Radio Buttons component is located in the Primary Fields group to the left of the Module Builder.

About the Configuration Window

To learn more about general component settings and those that display when a component is associated with Data Models, view our General Component Settings article.

Display Panel

A static image dispaying the Radio Buttons component's Display settings.

Field Text



Label Text

Label Text conveys what the input component is and what information it displays. Enter the purpose of the corresponding component or field.

User-friendly labels make your module more accessible. Keep labels short and descriptive (a word or two) using title case. For longer entries, use sentence case.

Default State Options



Read Only View

When set to (ON), the component is display-only. If another component pushes content to the field, the end-user sees that content. Otherwise, end-users see the word None.

By default, the Read Only View toggle is set to (OFF).

Disable User Input

When set to (ON), end-users cannot interact with or edit the Express View's input field or element. When end-users hover over the field, their cursor changes to alert them to the status change.

By default, the Disable User Input toggle is set to (OFF).

Hide Field

Shows or hides the component from view. Setting the Hide Field toggle to (ON) hides the component in Express View. Setting the toggle to (OFF) shows the component. The component is always visible in the Module Builder.

By default, the Hide Field toggle is set to (OFF).

Contextual Help




A short hint that displays when an end-user positions their cursor over the Questionmark Icon (Tooltip) icon. Tooltips can display across more than one line.




Horizontal Layout

By default, the component's options display vertically, one below the other. When set to (ON), the component's options display horizontally, side-by-side.

By default, Horizontal Layout is set to (OFF).

Show as Button Group

When set to (ON), Radio Buttons options display as buttons instead of a list of dots. To use this setting, you must have an existing button group style within your environment.

By default, the Show as Button Group toggle is set to (OFF).

Data Panel

A static image dispaying the Radio Buttons component's Data settings.

Data Source Type

There are two methods that you can use to populate a Radio Buttons component: Values or a Data Reference Key.


Values are the simplest way to populate a Radio Buttons component. In this table, enter each Radio Button option and its associated value.



Option Label

Each option needs an end-user End-users, also known as Express Users, are the individuals accessing an application through Express View. In most cases, end-users are the customers using the product.-facing label describing the choice that it represents. Enter your Option Labels using this column.

After you create an option, another row displays for you to create the next option.

Value to Store in Submission Data

Each option needs an associated value to store in the submission data. Enter the values to store in submission data using this column.

By default, the value is a camelCase A naming convention for computer programming. Use camelCase for Property IDs, for example: newUser, lastName, & rdoButton. version of the Option Label.

Data Reference Key

With a Data Reference Key, you can use data from another component to populate your Radio Buttons component. You'll most often achieve this function with a Data Table component. Add your data to this component and then reference it in your Radio Buttons component's configuration menu.

Think of this as a hybrid of using Values and Data Collection to populate your Radio Buttons. You still use data stored in Unqork, but it's data from your module instead of a Data Collection.



Data Reference Key

Enter the Property ID  of the component whose data you're referencing.

Value Property

If a data set includes a column for values, enter the column's name here.

If not specified, the application uses the data drawn using the Label Path setting below.

Label Path

This field refers to the option labels to retrieve. If you're retrieving data from a Data Table component, enter the column header in this field.

Data Storage



Store Data in Database

The Store Data in Database setting affects how data persists through your application. When set to  (ON), Unqork stores values entered into the field to the database (server-side submission). This occurs in three scenarios:

  • Navigating between Panels in a Navigation component. On navigation between pages (Panels), the component’s value saves to the database.

  • Triggering a module save event using a Button component with an Action Type of Save.

  • Navigating between screens of a workflow. On navigation between screens, the component’s value saves to the database.

By default, workflows persist data from all fields in the client-side submission when navigating between screens. However, only values from fields with Store Data in Database enabled store in the server-side submission.

Set the toggle to when you don’t want to store the values from this field in the database.

When using a Plug-In to remote execute a module, ensure data moving between modules is persistent. You can optionally enable Store Data in Database for components in the source module. But any components in the API module whose values are included in an API response must have Store Data in Database enabled. When a component’s data is not persistent, the data isn't included in an API call's response. So, Plug-Ins or external services requesting data from the API module can't receive non-persistent data in the response. To learn more about Store Data in Database in the context of API modules, see the panelResponse Panel section of the API Specification Snippet article in our In-Product Help.

Store Data in Database also affects what data is tracked using Unqork’s built-in tracker. When the Enable Tracker and Track Value toggles are set to  (ON) in Module Settings, only values from fields with Store Data in Database enabled are tracked.

Actions Panel

A static image dispaying the Radio Buttons component's Actions settings.





To set up a trigger, enter the Property ID A Property ID is the unique field ID used by Unqork to track and link components in your module. of your chosen logic component into this field. When the end-user performs an action on the current component, the triggered component fires.

Validation Panel

A static image dispaying the Radio Buttons component's Validation settings.

User Input




When set to (ON), the end user must enter a value in the component's visible fields. Set the toggle to (OFF) when an entry is optional.

By default, the Required toggle is set to (OFF).

Required Error Message

A custom error message that displays below a required field. The error message displays when the end-user tries to save or submit the module without completing the required field.

Advanced Panel

A static image dispaying the Radio Buttons component's Advanced settings.

Additional Validation Options



Require Unique Submission Data

When set to (ON), the end-user cannot select an option that displays in an existing database submission.

By default, the Require Unique Submission Data toggle is set to (OFF).

Additional Styling



Custom CSS Class

Enter a Custom CSS Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for presenting how a HTML or XML document looks to end-users. Class to apply to your component. Custom CSS lets you maintain a consistent look and feel when the field or element is part of a template or multiple modules.

Updated CSS styling applies to all components that reference this custom class name.

Adding a Radio Buttons Component

Add a Radio Buttons component to collect your end-user End-users, also known as Express Users, are the individuals accessing an application through Express View. In most cases, end-users are the customers using the product.'s age. You'll present five age ranges, allowing for a single selection by the end-user.

1. In the Module Builder, drag and drop a Radio Buttons icon Radio Buttons component onto your canvas.
2. In the Property ID A Property ID is the unique field ID used by Unqork to track and link components in your module. field, enter ageRange.
3. In the Label Text Label Text conveys what the input component is and what information it displays. Enter the purpose of the corresponding component or field. field, enter How old are you?.
4. In the component's configuration menu, select Data Icon Data.
5. In the Option Label and Value to Store in Submission Data fields, enter the following:

Option Label

Value to Store in Submission Data


0-15 years old



16-20 years old



21-30 years old



31-45 years old



45+ years old


A static image displaying the Radio Buttons component's data settings. The Values table is filled out with age ranges and their corresponding values.

6. Click Save & Close.
7. Save your module.

Once implemented, your Radio Buttons component looks like the following in Express View Express View is how your end-user views you application. Express View also lets you preview your applications to test your configuration and view the styling. This is also the view your end-users will see when interacting with your application. After configuring a module, click Preview in the Module Builder to interact with the module in Express View.:

Structure of a Radio Buttons Component's Data

The data structure of a Radio Button's selection is a key value pair. The key is the Property ID name of the component, and the value is stored as a string.

A static image displaying the Radio Buttons component's data structure as seen in Developer Console view.
