Vega Table Component


The Vega Table component is a powerful tool that lets you gather, organize, and display data in your application. Using the Vega Table component, you can retrieve data and customize how it displays. You can also use Vega Table operations that give end-users End-users, also known as Express Users, are the individuals accessing an application through Express View. In most cases, end-users are the customers using the product. the ability to dynamically modify the way they see your data.

To use the Vega Table component, enable the Vega runtime The Vega (v 2.0.0) runtime is the next-generation engine of the UDesigner platform. Vega uses cutting-edge technologies to improve the Creator and end-user experience. in your module. To learn more about enabling Vega, see the Adding a Vega Table Component section of this article.

Like the Panel or Field Group components, the Vega Table component acts as a grouping or storage component for fields (other components) configured inside it. Instead of creating self-contained pages or sections, the Vega Table uses the component fields to create table headers.

You can add the following supported components to the Vega Table component:

Common ways you can use the Vega Table component include: 

  • Collecting, editing, and displaying data from different sources on a single screen, such as a dashboard.

  • Displaying dynamic data that end-users can manipulate using Vega Table Operations.

  • Applying logic (rules, calculations, procedural operations, and so on) to multiple data records simultaneously.

To learn more about Vega Table operations, view our Vega Table Operations reference guide.

You can find the Vega Table component under the Display & Layout group to the left of the Module Builder.

About the Configuration Window

To learn more about general component settings and those that display when a component is associated with Data Models, view our General Component Settings article.

Display Panel

Field Text

Image displaying the Vega Table component's Display Panel Settings.



Label Text

Label Text conveys what the input component is and what information it displays. Enter the purpose of the corresponding component or field.

User-friendly labels make your module more accessible. Keep labels short and descriptive (a word or two) using title case. For longer entries, use sentence case.

View Type

Displays Grid as a Spreadsheet or Form. The View Type affects how component fields and their settings display in your table.

The Spreadsheet view is recommended because its functionality is more robust. The Form view is scheduled for sunsetting and will not be supported.

Table Tools



Show Tool Bar

Set to (ON) to display table options to end-users, including:

  • Filter Table: Search and filter all fields in the table by entering a value. Fields that don't match the search value are hidden.

  • Filter Individual Column: Display a search bar below each column header. Enter a value to search and filter all fields in the column. Fields that don't match the search value are hidden.

By default, this setting is Off in Express View.

  • Hide Column(s): Click to open a menu displaying a checkbox next to each column header. Uncheck one or more headers to hide them from view.

  • Condense Row Spacing: Click to add or remove space above and below values displaying in each row. Spacing can be condensed or expanded up to three times before resetting.

  • Full Screen: Click to expand the table to the full size of the browser window.

In Express View, full-screen tables might be partially hidden by the Preview Bar. Remove or hide the preview bar to see the top portion of the table.

By default, this setting is (OFF) in Express View.

Show Column Actions

Set to (ON) to display column actions. Settings include:

In the list below, headerValue is replaced by column's header name.

  • Clear Sort: This action is available after applying a Sort By action. Click this action to remove any column sorting.

  • Sort by headerValue ascending: Click to sort the column alphabetically or numerically by the smallest, first, or earliest letter or numerical value.

  • Sort by headerValue descending: Click to sort the column alphabetically or numerically by the largest, or last letter or numerical value.

  • Clear Filter: This action is available after applying a Filter By action. Click this action to remove any column filtering.

  • Filter by headerValue: Display a search bar below each column header. Enter a value to search and filter all fields in the column. Fields that don't match the search value are hidden. Same effect as the Filter Individual Column setting.

  • Hide headerValue column: Hides the column from view. Same effect as the Hide Column(s) setting.

By default, this setting is (OFF)

Show Pagination

When set to (ON), displays the page sequence numbers at the bottom of the table. By default, paginated tables display 20 rows. End-users can change the amount displayed to 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, or 100 rows.

By default, this setting is (ON).

