Navigating Workspaces



While the UDesigner homepage displays workspaces you've recently worked on or starred, the All Workspaces page displays all workspaces in your environment. This page allows for better collaboration with your teammates and lets you see what everyone is working on. By default, this page organizes workspaces by last modified, with the most recently modified workspace at the top of the grid. To make collaboration easier, star Starring elements stores them in the Starred tab of your UDesigner homepage for quick access. You can star any element, regardless if it's yours or belongs to another team member. the workspaces you and your team are working on to locate them faster and start building.

Navigating the Workspaces Page

The Workspaces page displays a list of workspaces in the environment. From this view, you can access, edit, or delete workspaces.

A static image displaying an Unqork Environment's Workspaces page.

  Setting Description


+ CreateWorkspace

Click this button to create a workspace.



Use this field to search for workspaces in the environment. After entering a value, click Search to filter the Workspaces list.


Modified By

Lets you sort applications and record collections by the following:

  • Last Modified by Anyone: Sorts workspaces by the date and time they were last modified.

  • Last Modified by Me: Filters and sorts workspaces by the date and time they were last modified by you.


Workspaces List

Displays all workspaces in the environment. By default, Workspaces are sorted by their last modification date.



The workspace's name. Click the name to access the workspace.

Click the (star Starring elements stores them in the Starred tab of your UDesigner homepage for quick access. You can star any element, regardless if it's yours or belongs to another team member.) next to the workspace name to display it in the Starred tab of your UDesigner homepage.



The current type of workspace.



The description of the application or record collection.


Last Modified

The last time the application or record collection was modified, and the user who made the change.



Lists the possible actions workspace.

Actions include:

  • Delete (module only): Clicking this button opens the Delete Module modal. Confirm deletion of the module. Click Yes, Delete to delete the module from the application.

Navigating a Workspace

The workspace page displays a list of applications and provides the option to view, edit, create, or delete applications in the workspace.

A static image displaying an individual workspace inside of Workspaces.

  Setting Description


Workspace Name

The workspace's name.

Click the (star Starring elements stores them in the Starred tab of your UDesigner homepage for quick access. You can star any element, regardless if it's yours or belongs to another team member.) next to the workspace name to display it in the Starred tab of your UDesigner homepage.



Click to edit the workspace name, description, and user permissions. Or, open the Promotions and Versions page.



Opens the Comments panel for the application.


+ Create App

Click this button to create an application in this workspace.


Workspace Description

Clicking this button opens a modal A modal is a window that appears on top of the content you are currently viewing. to modify the workspace description.


+ Add Bookmark

Click to create hyperlink bookmarks for your team.


Element Type

Select the element type to view associated elements.

Elements Types include:

  • Applications: Application elements display in the Application List.

  • Data Models: Click this link to open the application's Data Model page.

    To learn more about Data Modeling, view our Introduction to Unqork Data Modeling article.

  • Schemas: Click this link to open the application's Schemas page.

    To learn more about the Schemas page, view our Schemas Viewer article.



Use this field to search for applications or record collections in your workspace.


Modified By

Lets you sort applications and record collections by the following:

  • Last Modified by Anyone: Sorts applications by the date and time they were last modified.

  • Last Modified by Me: Filters and sorts applications by the date and time they were last modified by you.


Application List

Displays a list of applications in the workspace.



The name of the application or record collection in the workspace.

Click the (star Starring elements stores them in the Starred tab of your UDesigner homepage for quick access. You can star any element, regardless if it's yours or belongs to another team member.) next to the application name to display it in the Starred tab of your UDesigner homepage.



Displays how many elements (modules, data collections) are in the application.



The description of the application.


Latest Version

The current version of the application. Displays None if the Enable Application Versioning setting is set to (OFF).


Last Modified

The last time the application or record collection was modified, and the user who made the change.



Lists the possible actions for the application.

Actions include:

  • View Application: Opens the Application page in the same browser tab.

  • ···: Displays a menu of additional settings, including:

    • Settings: Opens the application settings modal A modal is a window that appears on top of the content you are currently viewing..

    • Preview: Opens the application in Express View. Previewing applications starts at the App Entrypoint.

    • Move: Opens the Move App modal. Applications can move to other Workspaces.

    • Promote: Opens the App Promotion page.

      To learn more about application promotions, view our Promoting Applications article.

