Introduction to Unqork Applications



Like traditional web applications, Unqork applications are also web-based, and can perform the same tasks and processes. Unqork applications can be module-type or workflow-type applications. Module-type applications let you take advantage of Unqork's Module Builder and its various components to build applications. Workflow-type applications are typically process-specific, letting you create applications that an end-user End-users, also known as Express Users, are the individuals accessing an application through Express View. In most cases, end-users are the customers using the product. can navigate. The versatility of Unqork applications lets you combine modules with workflows to perform any task you require.

Working With Multiple Applications

While we’ve defined the two types of applications in Unqork, many times "application" is an umbrella term to describe an application that consists of multiple applications. Let’s say you're creating a meal-delivery application where customers submit a meal order. Then, a driver picks up the meal from a hub and delivers it to the customer. This application might consist of multiple applications designed to execute the following functions:

1. Customers use one application to create the order and submit it to the hub.
2. Drivers use another application to create a profile and select a delivery shift.
3. Another application assigns routes to drivers based on their availability.

Each application in this example might also have their own respective schemas (orders, drivers, shifts, and routes) defined by a data model. This data model's overall goal is to deliver meals to customers. So, each application contributes to your overall meal-delivery application.

Creating an Application

To create an Unqork application, you must have a workspace to store it. Once you have a workspace, you can create one or more module-type or workflow-type applications inside it.

At the top right of your opened workspace, click + Create New, then click Application.. A modal A modal is a window that appears on top of the content you are currently viewing. displays with two tabs that let you customize your application. For example, you can customize its styling and performance. The following sections define all the options you see in these tabs. After completing the configuration of your application, click Create.

App Details

The App Details tab is where you set up the basic application configuration. This tab lets you assign an application name, select an application type, define the application's entry point, and so on.

A static image displaying the App Info tab's configuration settings and options.



App Name*

Enter a unique application name. It's best practice to choose a name that helps you and your team identify the function of the application.

NOTE  Entering a name for your application populates the App Path field in a concise URL format.

*The App Name field is required.

App Path*

The URL-friendly format of your application's name. This field can be modified or left with the default path.

*The App Path field is required.

App Type*

Use this drop-down to set this application as a module-type or workflow-type application. Depending on your selection, a module or workflow is automatically created in the application.

*You must select an App Type.

App Entrypoint*

Specify the module end-users are directed to when they access the application. Or, select New Entrypoint to set the module or workflow as the starting point. Once selected, you must define the entrypoint's module type.

*You must assign an App Entrypoint.


Select a workspace to assign the application to.

*You must assign the application to a Workspace.


Select a style that end-users End-users, also known as Express Users, are the individuals accessing an application through Express View. In most cases, end-users are the customers using the product. see in Express View Express View is how your end-user views you application. Express View also lets you preview your applications to test your configuration and view the styling. This is also the view your end-users will see when interacting with your application. After configuring a module, click Preview in the Module Builder to interact with the module in Express View.. No selection defaults to the default style specified in Style Administration.

Header Module

Select a custom header module to display in Express View.

Footer Module

Select a custom footer module to display in Express View.

Login Module

Select a custom login module to display in Express View.

Logout Module

Select a custom logout module to display in Express View.

App Description

Use this field to add a description of this application.

Data Settings Tab

The Data Settings tab lets you control your application data by enabling data and application versioning.

A static image displaying the Data Settings tab's configuration settings and options.



Data Versioning

Determines how long data persists in modules. When enabled, Unqork stores all submission revisions belonging to the application.

NOTE  Disabling this setting hides the WORM Storage setting.

By default, Data Versioning is set to (ON).

Enable Application Versioning

Enables Creators to create copies of the application. When set to (ON), Creators can create a new version of the application at any time, retain historical versions for stability, and view and restore prior versions.

By default, Application Versioning is set to (OFF).

TIP  To learn more about App Versioning, view our Application Versioning article.

Viewing an Application

After creating your application, open it to begin building. Inside each application, a grid of all modules and workflows display. After opening an application, you can search for or filter by a module or workflow, sort the grid, and view any of the modules and workflows stored in the application.

