Module Builder: Component Library

Components are the building blocks of your modules. Drag and drop them onto your Module Builder canvas to create fields, customize layouts, or perform logic.

To learn more about specific configuration use cases, see the How-to Guides: Component Library section of our How-to Guides.

Primary Fields

These components let you create end-user functions, like entering text, making radio button choices, or selecting options from a drop-down. They include the Date Input, Multi-Select Dropdown, Radio Buttons, and Text Field components.

Secondary Fields

These components are another type that let end-users make selections. They include the Address Search, Button, Email, Phone Number, and Protected Field components.

Display & Layout

These components help you organize, structure, and create module dashboards. They include the Columns, HTML Element, Panel, and ViewGrid components.

Grid Systems

These Grid components exist in the Data & Layout component section of the Module Builder. But do to their power to create intricate grids in Unqork, it's important to highlight them. They include the Dynamic Grid, Freeform Grid, and Uniform Grid components.

Data & Event Processing

These components work on the back-end of your module to perform logic and send and receive information using API calls. They include the Calculator, Data Table, Decisions, Initializer, and Plug-In components.

Charts & Graphs

These components let you display information in charts, graphs, and KPI widgets. They include the Chart, KPI, and Map components.