Logic Components: Input & Output Types


Unqork logic components let you input data from other components and output it to another. Components that let you perform these actions are the Decisions and Initializer components. Each component includes an Input and Output table to select other components in your module to retrieve or send information.

These tables also let you select the type of input and output process you want to run. For example, hiding a component based on a Boolean value of true or false. Below is an extensive list of all Input and Output Types available in Unqork’s logic components.

Input Types

The following Input Types are only available in the Decisions component:

Input Type Description


Used where the name contains a phrase. This Input Type works well on strings. An example is a button-click that carries dynamic prefixes or suffixes.


With this Input Type, your logic component watches for an exact value. Use this when you have a finite number of responses. Typical components used with this Input Type include Radio Buttons, Dropdowns, or a Text Field recording Social Security numbers.


Used where the input includes a range of numeric values, like 1 to 15 or 3% to 40%. Typical examples include ages, coverage amounts, and so on.

Output Types

The following Output Types are available for Decisions and Initializer components, as well as the Data Workflow Output operator:

Output Type Description


Clears any values in the output component. Enter yes in the Value column.


Lets you update any of the settings in an Advanced Datagrid component.


Sets the value inside a HTML Element component.

This output is only supported by the HTML Element component.


Sets the currency when the output is a Number component.


Changes the CSS Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for presenting how a HTML or XML document looks to end-users. class of an element. Enter the desired CSS class in the Value column.


Sets the component as disabled and read-only. Or, it can activate a disabled and read-only component. Enter either yes (disabled and read-only) or no (active) in the Value column.

When using the Disabled Output Type in logic components, if the no value is given, it will default to "no".


Sets the duration for a Timer component.


Triggers the specified panel to refresh its existing content with the provided component definitions (component JSON JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is an open standard file and data interchange format. Unqork uses JSON for submission (record) data.). The specified Panel component must have Dynamic Refresh enabled.


This setting is similar to Disabled but is specific to Grid components.


Sets a front-end component visible or hidden, with possible values of yes or no.


Changes the label on a field. For example, the same question can be worded differently depending on the state your end-user End-users, also known as Express Users, are the individuals accessing an application through Express View. In most cases, end-users are the customers using the product. is in. Use this feature to alter the phrasing depending on their state selection.


Sets the highest value your end-user can enter into a field. If your end-user enters an amount that exceeds the maximum value, an error displays.


An error message displays under the output field. For example, let's say an applicant must be 18 years or older for their application to be successful. Using an age-related error message, you can set the message to say, Must be 18 years or older to apply.


Sets the highest value your end-user can enter into a field. If your end-user enters an amount that's lower than the minimum value, an error displays.


Use this Output Type for asynchronous data configuration decisions.


Configures a navigation move for a Navigation component.


The selected URL opens and displays in the same tab. The page uses an HREF to a URL in the same tab. This output accepts only URLs or paths as its value.


The selected URL opens and displays in a new tab. The page uses an HREF with Target=blank. This output accepts only URLs or paths as its value.


Defines the component's regular expression. This setting is useful for Text Field components.


Creates a pop-up error message. Enter the content of your message in the Value column.


Creates a pop-up containing a message. Enter the content of your message in the Value column.


Applies a prefix to the output component. Enter the prefix in the Value column.


Sets a component as read-only or sets a read-only component as read/write. Enter either yes (read-only) or no (active) in the Value column.


Sets the output component as required or not required. Enter either yes (required) or no (not required) in the Value column.


Combines the Required and Visible operations, setting both at the same time. Enter either yes (required and visible) or no (not required and hidden) in the Value column.


Resets the component to default settings (before end-user interaction). Enter yes in the Value column. This output resets a component's Disabled, Editable, Hidden, and Required settings to their original values.


Defines options available in a Dropdown and Multi-Select Dropdown component. This is similar to how to use the componentReferenceKey Outputr Type.


This setting is specific to the Number component and lets you set up steppers and a number range.


Applies a suffix to the output component. Enter the suffix in the Value column.


Changes the title of a Panel.


Triggers components, such as Decisions and Plug-In components. Enter GO in the Value column to trigger the selected component.


Tells the output component to validate the data entered into it.


Takes the value entered in the Value column and pushes it to the output component.


Sets the component as visible or hidden in Express View.