Enable Server-Side Pagination

When set to (ON), this setting enables server side pagination on the Vega Table component. Server-Side Pagination works with large data sets by retrieving a single page or subset of data at a time.

This setting improves the end-user's performance and reduces memory usage when using large data sets with the Vega Table component.

Reset Page Index

When set to (ON), the Vega Table component resets to the first page when a filter or sort operation is applied, or the page size changes. Additionally, when the Show Tool Bar setting is set to (ON), The Reset Page Index setting applies to the Tool Bar in Express View.

Data Panel

Data Storage

Image displaying the Vega Table component's Data Panel Settings.



Store Data in Database

The Store Data in Database setting affects how data persists through your application. When set to  (ON), Unqork stores values entered into the field to the database (server-side submission). This occurs in three scenarios:

  • Navigating between Panels in a Navigation component. On navigation between pages (Panels), the component’s value saves to the database.

  • Triggering a module save event using a Button component with an Action Type of Save.

  • Navigating between screens of a workflow. On navigation between screens, the component’s value saves to the database.

By default, workflows persist data from all fields in the client-side submission when navigating between screens. However, only values from fields with Store Data in Database enabled store in the server-side submission.

Set the toggle to (OFF) when you don’t want to store the values from this field in the database.

When using a Plug-In to remote execute a module, ensure data moving between modules is persistent. You can optionally enable Store Data in Database for components in the source module. But any components in the API module whose values are included in an API response must have Store Data in Database enabled. When a component’s data is not persistent, the data isn't included in an API call's response. So, Plug-Ins or external services requesting data from the API module can't receive non-persistent data in the response.

Store Data in Database also affects what data is tracked using Unqork’s built-in tracker. When the Enable Tracker and Track Value toggles are set to  (ON) in Module Settings, only values from fields with Store Data in Database enabled are tracked.

Initial Values & Data Mapping

Initial Values



Initial Values Table

After adding components to the Vega Table component, the Initial Values table displays the fields as column headers. You can then enter and/or edit table values in each cell. You can also output values from other components, like a Plug-In component, to existing Vega Table fields. 

New Row

Add a new row to all Table column fields.

Rows that contain no data in any column field do not display in Express View.

Add Row on Initialization

Adds one blank row if the Table contains no data entries on initialization. If the Table contains data entries, the row won't be added.

Nested Data Structure



Nested Data Structure Table

This setting is still in development, but will allow you to easily create nested data in your table. Stay tuned for new developments and enhancements for this feature.

New Row

Add a new row to all Table column fields.

Rows that contain no data in any column field do not display in Express View.

Add Row on Initialization

Adds one blank row if the Table contains no data entries on initialization. If the Table contains data entries, the row won't be added.




Aggregation Table

This setting is still in development, but will allow you to easily create nested data in your table. Stay tuned for new developments and enhancements for this feature.

New Row

Add a new row to all Table column fields.

Rows that contain no data in any column field do not display in Express View.

Actions Panel

Events and Operations

Image displaying the Vega Table component's Action Panel Settings.

Setting Description


Opens the Operations Builder tool.

Discover how to use events and operations in our Operations Builder article.


Setting Description


Opens the Triggers Table.

Triggers Table

The Triggers table contains a list of When events, and the component property ID the When event triggers.


Select an action that, when it takes place, triggers another component selected using the Then... setting. Actions include:

  • Row Is Added

  • Row Is Deleted

  • Row Is Saved

  • Row Is Edited


When the action selected in the When... setting occurs, the component entered in this field triggers.

New Row

Add a new row to the table.

Keyboard Navigation

Setting Description

Navigate Down on Enter Keypress

When set to (ON), focus moves to the next row in the column after pressing Enter. Provides similar functionality to a spreadsheet tool.

When (OFF), the focus remains on the same cell when pressing Enter.

By default, this setting is (OFF).

Advanced Panel

Additional Styling

A static image displaying the Columns Component's Advanced settings.



Custom CSS Class

Enter a Custom CSS Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for presenting how a HTML or XML document looks to end-users. Class to apply to your component. Custom CSS lets you maintain a consistent look and feel when the field or element is part of a template or multiple modules.