To view an application in a workspace:

1. Inside your workspace, locate the application you want to view.
2. From the Actions column, select View Application. Your application opens in the same tab.

A static image displaying the View App button in a workspace.

Application Settings

In the upper-right corner, clicking the ··· (ellipsis) button opens the Application Details modal.

App Info

A static image displaying the App Info settings of an Application.

Action Description

App Name*

The name of the application.

*This field must contain a value.

App Path*

The app's file path name. This value displays in the application's HTML link, for example:{{applicationName}}/#/display/moduleId/ where {{applicationName}} is the App Path's value. The App Path value can only contain letters, numbers, and hyphens consistent with HTML file path naming conventions.

*This field must contain a value.

App ID

The permanent module ID for the application.

App Type

The type of application. Applications can be modules or workflows. The application type cannot change.

App Entrypoint

The name of the module or workflow that end-users access first. The app entrypoint is assigned during the app creation process and cannot change.


The workspace ID containing the application.


The style applied to the application.

TIP  Create new styles using CSS Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for presenting how a HTML or XML document looks to end-users. stylesheets in Style Administration.

Header Module

The module that displays at the top section of the application. Header modules are only available to preview at the application level.

TIP  To learn more about header modules, view our Header Module article.

Footer Module

The module that displays at the bottom section of the application. Footer modules are only available to preview at the application level.

TIP  To learn more about footer modules, view our Footer Module article.

Login Module

Select a custom login module to display in Express View.

Logout Module

Select a custom logout module to display in Express View.

App Description

Use this field to add a description of this application.

Data Settings

A static image displaying the Data settings of an Application.

Action Description

Data Versioning

Determines how long data persists in the modules. When set to (ON), Unqork stores all submission revisions belonging to the application. Turning this setting off hides and disables the WORM Storage setting.

By default, Data Versioning is set to (ON).

Worm Storage

WORM data storage prevents the overwriting or deletion of records. When set to (ON), sends data revisions to WORM-compliant storage. A slider prompts you to set the number of days data should persist in storage.

By default, Worm Storage is set to (OFF).

WARNING   Enabling WORM Storage removes previous submissions and attachments. The same applies when turning this option off.

Enable Application Versioning

Enables Creators to create copies of the application. When set to (ON), Creators can create a new version of the application at any time, retain historical versions for stability, and view and restore prior versions.

By default, Application Versioning is set to (OFF).

Styling Your Application

As with application configuration, styling your application occurs in the development process. The Unqork’s Styles team can style your environment using custom CSS (cascading style sheets). By default, your application has available styles that you can apply.

TIP  To learn more about creating and uploading your own styles, see our CSS Upload article.

To access environment styles:

1. At the top right of the top right of the Unqork Designer Platform, click Administration.
2. Under Environment, select Style Administration.
3. From the grid, find the style you want to use.
4. From the Manage ▾ drop-down, select Set As Default.

TIP  Use the Manage drop-down to edit style descriptions and promote the style from one environment to another.

Promoting Your Application to Another Environment

When you’ve decided it's time to advance your application to the next stage of development, you need to promote the application from its current environment to the next environment, or target environment. Unqork designs environments to support each phase of the SDLC (software development life cycle). Promotion is the process of advancing your application between environments. To promote an application from its current environment to the next, ensure you've selected all the dependent elements that make up the application. These elements might include modules, styles, assets, data collections, and so on. After you’ve determined the necessary elements for the application, select the target environment where you want to promote the application.

NOTE  Keep in mind, modules can belong to more than one application.

Promoting Your Module to Another Environment

In addition to promoting entire applications from one environment to another, the Unqork Designer Platform enables you to promote individual modules from one environment to another. Promoting modules can be helpful if you want to promote a specific module that exists outside of the context of an application.

IMPORTANT  To promote a module that is dependent on an entry point module, the entry point module must be promoted with it or before or it. If the entry point module is not promoted as well, the promotion fails.

TIP  To learn more about promoting applications and modules, see our Release Management Dashboard Tool article.
