Navigating an Application



In UDesigner, you access and organize app elements in your application at the Application level. App elements include modules, workflows, and Data Collections. These elements are what you use to build apps. Inside your application, you can also connect shared elements to your application.

Here's where the Application Level is on the Workspaces map:

A static image displaying Unqork's environment, app, and app element level architecture.

Once inside your app, you can open your app elements. Opening a workflow, module, or reference data opens the element in edit mode.

Application is also known as an app. You might see these terms used interchangeably across the Documentation Hub. Both words refer to an Unqork application.

Accessing an Application

Applications can be accessed from your homepage, or in workspace that contains the application.

Access an Application from the Homepage

If you recently worked on an Application, and want to return to it. Use the Recents tab on the homepage to access the application.

From the Udesigner homepage:

1. Navigate to the My Recents List
2. In the row of the application you want to open, click View.

Access an Application from the Starred List

If you've starred an application, access it any time from your Homepage's Starred list. To start an application, Click the (star Starring elements stores them in the Starred tab of your UDesigner homepage for quick access. You can star any element, regardless if it's yours or belongs to another team member.) next to an application's name

From the Udesigner homepage:

1. Next to My Recents, click Starred.
2. In the row of the application you want to open, click View.

Navigating an Application

The Application page displays a list of module and provides the option to view, edit, create, or delete modules in the workspace.

A static image displaying the application page.

  Setting Description


Application Name

The application's  name.

Click the (star Starring elements stores them in the Starred tab of your UDesigner homepage for quick access. You can star any element, regardless if it's yours or belongs to another team member.) next to the workspace name to display the application in the Starred tab of your UDesigner homepage.



Click to edit the application's name, description, and user permissions.



Opens the Comments panel for the application.


+ Create New

Click this button to create a module or data collection in this application.


Application Description

Clicking this button opens a modal A modal is a window that appears on top of the content you are currently viewing. to modify the workspace description.


+ Add Bookmark

Click to create hyperlink bookmarks for your team.



Use this field to search for applications or record collections in your workspace.


Modified By

Sort applications and record collections by the following:

  • Last Modified by Anyone: Sorts applications by the date and time they were last modified.

  • Last Modified by Me:Filters and sorts applications by the date and time they were last modified by you.


Filter By

Filter by element type. You can filter by the following:

  • Module

  • Workflow

  • Data Collection

  • Data Schema


Search Method

Set the search method to search for application elements, or component values. After selecting an option, click the Search button to update the grid.

  • Search Application Elements: Search for modules or data collections.

  • Search Values within Components: Search for individual values in components.

Search values must be four or more characters.

By default, this setting is set to Search Application Elements.


Application Element / Values Location list

Displays the search results. From this list, you can view, star, edit settings, or delete an element from the application

By default, the list is set to Application Element.


Application Element

The name of the application or record collection in the workspace.

Click the (star Starring elements stores them in the Starred tab of your UDesigner homepage for quick access. You can star any element, regardless if it's yours or belongs to another team member.) next to the workspace name to display the element in the Starred tab of your UDesigner homepage.



The element type. Elements can be Modules, Workflows, or Data Collections.



The Creator's description of the application or record collection.


Last Modified

The last time the application or record collection was modified, and the user who made the change.



Lists the possible actions for the module or data collection.

Actions include:

  • View: Opens the element in a new browser tab.

  • ···: Displays a menu of additional settings, including:

    • Settings: Opens the element's settings modal A modal is a window that appears on top of the content you are currently viewing..

    • Preview: Opens module elements in Express View, or opens a data collection element's data collection page.

    • Duplicate (module only): Opens the Duplicate Element modal.
      Copy and modify the settings of an existing module element.

    • Move (module only): Opens the Move Element modal.
      Module elements can move to other workspaces and applications.

    • Delete (module only): Clicking this button opens the Delete Module modal. Confirm deletion of the module. Click Yes, Delete to delete the module from the application.