Updated CSS styling applies to all components that reference this custom class name.

Adding a Vega Table Component

In this example, use the Vega Table component to display a Market Summary spreadsheet for vehicle insurance. The Vega Table will include the insurance carrier, type, premium amount in USD, and the market status. Then add sorting and filter Vega Table operations that allow end-users End-users, also known as Express Users, are the individuals accessing an application through Express View. In most cases, end-users are the customers using the product. to modify the grid view.

What You Need

Before starting this configuration, you'll need the following:

Configure the Text Field Components

Begin by adding the fields you want in the Vega Table component. For this example, add Text Field components to act as the Vega Table component's fields.

1. Drag and drop four  Text Field components onto your canvas.
2. In the Property ID A Property ID is the unique field ID used by Unqork to track and link components in your module. and Label Text Label Text conveys what the input component is and what information it displays. Enter the purpose of the corresponding component or field. fields, enter the following:

Property ID

Label Text









3. Click Save Component for each component as you add it.

Configure the Vega Table Component

Next, add your Vega Table component to use your Text Field components as table columns.

1. Drag and drop a Vega Table component onto your canvas, placing it above your  Text Field components.
2. In the Property ID A Property ID is the unique field ID used by Unqork to track and link components in your module. field, enter tableInsurance.
3. In the Label Text Label Text conveys what the input component is and what information it displays. Enter the purpose of the corresponding component or field. field, enter Market Summary.
4. Click Save Component.
5. Drag and drop the carrier, type, premium, and status Text Field components inside the tableInsurance Vega Table component.
6. Hover over the tableInsuranceVega Table component and click the (Settings) button from the component toolbar.
7. Navigate to the Data settings, next to Intial Values & Data Mapping, click Edit.
8. In the Initial Values table, enter the following values:


Carrier (carrier)

Type (type)

Premium (premium)

Status (status)


Unqork Auto



Not Taken Up


State Farm








Not Taken Up


American Family










Unqork Auto













Not Taken Up


State Farm



Not Taken Up


American Family




9. Click Save Component.

Configure the colFilter Columns Component

Add a Columns component to organize the Vega Table operations that filter specific columns and cells in your table.

1. Drag and drop a Columns Component Icon Columns component onto your canvas, placing it above your tableInsurance Vega Table component.
2. In the Property ID A Property ID is the unique field ID used by Unqork to track and link components in your module. field, enter colFilter.
3. Under Formatting, click Three Columns Icon (three columns).
4. Click Save Component.

Configure the btnFilterGlobal Button Component

Add a button that uses the Operations Builder to filter the table by the Unqork Auto insurance carrier.

1. Drag and drop a Button component Icon Button component onto your canvas, placing it in the far-left column of the colFilterColumns Component Icon Columns  component.
2. In the Property ID A Property ID is the unique field ID used by Unqork to track and link components in your module. field, enter btnFilterGlobal.
3. In the Label Text Label Text conveys what the input component is and what information it displays. Enter the purpose of the corresponding component or field. field, enter Global Filter By Unqork Auto.
4. Navigate to the Actions settings.
5. To the right of Events & Operations, click Edit.

The Events & Operations menu displays.

6. From the Add Event drop-down, enter or select On Click.
7. Click Add.
8. From the Operation Type* drop-down, enter or select TABLE_SET_GLOBAL_FILTER.
9. Click + Add Operation.
10. In the Target Key field, enter tableInsurance.
11. In the Filter* field, enter Unqork Auto.

A static image displaying the Button component's Events & Operations builder.

12. Click Save.

The operation displays in the Events & Operation list.

13. In the component's configuration menu, set the Action Type The action performed by the button when selected. drop-down to Event.
14. Click Save Component.

Configure the btnFilterSubmitted Button Component

Add another button that uses the Operations Builder to filter the table by the Status column. Clicking the button filters the table to only display statuses containing the value Submitted.