    • Data Model: Opens the application's Data Model page.

      To learn more about Data Modeling, view our Introduction to Unqork Data Modeling article.

    • Export CSV: Downloads a CSV file containing a grid of module names, eachs of the components in the module, and common component properties.

    • Delete: Clicking this button opens the Delete Module modal. Confirm deletion of the module. Click Yes, Delete to delete the module from the application.




When you log in to the Unqork Designer Platform, Workspaces is your environment's default page. Use this page to create workspaces to group applications and collaborate with your team. Each workspace displays as a tile and lists the apps you added to it.

Navigating Workspaces

A static image of all the settings, options, and attributes you'll find on the Workspaces page of your environment.

Below is a description of links and drop-downs:

  Attribute Description


(Global Search)

Global Search lets you search your company environment at any time, from any navigation level. You can search for workspaces, apps, and app elements. You'll find the Search field at the top right of the page. You must enter at least three characters for results to display.



This is your default landing page where you'll organize and build applications. You'll also organize and manage your app elements in Workspaces. App elements are modules, workflows, and reference data.


Library ▾

This drop-down lets you view shared Library Elements and Marketplace snippets and templates.A static image displaying the Library Elements and Templates options from the Library drop-down.

  • Library Elements: This is where you'll find a library of shared elements. Shared elements are modules and data collections that you can share and connect to more than one application. Depending on your RBAC (role-based access control) permissions, you can view, edit, and even remove shared elements.

  • Templates: This is where you'll find local snippets and module and workflow templates. Snippets and templates come with preconfigured components to help you get started on your applications. For instance, if you want your application to send an email, you can use the API Specification snippet.



Takes you to the Unqork Marketplace. The marketplace offers application blueprints in preconfigured packages, including assets that knock out common configurations all applications need.



This link takes you to our Documentation Hub. You can browse documentation to learn more about Unqork, Administration, Workspaces, Release Notes, and more.

The Documentation Hub is our resource center where you can search all our documentation by topic. Unqork Academy is where you'll find structured, sequential learning.


Settings ▾

This drop-down opens the following options:A static image displaying the UDLC Toolkit, Profile, Administration, and Logout options in the Settings drop-down.

  • UDLC Toolkit: Takes you to the Unqork Development Life Cycle Toolkit home page.
  • Profile: Takes you to your Unqork User Profile.
  • Administration: Takes you to our Administration page. This is where you can manage Roles and Permissions, Designer Access, Integrations, Environment settings, and more.
  • Logout: Logs you out of the Unqork Designer Platform.


+ Create Workspace

Clicking this button creates a new workspace. You can have a collaborative workspace for a team or create a personal workspace.


Recently Modified

Choosing a drop-down option arranges your workspaces, apps, or app elements. You can arrange by Recently Modified, Least Recently Modified, Newest, and Oldest. You can also sort in ascending order (A to Z) or descending order (Z to A).


Default Workspace

All new environments come with a prebuilt Default Workspace. This workspace holds all applications until you assign them to a workspace. By default, you cannot remove the Default Workspace.


Workspace Tiles

Each workspace has its own tile. Workspace tiles contain the following:

  • The workspace name in the banner at the top of the tile. Clicking the workspace name opens the workspace.

  • When a workspace is modified, the user that modified it and the last time it was modified (in hours, days, or years) displays below the workspace name.

  • The names of up to four applications in the workspace. Clicking an application's name opens that app.



The WSRBAC (Workspaces Role-Based Access Control) icon indicates how many users can access the workspace.

To learn more about WSRBAC, see our Workspaces Role-Based Access Control (WSRBAC) article.


··· (Ellipsis)

Clicking the ... (ellipsis) button in the banner at the top of the tile displays the following options:A static image displaying the Settings, Workspace Users, and Delete option when clicking a tile's ellipsis.

  • Settings: Lets you modify the Workspace Name* and add a Workspace Description to make it easier to onboard team members or hand off projects.

  • Workspace Users: Opens the the WSRBAC (Workspaces Role-Based Access Control) modal to the right of the Workspaces page. Here you add users and modify workspace permissions.

  • Delete: Removes the workspace from your environment.


Create App

Clicking this button lets you create a new module or workflow-type app in your workspace.



The total number of applications in the workspace.


View Workspace

Opens the workspace.
