Introduction to Data Workflow Object Operators


The Object operators let you remove null values, create a table into an object, and merge two objects into one.

What You'll Learn

In this article, you'll get an overview of the various Data Workflow Object operators.

Object Operators

Below is a list of the Data Workflow Object operators with descriptions of how to use them.



Clean Object

Removes or converts unwanted data values in a data set, including null values. The input must be an object. The operator's Clean Action setting has three options:

  • Convert All to String: Converts every value in the data set to a string.

  • Omit Null: Drops any fields with a value of null.

  • Set Null to Empty String: Replaces every null value with an empty string (""). Clean actions also apply to all nested fields.


Performs a diff analysis between two inputs and highlights structural differences and outputs the change records.

This operator uses the deep-diff npm package. To interpret change records, you can review the package documentation here:


Takes two inputs (objects) and merges them into one object. This operator is often used with two Group Input operators because the Group Input operator has a six-field limit. The Extend operator lets you create a single object with more than six fields.

To merge arrays, use the Append operator.


Retrieves data from your data set based on the value entered in the Path field. You can use the operator to retrieve individual values or entire rows of an array. For example, a Path of [0] retrieves the first row of your data set. A Path of [0].keyName retrieves the specified key/value pair from the first row of your data set. It's also useful for referencing Global Variables.

You can use _arg in the Path field to reference the input coming into the top argument port.


Determines if a path or key exists in an object. Then, it outputs a Boolean value. Use the Path setting to define what key to locate. If the input has the specified key, the output is True. If not, the output is False. The value in the Path setting must match the key exactly or the output is False.

The input must be an object.


Creates a table from an object. Each key/value pair in the object becomes a row in the final table.

The input must be a single object.


Lets you add values to a data structure. Connect the data structure where you want to add values to the operator's upper input port. In the Path field, enter the key of the key/value pair you want to create. You can use dot notation to specify index positions in an array. For example, [0].key. In the Value field, enter the value for the key/value pair you want to create. Or, leave the Value field blank and connect the value or structure you want to add to the lower input port.

You can use _arg to add values based on the input coming into the top argument port.