1. Drag and drop a Button component Icon Button component onto your canvas, placing it in the far-right column of the colFilter Columns Component Icon Columns component.
2. In the Property ID A Property ID is the unique field ID used by Unqork to track and link components in your module. field, enter btnFilterSubmitted.
3. In the Label Text Label Text conveys what the input component is and what information it displays. Enter the purpose of the corresponding component or field. field, enter Filter By Submitted.
4. Navigate to the Actions settings.
5. To the right of Events & Operations, click Edit.

The Events & Operations menu displays.

6. From the Add Event drop-down, enter or select On Click.
7. Click Add.
8. From the Operation Type* drop-down, enter or select TABLE_SET_COLUMN_FILTER.
9. Click + Add Operation.
10. In the Target Key field, enter tableInsurance.
11. Under Filters, click Add.
12. In the Id field, enter status.
13. In the Value field, enter Submitted.

A static image displaying the Button component's Events & Operations builder.

14. Click Save.

The operation displays in the Events & Operation list.

15. In the component's configuration menu, set the Action Type The action performed by the button when selected. drop-down to Event.
16. Click Save Component.

Configure the colAddRow Columns Component

Let's add one more Columns component to organize the Vega Table operation that lets you add a new row to the bottom of the table.

1. Drag and drop a Columns Component Icon Columns component onto your canvas, placing it below your tableInsurance Vega Table component.
2. In the Property ID A Property ID is the unique field ID used by Unqork to track and link components in your module. field, enter colAddRow.
3. Click Save Component.

Configure the btnAddRow Button Component

Lastly, you'll add a Button component that uses the Operations Builder to add a new row to the bottom of the table. Allowing end-users to add additional entries to the table.

1. Drag and drop a Button component Icon Button component onto your canvas, placing it in the left column of the colAddRow Columns Component Icon Columns component and above your initAddRow Radio Button component icon Initializer component.
2. In the Property ID A Property ID is the unique field ID used by Unqork to track and link components in your module. field, enter btnAddRow.
3. In the Label Text Label Text conveys what the input component is and what information it displays. Enter the purpose of the corresponding component or field. field, enter Add Row.
4. Navigate to the Actions settings.
5. To the right of Events & Operations, click Edit.

The Events & Operations menu displays.

6. From the Add Event drop-down, enter or select On Click.
7. Click Add.
8. From the Operation Type* drop-down, enter or select ADD ROW.
9. Click + Add Operation.
10. In the Target Key field, enter tableInsurance.

A static image displaying the Button component's Events & Operations builder.

11. Click Save.

The operation displays in the Events & Operation list.

12. In the component's configuration menu, set the Action Type The action performed by the button when selected. drop-down to Event.
13. Click Save Component.
14. Save your module.

Here's how the completed module looks in the Module Builder:

Image displaying the completed example in the Module Builder.

Preview your module in Express View Express View is how your end-user views your application. Express View also lets you preview your applications to test your configuration and view the styling. This is also the view your end-users will see when interacting with your application. After configuring a module, click Preview in the Module Builder to interact with the module in Express View. to test out your Vega Table operations.


The Vega Table component is a powerful tool that lets you gather, organize, and display data in your application. Using the Vega Table component, you can retrieve data and customize how it displays. You can also use Vega Table operations that give end-users End-users, also known as Express Users, are the individuals accessing an application through Express View. In most cases, end-users are the customers using the product. the ability to dynamically modify the way they see your data.

To use the Vega Table component, you must enable Vega in your module. To learn more about enabling Vega, see the Adding a Vega Table Component section of this article.

Like the Panel or Field Group components, the Vega Table component acts as a grouping or storage component for fields (other components) configured inside it. Instead of creating self-contained pages or sections, the Vega Table uses the component fields to create table headers. You can add any Unqork component to your Vega Table, but each component behaves differently depending on the view settings of your Vega Table component.

Common ways you can use the Vega Table component include: 

  • Collecting, editing, and displaying data from different sources on a single screen, such as a dashboard.

  • Displaying dynamic data that end-users can manipulate using Vega Table Operations.

