API Specification Snippet


The API Specification snippet helps you create standardized API (application programming interface) modules. The API Specification snippet acts as an outline for your API module. The snippet ensures you are building API modules following Unqork best practices.

Setting up your API modules using the API Specification snippet also populates the API Docs Dashboard in your environment. The API Docs Dashboard is a part of the Unqork Development Life Cycle Toolkit. It lists all API modules in your current environment. The dashboard also contains documentation for each API module. This includes a description and the request and response parameters.

Here's how the dashboard looks when you created various API modules using the API Specification snippet:

Because you only use this snippet in server-side modules, there's nothing to see in Express View. Here's how the snippet looks in the Module Builder:

What You'll Learn

In this article, you'll learn:

How the Snippet Works

The API Specification snippet includes various Panel and Hidden components. On their own, they have no function. But, once you add and configure components, the module becomes an API module.

There are a couple of steps to making an API module:

1. Create a module tag of api. This is how the API Docs Dashboard tool knows this is an API module.
2. Open the Module Settings and set the Server Side Execution Only setting to ON.

Now you can configure the contents of each Panel component for your specific function. Each Panel in the snippet serves a different purpose. Below is a brief description of each of the snippet's Panel components.

panelInfo Panel

This Panel component is for the description of your API module. This information displays in the API Docs Dashboard to identify the API module's purpose.

Use the HTML Element component to write a brief description of your API module. For example, if your API module calls a weather API, you can enter: This module connects to a weather API to retrieve the current weather for a given zip code and country.

This Panel component also includes a Hidden component called method. Use this Hidden component to enter the module's specific HTTP method. By default, the component has the Default Value of GET/PUT/POST/DELETE. Edit this value for the method that applies to your API module. For example, if your API module gets weather reports, set the Default Value to GET.

panelRequest Panel

This Panel component is where you define your request parameters. By default, the Panel contains a single Hidden component for a request parameter. Add and configure one Hidden component for each request parameter needed. If the API call doesn't have any request parameters, you can leave this Panel empty.

Configure each Hidden component according to these best practices:

Setting Description and Configuration

Property ID

Enter the name of the parameter as a camel-case string.


If the parameter is required, set the Required toggle to ON.

Store Data in Database

This setting determines whether the parameter is included in the response. Ensure the Store Data in Database toggle is set to OFF. Doing so avoids request parameters from being returned.

Field Tags

Set the data type for the parameter. The component comes preset with all available tags. Delete all tags that you don't want to apply.

The available tags are:

  • type:string: If the data type is an alphanumeric string.

  • type:number: If the data type is an integer or a float point number.

  • type:boolean: If the data type is Boolean (true or false).

  • type:array-string: If the data structure is an array containing a string data type.

  • type:array-boolean: If the data structure is an array containing a Boolean (true or false) data type.

  • type:array-number: If the data structure is an array containing an integer or a float point number data type.

  • type:object: If the data structure is an object.

  • type:ObjectId: If the data is a MongoDB unique identifier.

    NOTE  The type:array Field Tag is the same as the type:array-string Field Tag.


In the Notes section, enter a parameter description. Make sure to click the Note's Save button after you enter the description.

Below shows how these settings translate to the API Docs Dashboard:

panelConfig Panel

This Panel component is where you add the API configuration logic. This includes a Plug-In, Initializer, and any other components you need to complete your API configuration. Nothing in this panel is persistent, so each component's Store Data in Database toggle is set to OFF.

By default, this Panel comes with a preset Decisions component to configure HTTP response codes. This component lets you manually set up the response codes you want produced by the API call. This configuration is especially helpful to alert you when a call fails.

TIP  To learn more about HTTP Output response codes, visit our HTTP Status Codes article.

panelResponse Panel

This Panel component is where you define the response parameters. By default, the Panel contains a single Hidden component for a response parameter. Add and configure one Hidden component for each response parameter needed. If the API call doesn't have any response parameters, you can leave this Panel empty.

Configure each Hidden component according to these best practices:

Setting Description and Configuration

Property ID

Enter the name of the parameter as a camel-case string.


Setting the Required toggle to ON ensures the parameter is present in the response.

Store Data in Database

This setting determines whether the parameter is included in the response. Ensure the Store Data in Database toggle is set to ON so the parameter is included in the response.

Field Tags

Set the data type for the parameter. The component comes preset with all available tags. Delete all tags that you don't want to apply.

The available tags are:

  • type:string: If the data type is an alphanumeric string.

  • type:number: If the data type is an integer or a float point number.

  • type:boolean: If the data type is Boolean (true or false).

  • type:array-string: If the data structure is an array containing a string data type.

  • type:array-boolean: If the data structure is an array containing a Boolean (true or false) data type.

  • type:array-number: If the data structure is an array containing an integer or a float point number data type.

  • type:object: If the data structure is an object.

  • type:ObjectId: If the data is a MongoDB unique identifier.

    NOTE  The type:array Field Tag is the same as the type:array-string Field Tag.


In the Notes section, enter a parameter description. Make sure to click the Note's Save button after you enter the description.

Below shows how these settings translate to the API Docs Dashboard:

Setting Up the Snippet

The API Specification snippet is essentially an outline to create your own API modules. Because it's an outline, there is plenty of room for customization.

For this example, you'll create an API module that uses the Create Submission API call. This example requires you to add one request and two response parameters.

