Conditional Event Node


The Conditional Event node uses logic to redirect a workflow that's currently in a Sub-Process node. Conditional logic specified in the Conditional Event node's outgoing link checks for data collected in the Sub-Process node. If the data matches the logic check's parameters, it directs the workflow out of the Sub-Proccess node and to the linked node.

The Conditional Event node checks logic at these points in a Sub-Process workflow:

  • Start of the Sub-Process.
  • End of each task in the Sub-Process.
  • End of the Sub-Process.

Each Sub-Process node can only contain one Conditional Event node. The Conditional Event node includes one output port that links to a single node outside of the Sub-Process node. The Conditional Event node's Output link contains the logic used to trigger the node.

What You'll Learn

After completing this article, you’ll know when to use a Conditional Event node, how to configure its most commonly used settings, and understand the best practices.

Similar Logic Nodes

While the following nodes have similar functions, the Conditional Event node is different from Gateway nodes.

Here are the nodes compared:

  • Conditional Event node: Using conditional logic, redirect a workflow in a Sub-Process node to another path.
  • Exclusive Gateway node: Using conditional logic, redirect a workflow to one of multiple paths outside of a Sub-Process node.
  • Inclusive Gateway node: Using conditional logic, redirect a workflow to one or more paths outside of a Sub-Process node.

Settings Menu Description

Click the Conditional Event node to display the Settings Menu. This menu displays as a blue menu bar, either above or below the node. The Conditional Event node has the following settings:




Opens the Edit Conditional Event window, where you can configure related settings.


Removes the Conditional Event node from the Sub-Process.

Edit Conditional Event Window Description

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Conditional Event window.

A static image displaying the Conditional Event Node and the Edit Conditional Event Settings window.




The name of your node. By default, the Label displays as conditionalEvent-1. The label you enter here is optional and displays below the node on the workflow canvas.

Define your labels by associating them with the role of the node.

Output Links

Displays the logic and linked node for each path from the Conditional Event node. You can edit each item from here.

X (Close)

Closes the Edit Conditional Event window.

Conditional Event Links Settings Menu

Selecting the Conditional Event link opens a Settings Menu. This menu displays as a blue menu bar above the link indicator. The menu has the following options:

Setting Description

Edit Button

Opens the Edit Conditional Event Link window. From there, you can configure settings relating to the Conditional Event link.

Delete Button

Removes the link from the workflow.

Edit Conditional Event Link Window Description

Clicking the Edit button displays the Edit Codnitional Event Link window.

Setting Description


The name applied to the link. This label is optional and displays below the link once set.

Labels should be user-friendly and well-associated with the role of the node.


You can enter a text value here.

Other components can query the Status value of a link. When the workflow passes the link, the Status value populates with the Status field text.


Sets the logic for the Conditional Event node link. The Conditional Event link icon changes from unlinked (unlinked) to linked (linked) when logic is present.

The expression typically consists of a Property ID, an operator, and criteria (value) for matching. For example:

  • propertyId='string'
  • propertyId>100
  • propertyId=TRUE

The Logic field also supports Excel formulas. For example:

  • EXACT(propertyId,'value')

  • ISNUMBER(propertyId)

  • SUM(propertyId, propertyId)

NOTE  Expressions that begin with an equal sign (=) are also valid. For example, =EXACT(propertyId,'value') and EXACT(propertyId,'value') evaluate the same way.

TIP  If you want your workflow to always follow a given path, you can enter TRUE in the link's Logic field. Because you've hardcoded the value, the logic always evaluates as true.

The Property ID should reference a field accessible to your workflow, for example, a field present in the workflow submission. The Logic field autosuggests Property ID values as you type.

NOTE  When entering a Property ID in your logic expression you don't need to include data. as a prefix.

TIP  You can use dot notation to reference keys under a given Property ID. For example, referencing a key/value pair in an object.

Logic expressions support the following operators: =, <, >, >=, <=.

When entering the criteria (value) the formula matches against, you can use a string, number, or Boolean value. You must wrap strings in single (') or double (") quotes. Numerical values do not need quotes. To reference Boolean values, use TRUE or FALSE.


This setting makes this link the Default link. If no other links evaluate as true, the workflow follows the Default link. You can only have a single Default link per Conditional Event node.

When the Default setting is  (ON), you can’t enter a logic expression for the link.

The Default setting is  (OFF) by default.


Sets the link one-way. End-users can't navigate back through a unidirectional link.

The link has a double arrowhead when the Unidirectional setting is  (ON).

The link has a single arrowhead when the Unidirectional setting is  (OFF).

By default, the Unidirectional setting is OFF.

Use Flash Message

When set to ON, you can create a flash message for this link. Flash Messages are alerts that display at the top of the workflow in Express View. They show when an end-user navigates past a link that has a Flash Message enabled.

By default, the Use Flash Message setting is  (OFF).

Adding a Conditional Event Node

For this use case, set up a workflow that verifies the eligibility of an insurance applicant to receive a discount. Use a Conditional Event node to determine if the applicant meets the minimum requirements to qualify for the discount.

If the Conditional Event node's logic statement evaluates as true, the workflow follows the link to an external node. If the logic is false, the workflow proceeds to the next Sub-Process Task. If there are no further Sub-Process Tasks, the Sub-Process is complete, and the flow ends.

NOTE  Conditional Event logic evaluation only happens on Sub-Process forward navigation.

This configuration assumes you've created a workflow and have access to modules in the training environment.

What You'll Need

For this workflow, you'll need:

Configure the Sub-Process node and three Screen/Task Nodes

First, add the Sub-Process node and accompanying Screen/Task nodes to the Authenticated swimlane. Connect the Screen/Task nodes to your own modules, or use the Enablement Lab modules.

1. Drag and drop a Sub-Process node into the Authenticated swimlane.
2. Drag and drop three Screen/Task nodes inside the Sub-Process node.

3. Select a Screen/Task node and click Edit.
4. In the Label field, enter Step 1.
5. From the Module drop-down, enter or select Enablement Lab: Step 1 - Registration Info Conditional Event.
6. Click X (Close).
7. Repeat this process for the other Screen/Task nodes using the following information:



Step 2

Enablement Lab: Step 2 - Insurance Type Conditional Event

Discount Eligibility

Enablement Lab: Confirmation - Conditional Event

8. Click X (Close).
9. Connect the output port (right) of the Start node to the input port (left) of the Sub-Process node.

Configure the First End Node

This first End node marks the end of your workflow if the Conditional Event logic is false.

1. Drag and drop an End node into the Authenticated swimlane.
2. Click Edit.
3. In the Label field, enter End 1.
4. Connect the output port (right) of the Sub-Process node to the input port (left) of the End node.
5. Click X (Close).

Configure the Conditional Event Node

Now you're ready to set up the Conditional Event and associated logic. Add a Conditional Event node to begin.

1. Drag and drop a Conditional Event node onto the Sub-Process node.

2. Click Edit.
3. In the Label field, enter History of Claims.
4. Click X (Close).

Configure the Fourth Screen/Task Node

Next, set up the fourth Screen/Task node. Your workflow proceeds here if the Conditional Event logic is true. If your applicant hasn't made any claims in the past three years, they see the discount approval message in the linked module.

1. Drag and drop a Screen/Task node into the Authenticated swimlane.
2. Click Edit.
3. In the Label field, enter Discount Approved.
4. From the Module drop-down, enter or select Enablement Lab: Confirmation - Conditional Event - Discount.
5. Click X (Close).

Configure the Conditional Event Link

Add and configure the Conditional Event Link. This sets up the logic to determine whether to show the discount approval message.

claimsHistory is the Property ID of a Radio Buttons question in the Step 2 module. The question asks your applicant if they made any claims in the past three years. claimsNo is the Value Stored in Submission Data when your applicant answers No.

If your applicant answers No in the Step 2 module, they proceed to the Discount Approved Screen/Task node. There, they see a discount approval message. If they answer Yes, they proceed to the Discount Eligibility Screen/Task node in the Sub-Process node. There, they see a message that explains their ineligibility.

1. Connect the output port (bottom) of the History of Claims Conditional Event node to the input port (left) of the Discount Approved Screen/Task node. This connector becomes a Conditional Event Link.
2. Select the Conditional Event Link and click Edit.
3. In the Label field, enter No Claims.
4. In the Logic field, enter claimsHistory="claimsNo". The Conditional Event link icon changes from unlinked (unlinked) to linked (linked).
5. Click X (Close).

Configure the Second End Node

Finally, add a second End node to finish the workflow after your applicant sees the approval message.

1. Drag and drop a second End node into the Authenticated swimlane.
2. Click Edit.
3. In the Label field, enter End 2.
4. Connect the output port (right) of the Discount Approved Screen/Task node to the input port (left) of the End 2 End node.
5. Click X (Close).
6. Click Save....
7. Save your workflow.

Your completed workflow looks like this:

A static image displaying a completed workflow using a Conditional Event node.