  • Applying logic (rules, calculations, procedural operations, and so on) to multiple data records simultaneously.

To learn more about Vega Table operations, view our Vega Table Operations reference guide.

You can find the Vega Table component under the Display & Layout group to the left of the Module Builder.

What You'll Learn

After completing this article, you’ll know when to use a Vega Table component, how to configure its settings and operations, and how to use it in an Unqork application.

About the Configuration Window

To learn more about general component settings and those that display when a component is associated with Data Models, view our General Component Settings article.

Display Panel

Image displaying the Vega Table component's Display Panel Settings.

Label and View Mode



Label Text

Label Text conveys what the input component is and what information it displays. Enter the purpose of the corresponding component or field.

User-friendly labels make your module more accessible. Keep labels short and descriptive (a word or two) using title case. For longer entries, use sentence case.

View Type

Displays Grid as a Spreadsheet or Form.

The View Type affects how component fields and their settings display in your table.

Data Panel

Image displaying the Vega Table component's Data Panel Settings.

Initial Values

After adding components to the Vega Table component, the Initial Values table displays the fields as column headers. You can then enter and/or edit table values in each cell. You can also output values from other components, like a Plug-In component, to existing Vega Table fields. To customize the table columns or rows, use the Table Column and Table Row Settings.

The Initial Values table does not display unless components have been added to the table in Designer View.



Table Column Settings

Hover over the column header and select the  (ellipsis) to open the Table Column Settings drop-down menu.

From the column settings drop-down menu, select one of the following options:

  • Copy column

  • Cut column

  • Paste column

  • Clear Data

  • Delete column

Image showing the ellipsis that opens the Table Column Settings drop-down menu.

Table Row Settings

Hover over the column header and select the  (ellipsis) to open the Table Column Settings drop-down menu.

From the row settings drop-down menu, select one of the following options:

  • Copy row

  • Cut row

  • Paste row

  • Insert row above

  • Insert row below

  • Clear Data 

  • Delete column

Image showing the ellipsis that opens the Table Row Settings drop-down menu.

(Add New Row)

Add a new row to all Table column fields.

Rows that contain no data in any column field do not display in Express View.

Store Data in Database

The Store Data in Database setting affects how data persists through your application. When set to  (ON), Unqork stores values entered into the field to the database (server-side submission). This occurs in three scenarios:

  • Navigating between Panels in a Navigation component. On navigation between pages (Panels), the component’s value saves to the database.

  • Triggering a module save event using a Button component with an Action Type of Save.

  • Navigating between screens of a workflow. On navigation between screens, the component’s value saves to the database.

By default, workflows persist data from all fields in the client-side submission when navigating between screens. However, only values from fields with Store Data in Database enabled store in the server-side submission.

Set the toggle to (OFF) when you don’t want to store the values from this field in the database.

When using a Plug-In to remote execute a module, ensure data moving between modules is persistent. You can optionally enable Store Data in Database for components in the source module. But any components in the API module whose values are included in an API response must have Store Data in Database enabled. When a component’s data is not persistent, the data isn't included in an API call's response. So, Plug-Ins or external services requesting data from the API module can't receive non-persistent data in the response.

Store Data in Database also affects what data is tracked using Unqork’s built-in tracker. When the Enable Tracker and Track Value toggles are set to  (ON) in Module Settings, only values from fields with Store Data in Database enabled are tracked.

Add Row on Initialization

Adds one blank row if the Table contains no data entries on initialization. If the Table contains data entries, the row won't be added.

By default, this setting is (OFF).

Data Mapping Panel

Image displaying the Vega Table component's Data Mapping Panel Settings.

Nested Data Structure



Nested Data Structure Table

This setting is still in development, but will allow you to easily create nested data in your table. Stay tuned for new developments and enhancements for this feature.

New Row

Add a new row to all Table column fields.

Rows that contain no data in any column field do not display in Express View.

Hide Grouped Columns

In Express View, hides columns that have been grouped.

By default, this setting is (OFF).