Setting Up the Module

First, navigate to the application that you want to house this new module.

To create this module in your app:

1. Click the + Create New button in the top-right corner of the page.
2. In the Module Name field, enter Create Submission (API).
3. From the Tags drop-down, select api.

4. Click Create.

Enabling the Server Side Execution Only Setting

Before you add the API Specification snippet, you need to make this a server-side module.

To enable the Server Side Execution Only setting:

1. Hover over the left menu bar and click Settings.
2. Set the Server Side Execution Only toggle to ON.

3. Click Save Settings.
4. Hover over the left menu bar and click Edit Module.

Adding the Snippet

1. In the left sidebar of Module Builder, click the Snippets button.
2. In the search bar, enter API Specification.
3. Drag and drop the API Specification snippet onto your canvas.
4. Hover over each of the panelInfo, panelRequest, panelConfig, and panelResponse Panel components.

A 5-button toolbar displays above the component on hover-over.

5. Click and drag the (Move) button, dropping each Panel outside the panelAPITemplate Panel component. Doing so improves module performance.
6. Hover over the panelAPITemplate Panel component.
7. Using the toolbar, click the (Remove) button.

Configuring panelInfo Panel

Use this Panel component to add a basic description and method for your API module.

Updating the HTML Element Component

1. In the panelInfo Panel component, hover over the HTML Element component.
2. Using the toolbar, click the (Settings) button.
3. In the Content field, enter This module creates a schema module submission with the information  in the request.
4. Click Save.

Updating the Hidden Component

In this component, enter the HTTP method this API module simulates. Your options are GET, PUT, POST, or DELETE.

1. In the panelInfo Panel component, hover over the method Hidden component.
2. Using the toolbar, click the (Settings) button.
3. In the Default Value field, enter POST.
4. Click Save.

Configuring panelRequest Panel

Use this Panel component to enter information about the request parameters. Remember, each parameter needs its own Hidden component. For this example, you need to configure a name parameter.

Updating the Hidden Component

1. In the panelInfo Panel component, hover over the requestParameter Hidden component.
2. Using the toolbar, click the (Settings) button.
3. In the Property ID and Canvas Label Text fields, enter name.
4. In the Field Tags field, delete all tags except type:string.
5. Click the Notes tab.
6. In the Notes field, enter The name of the submission holder.
7. Under the Notes field, click Save.
8. Click Save.

Configuring panelConfig Panel

This Panel component is where you add the API's logic. You can also update the Panel's Decisions component to configure a successful or failed response code.

Configuring the Initializer Component

1. Drag and drop an Initializer component into panelConfig.
2. In the Property ID and Canvas Label Text fields, enter initCreateSubmission.
3. Set the Trigger Type as New Submission.
4. In the Outputs table, enter the following:
Property ID Type Value




5. Click Save.

Configuring the Plug-In Component

1. Drag and drop a Plug-In component into panelConfig.
2. In the Property ID and Canvas Label Text fields, enter pluginCreateSubmission.
3. From the Internal Services drop-down, select Create Module Submission(s).
4. From the Module drop-down, select a module of your choice. For this example, a schema module with first name and last name fields.
5. In the Inputs table, enter the following:

Property ID




6. In the Outputs table, enter the following:

Property ID









7. Click Save.

Configuring panelResponse Panel

This Panel is where you'll enter your information about the API's response parameters. Remember, each parameter needs its own Hidden component. For this example, add two response parameters.

Updating the Hidden Component

1. In the panelInfo Panel component, hover over the requestParameter Hidden component.
2. Using the toolbar, click the (Settings) button.
3. In the Property ID and Canvas Label Text fields, enter submissionId.
4. In the Field Tags field, delete all tags except type:ObjectID.
5. Set the Store Data in Database toggle to ON.
6. Click the Notes tab.
7. In the Notes field, enter This is the submission ID of the submission that has been created.
8. Under the Notes field, click Save.
9. Click Save.

Configuring the Hidden Component

1. Drag and drop a Hidden component, placing it in the panelResponse Panel component.
2. In the Property ID and Canvas Label Text fields, enter submission.
3. In the Field Tags field, enter type:object.
4. Set the Store Data in Database toggle to ON.
5. Click the Notes tab.
6. In the Notes field, enter This is the data object of the submission that has been created.
7. Under the Notes field, click Save.
8. Click Save.
9. Save your module.

After configuring your API Specification snippet, your Module Builder looks like this:

Viewing your API Module with the API Docs Dashboard Tool

To view your API module using the API Docs Dashboard tool, you need to access the Unqork Development Life Cycle Toolkit.

To access the API Docs Dashboard tool:

1. At the top right of the Unqork Designer Platform, click the Settings drop-down.
2. Click UDLC Toolkit.
3. In the E-mail Address field, enter your Unqork email.
4. In the Password field, enter your Unqork password.

NOTE  You must have Designer Administrator access to use the Life Cycle tools.

5. Click Login.

Under the Plan and Design section, locate the API Docs tool, then click Use This Tool to the right of the tool's name.

TIP  You can also access this tool using the Unqork Development Life Cycle Toolkit Chrome extension. For more information on how to access the Unqork Development Life Cycle Toolkit, search Unqork Development Life Cycle Toolkit in our In-Product Help.

From there, you can search for your API module. Once found, click the View button to see the documentation. Here's the documentation for the Create Submission API module:
