Parallel Gateway Join Node


The Parallel Gateway Join node is one half of the Parallel Gateway set of nodes, along with the Parallel Gateway Split node.

When you use an Parallel Gateway Split node in your workflow, you must also use a Parallel Gateway Join node. The Parallel Gateway Join node has 2 jobs:

  • Pausing the workflow until all parallel tasks that split from the Parallel Gateway Split node are complete.

  • Merging together each state of the submission before the submission can progress through the rest of the workflow.

To learn more about the Parallel Gateway Split node, search Parallel Gateway Split Node in our In-Product Help.

It's important that all paths that split from a given Parallel Gateway Split node reconnect at the same Parallel Gateway Join node. For example, you can't connect a Handoff or End node to a task or path that splits from a Parallel Gateway Split node. You also can't connect paths that split from the same Parallel Gateway Split node to several Parallel Gateway Join nodes. These rules ensure your workflow can't reach an endpoint while multiple states of the same submission exist.

What You'll Learn

In this article, you'll learn how to:

Parallel Gateway Join Node Settings

After adding a Parallel Gateway Join node to your workflow, select it to open a Settings Menu. This menu displays as a blue menu bar, either above or below the node itself. The menu has the following options:

Setting Description

Edit Button

Opens the Edit Parallel Gateway Join window. From there, you can configure settings relating to the Parallel Gateway Join node.

Delete Button

Removes the node from the workflow.

Edit Parallel Gateway Join Window Description

Clicking the Edit button displays the Edit Parallel Gateway Join window.

The following settings are available in the Edit Parallel Gateway Join window:

Setting Description


The name applied to the node. By default, the Label displays as parallel-gateway-join-1. This label is optional and displays below the node once set.

Labels should be user-friendly and well associated with the role of the node.

Close Button

Closes the Edit Parallel Gateway Join window.

Parallel Gateway Join Links

To use a Parallel Gateway Join node, you'll also need a Parallel Gateway Split node. This node splits one or more workflow submission paths concurrently. When you connect a Parallel Gateway Split node's output port to another node, the connector becomes a Parallel Gateway Split link. When your end-user proceeds down a Parallel Gateway Split link, they're entering a parallel process. End-users can't exit that parallel process or enter a new parallel process using the Previous button or Direct Navigation. This helps maintain the integrity of the workflow submission while multiple states exist.

These navigation restrictions also affect Parallel Gateway Join links. The workflow only moves along a Parallel Gateway Join link after all parallel processes are complete. End-users can't navigate back into tasks that are part of a now-complete parallel process.

Parallel Gateway Join Link Settings Menu

Selecting a Parallel Gateway Join link opens a Settings Menu. This menu displays as a blue menu bar, above the link indicator. The menu has the following options:

Setting Description

Edit Button

Opens the Edit Parallel Gateway Split Join window. From there, you can configure settings relating to the Parallel Gateway Split link.

Delete Button

Removes the link from the workflow.

Edit Parallel Gateway Join Link Window Description

Clicking the Edit button displays the Edit Parallel Gateway Join Link window.

The following settings are available in the Edit Parallel Gateway Join Link window:

Setting Description


The name applied to the link. This label is optional and displays below the link once set.

Labels should be user-friendly and well associated with the role of the node.


Sets the link one-way. End-users can't navigate back through a unidirectional link.

The link has a single arrowhead when the Unidirectional toggle is set to OFF.

The link has a double arrowhead when the Unidirectional toggle is set to ON.

By default, the Unidirectional toggle is set to OFF.

Use Flash Message

When set to ON, you can create a flash message for this link. Flash Messages are alerts that display at the top of the workflow in Express View. They indicate when an end-user navigates past a link that has a Flash Message enabled.

By default, the Use Flash Message toggle is set to ON.

Flash Message

This setting is visible when Use Flash Message is set to ON.

Enter a custom flash message to show in the alert.

Make Flash Message Dismissible

This setting is visible when Use Flash Message is set to ON.

When set to ON, your end-user can manually dismiss the flash message. To dismiss the flash message, end-users can click the X button on the flash message. When set to OFF, the Flash Message disappears on its own.

This setting is not currently working as intended. Flash Messages remain on-screen until manually dismissed.

Message Status

This setting is visible when Use Flash Message is set to ON.

Select a message status for your flash message. The message status affects the styling of your flash message. The drop-down options are:

  • Success: The flash message is light green.

  • Info: The flash message is light blue.

  • Danger: The flash message is red.

Adding a Parallel Gateway Join Node

You'll always use a Parallel Gateway Join node alongside a Parallel Gateway Split node. To learn how to configure a workflow that uses both nodes, see the Parallel Gateway Split Node article in our In-Product Help.

Changing a Parallel Gateway Join Node's Settings

Let's look at how to make changes to a saved Parallel Gateway Join node.

1. Select your Parallel Gateway Join node.
2. Click the Edit button.
3. Using the Edit Parallel Gateway Join window, make changes to the node's settings as needed.
4. Click Save Workflow.

Deleting a Parallel Gateway Join Node

It's simple to delete a Parallel Gateway Join node from your workflow. Remember, all links that split from a Parallel Gateway Split node must merge into a Parallel Gateway Join node.

1. Select your Parallel Gateway Join node.
2. Click the Delete button.
3. Click Save Workflow.