Aggregation Table

This setting is still in development, but will allow you to easily create nested data in your table. Stay tuned for new developments and enhancements for this feature.

New Row

Add a new row to all Table column fields.

Rows that contain no data in any column field do not display in Express View.

Actions Panel

Image displaying the Vega Table component's Action Panel Settings.


Setting Description


Select an action that, when it takes place, triggers another component selected using the Then... setting. Actions include:

  • Row Is Added

  • Row Is Deleted

  • Row Is Saved

  • Row Is Edited


When the action selected in the When... setting occurs, the component entered in this field triggers.

Keyboard Navigation

Image displaying the Vega Table component's Keyboard Navigation Panel Settings.

Keyboard Navigation

Setting Description

Navigate Down on Enter Keypress

When set to (ON), focus moves to the next row in the column after pressing Enter. Provides similar functionality to a spreadsheet tool.

When (OFF), the focus remains on the same cell when pressing Enter.

By default, this setting is (OFF).

Table Tools

Image displaying the Vega Table component's Table Tools Panel Settings.

Table Tools



Show Tool Bar

Set to (ON) to display table options to end-users, including:

  • Filter Table: Search and filter all fields in the table by entering a value. Fields that don't match the search value are hidden.

  • Filter Individual Column: Display a search bar below each column header. Enter a value to search and filter all fields in the column. Fields that don't match the search value are hidden.

By default, this setting is Off in Express View.

  • Hide Column(s): Click to open a menu displaying a checkbox next to each column header. Uncheck one or more headers to hide them from view.

  • Condense Row Spacing: Click to add or remove space above and below values displaying in each row. Spacing can be condensed or expanded up to three times before resetting.

  • Full Screen: Click to expand the table to the full size of the browser window.

In Express View, full-screen tables might be partially hidden by the Preview Bar. Remove or hide the preview bar to see the top portion of the table.

By default, this setting is (OFF) in Express View.

Show Column Actions

Set to (ON) to display column actions. Settings include:

In the list below, headerValue is replaced by column's header name.

  • Clear Sort: This action is available after applying a Sort By action. Click this action to remove any column sorting.

  • Sort by headerValue ascending: Click to sort the column alphabetically or numerically by the smallest, first, or earliest letter or numerical value.

  • Sort by headerValue descending: Click to sort the column alphabetically or numerically by the largest, or last letter or numerical value.

  • Clear Filter: This action is available after applying a Filter By action. Click this action to remove any column filtering.

  • Filter by headerValue: Display a search bar below each column header. Enter a value to search and filter all fields in the column. Fields that don't match the search value are hidden. Same effect as the Filter Individual Column setting.

  • Hide headerValue column: Hides the column from view. Same effect as the Hide Column(s) setting.

By default, this setting is (OFF)

Show Pagination

When set to (ON), displays the page sequence numbers at the bottom of the table. By default, paginated tables display 20 rows. End-users can change the amount displayed to 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, or 100 rows.

By default, this setting is (ON).

Enable Server-Side Pagination

When set to (ON), this setting enables server side pagination on the Vega Table component. Server-Side Pagination works with large data sets by retrieving a single page or subset of data at a time.

This setting improves the end-user's performance and reduces memory usage when using large data sets with the Vega Table component.

Reset Page Index

When set to (ON), the Vega Table component resets to the first page when a filter or sort operation is applied, or the page size changes. Additionally, when the Show Tool Bar setting is set to (ON), The Reset Page Index setting applies to the Tool Bar in Express View.

Advanced Panel

Image displaying the Grid component's Advanced Panel Settings.

Additional Styling



Custom CSS Class

Enter a Custom CSS Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for presenting how a HTML or XML document looks to end-users. Class to apply to your component. Custom CSS lets you maintain a consistent look and feel when the field or element is part of a template or multiple modules.

Updated CSS styling applies to all components that reference this custom class name.

