Bulk Data Operations
Unqork's Bulk Data Operations (BDO) APIs make it easy for you to move your submission data in and out of the Unqork Designer Platform. The BDO API consists of the Export and Import endpoints. The Export endpoint lets you send submission data to Amazon S3 or Azure Blob object storage services, or as a file to download. The Import endpoint lets you upload submission data into the Unqork Designer Platform.
Features are being adding on a regular basis. Return to this page regularly to see what's new.
Bulk Data Operation: Get Job Details
Use the Unqork API to import submission data into your record collections.
Bulk Data Operation: Import
Use the Unqork API to import submission data into your record collections.
Bulk Data Operation: Export
Export all or some of your submission data into a file for download. Or, send it to an Amazon S3 or Azure Blob object storage service.
Bulk Data Operation: Update
Use the Unqork API to update submission data in your record collections.
Bulk Data Operation: Delete
Use the Unqork API to delete submission data from your record collections.
Bulk Operation: Create Upload-Link
Use the Unqork API to create an upload link that can be used with the BDO Import operation.
Bulk Operation: Create Download-Link
Use the Unqork API to create a download link for used with the BDO Export operation.