Working With Reference Data


Once you get inside your application, you’re at the Application Level. This level is where you'll create and manage your reference data in Workspaces. Reference data is any static data referenced by your applications. Reference data might be a list of options used in a Dropdown component or a data set used to run calculations.

Let’s look at how you'll work with your reference data in Workspaces.

You’ll see the terms data, reference data, and data collections. All three terms refer to a reference data collection in Unqork.

What You'll Learn

In this article, you’ll learn how to:

To learn more about promoting apps and app elements, visit Workspaces: Promoting Applications in our Documentation Hub.

Creating a Data Collection

There are two ways to create a reference data collection. The first is creating a data collection from scratch. The second is uploading a CSV (comma-separated values) file. You can do both from the Create Data Collection page.

To create a new reference data collection:

1. Navigate to your application.
2. In the left sidebar menu, select the Data Collections tab.
3. Click the + Create Create New button. Your data collection opens in a new tab.
4. Enter a unique Data Collection Name. Data collections save environment-wide. New data collections won't successfully save if the name conflicts with another already saved.

Avoid using spaces in your data collection name. Spaces added to data collections convert to %20 symbols on the back-end, making it more difficult to reference.

5. From here, you have two options:
  • If your information is stored in a CSV file, click Upload File and select your file. Your data collection populates with the information from your CSV file.

  • Enter your data manually into the provided spreadsheet.

6. Click Save Data Collection.

Return to your app to see your new data collection in the list.

Data Collection Settings

Clicking the Settings button shows an additional setting related to your data collection: Server Side Execution Only.

By default, the Server Side Execution Only toggle is set to ON. This is a security best practice that helps control who can access your data collection. This is particularly important when your data collection includes personally identifiable information. When set to ON, the only way to query the data collection is with a Plug-In component, using the Get Rows from Reference Data service. And, the Plug-In must be in a module that has Server Side Execution Only enabled under Module Settings. When set to OFF, any end-user can query the entire data collection from Express View.

To adjust data collection settings:

Don't disable Server Side Execution Only for data collections used in production applications. You should only disable this setting for testing purposes. Remember, when set to OFF, any end-user can query the entire data collection from Express View.

1. Click Settings.
2. Adjust the Server Side Execution Only toggle, if required.
3. Click Save Data Collection.

Navigating the Reference Data Ellipsis Menu

You'll do most administrative actions for your data collections under the App Elements tab. When you click the ellipsis (...) on your data collection's element tile, a menu displays. Here are descriptions of the data collection tile's ellipsis menu options:



Reload CSV

Lets you update the uploaded file used to create the data collection.

Export CSV

Creates a CSV file of your data collection.


Moves the data collection to a different application.

Share to Library

Lets you share your module with other workspaces or the entire environment.


Deletes the data collection.

If this is a shared data collection, its ellipsis menu looks a little different. To learn more, search Unqork Library: Elements in our In-Platform Help.

Reloading a Data Collection

You might create a data collection from an uploaded file and then want to upload a new version of the file to replace it. Reloading a file erases the existing data in the collection.

To reload a reference data file:

1. Navigate to your application.
2. In the left sidebar menu, select the Data Collection tab.
3. In the element tile with the reference data you want to reload, click the ellipsis (...).
4. Click Reload.
5. Click Upload File and select the new file to upload.
6. Click Reload.

Your uploaded file replaces the original file in the data collection list. 

Exporting a Data Collection

You can export reference data at any time. Your exported file uses the CSV file-type. Your CSV file shows as a table. 

To export a data collection file:

1. Navigate to your application.
2. In the left sidebar menu, select the Data Collection tab.
3. In the element tile with the reference data you want to export, click the ellipsis (...).
4. Click Export CSV.

The exported file shows in the Downloads bar at the bottom of the page. Or, you can find the file in your Downloads folder.

Moving a Data Collection

The Move feature lets you move your reference data collection to another application. Once you move a data collection, it becomes a part of the app you moved it to. To manage the moved data collection, navigate to the destination app. Click the Data Collection tab, and you'll find your data collection in its new home.

Let's say an app references your data collection. If you move the data collection to a new app, previous references no longer work. When moving your data collection, remove or replace the reference in your application.

To move a reference data collection:

1. Navigate to your application.
2. In the left sidebar menu, select the Data Collection tab.
3. In the element tile with the reference data you want to move, click the ellipsis (...) .
4. Click Move.
5. In the Set Destination Workspace drop-down menu, select the destination workspace.
6. In the Set Destination App drop-down menu, select the destination app.

Hover over a workspace name to show its applications. 

7. Click Move.

Deleting a Data Collection

You might need to clean up your reference data collections. Deleting a data collection is easy.

Let's say an app references your data collection. If you delete the data collection, previous references no longer work. Before deleting a data collection, remove or replace the reference in your application. 

To delete a reference data collection:

1. Navigate to your application.
2. In the left sidebar menu, select the Data Collection tab.
3. In the element tile of the reference data you want to delete, click the ellipsis (...).
4. Click Delete.
5. Retype the name of the data collection.

6. Click Delete