Adding a Vega Table Component

In this example, use the Vega Table component to display a Market Summary spreadsheet for vehicle insurance. The Vega Table will include the insurance carrier, type, premium amount in USD, and the market status. Then add sorting and filter Vega Table operations that allow end-users End-users, also known as Express Users, are the individuals accessing an application through Express View. In most cases, end-users are the customers using the product. to modify the grid view.

What You Need

Before starting this configuration, you'll need the following:

Accessing Vega

Currently, the Vega Table component is only available in the Vega runtime engine. To use the Vega runtime in your module:

1. Open your workspace.
2. Select your application.
3. Open your application module.
4. At the top of the Module Builder, select the version drop-down. By default, it's set to Runtime v1.0.0 Open Dropmenu icon.
5. From the version drop-down, select Runtime v2.0.0 Open Dropmenu icon.

Configure the Text Field Components

Begin by adding the fields you want in the Vega Table component. For this example, add Text Field components to act as the Vega Table component's fields.

1. Drag and drop four  Text Field components onto your canvas.
2. In the Property ID A Property ID is the unique field ID used by Unqork to track and link components in your module. and Label Text Label Text conveys what the input component is and what information it displays. Enter the purpose of the corresponding component or field. fields, enter the following:

Property ID

Label Text









3. Click Save & Close for each component as you add it.

Configure the Vega Table Component

Next, add your Vega Table component to use your Text Field components as table columns.

1. Drag and drop a Vega Table component onto your canvas, placing it above your  Text Field components.
2. In the Property ID A Property ID is the unique field ID used by Unqork to track and link components in your module. field, enter tableInsurance.
3. In the Label Text Label Text conveys what the input component is and what information it displays. Enter the purpose of the corresponding component or field. field, enter Market Summary.
4. Click Save & Close.
5. Drag and drop the carrier, type, premium, and status Text Field components inside the tableInsurance Vega Table component.

6. Hover over the tableInsurance Vega Table component and click the (Settings) button from the component toolbar.
7. Navigate to the Data settings, next to Intial Values & Data Mapping, click Edit.
8. In the Initial Values table, enter the following values:


Carrier (carrier)

Type (type)

Premium (premium)

Status (status)


Unqork Auto



Not Taken Up


State Farm








Not Taken Up


American Family










Unqork Auto













Not Taken Up


State Farm



Not Taken Up


American Family




9. Click Save & Close.

Configure the colFilter Columns Component

Add a Columns component to organize the Vega Table operations that filter specific columns and cells in your table.

1. Drag and drop a Columns Component Icon Columns component onto your canvas, placing it above your tableInsurance Vega Table component.
2. In the Property ID A Property ID is the unique field ID used by Unqork to track and link components in your module. field, enter colFilter.
3. Under Formatting, click Three Columns Icon (three columns).
4. Click Save & Close.

Configure the btnFilterGlobal Button Component

Add a button that uses the Operations Builder to filter the table by the Unqork Auto insurance carrier.

1. Drag and drop a Button component Icon Button component onto your canvas, placing it in the far-left column of the colFilter Columns Component Icon Columns component.
2. In the Property ID A Property ID is the unique field ID used by Unqork to track and link components in your module. field, enter btnFilterGlobal.
3. In the Label Text Label Text conveys what the input component is and what information it displays. Enter the purpose of the corresponding component or field. field, enter Global Filter By Unqork Auto.
4. In the component's configuration menu, select Actions Icon Actions.
5. Set the Action Type The action performed by the button when selected. drop-down to Event.
6. Click Save & Close.
7. Hover over the Button component Icon Button component.

A 6-button toolbar displays above the component on hover-over.

8. Click the (Operations Builder) button. The Operations Buildermodal A modal is a window that appears on top of the content you are currently viewing. displays.
9. In the Select an Event  | ▾ field, enter or select the On Click event.
10. Click Add. The New Operation configuration menu displays.

A static image displaying the Operations Builder Configuration Menu

11. From the Operation Type* drop-down, enter or select TABLE_SET_GLOBAL_FILTER.
12. Click + Add Operation.
13. In the Target Key field, enter tableInsurance.
14. In the Filter* field, enter Unqork Auto.

A static image displaying the Button component's Events & Operations builder.

15. Click Save Operation.

The operation displays in the Events & Operation list.

16. Click Save & Close.

Configure the btnFilterSubmitted Button Component

Add another button that uses the Operations Builder to filter the table by the Status column. Clicking the button filters the table to only display statuses containing the value Submitted.

1. Drag and drop a Button component Icon Button component onto your canvas, placing it in the far-right column of the colFilter Columns Component Icon Columns component.
2. In the Property ID A Property ID is the unique field ID used by Unqork to track and link components in your module. field, enter btnFilterSubmitted.
3. In the Label Text Label Text conveys what the input component is and what information it displays. Enter the purpose of the corresponding component or field. field, enter Filter By Submitted.
4. In the component's configuration menu, select Actions Icon Actions.
5. Set the Action Type The action performed by the button when selected. drop-down to Event.
6. Click Save & Close.
7. Hover over the Button component Icon Button component.

A 6-button toolbar displays above the component on hover-over.

8. Click the (Operations Builder) button. The Operations Buildermodal A modal is a window that appears on top of the content you are currently viewing. displays.
9. In the Select an Event  | ▾ field, enter or select the On Click event.
10. Click Add. The New Operation configuration menu displays.

A static image displaying the Operations Builder Configuration Menu

11. From the Operation Type* drop-down, enter or select TABLE_SET_COLUMN_FILTER.
12. Click + Add Operation.
13. In the Target Key field, enter tableInsurance.
14. Under Filters*, in the Id field, enter status.
15. In the Value field, enter "Submitted".

A static image displaying the Button component's Events & Operations builder.

16. Click Save Operation.

The operation displays in the Events & Operation list.

17. Click Save & Close.

Configure the colAddRow Columns Component

Let's add one more Columns component to organize the Vega Table operation that lets you add a new row to the bottom of the table.

1. Drag and drop a Columns Component Icon Columns component onto your canvas, placing it below your tableInsurance Vega Table component.
2. In the Property ID A Property ID is the unique field ID used by Unqork to track and link components in your module. field, enter colAddRow.
3. Click Save & Close.

Configure the btnAddRow Button Component

Lastly, you'll add a Button component to trigger the initAddRowRadio Button component icon Initializer component.

1. Drag and drop a Button component Icon Button component onto your canvas, placing it in the left column of the colAddRow Columns Component Icon Columns component and above your initAddRow Radio Button component icon Initializer component.
2. In the Property ID A Property ID is the unique field ID used by Unqork to track and link components in your module. field, enter btnAddRow.
3. In the Label Text Label Text conveys what the input component is and what information it displays. Enter the purpose of the corresponding component or field. field, enter Add Row.
4. In the component's configuration menu, select Actions Icon Actions.
5. Set the Action Type The action performed by the button when selected. drop-down to Event.
6. Click Save & Close.
7. Hover over the Button component Icon Button component.

A 6-button toolbar displays above the component on hover-over.

8. Click the (Operations Builder) button. The Operations Buildermodal A modal is a window that appears on top of the content you are currently viewing. displays.
9. In the Select an Event  | ▾ field, enter or select the On Click event.
10. Click Add. The New Operation configuration menu displays.

A static image displaying the Operations Builder Configuration Menu

11. From the Operation Type* drop-down, enter or select ADD ROW.
12. Click + Add Operation.
13. In the Target Key field, enter tableInsurance.

A static image displaying the Button component's Events & Operations builder.

14. Click Save Operation.

The operation displays in the Events & Operation list.

15. Click Save & Close.
16. Save your module.

Here's how the completed module looks in the Module Builder:

Image displaying the completed example in the Module Builder.

Preview your module in Express View Express View is how your end-user views your application. Express View also lets you preview your applications to test your configuration and view the styling. This is also the view your end-users will see when interacting with your application. After configuring a module, click Preview in the Module Builder to interact with the module in Express View. to test out your Vega Table operations.

