Troubleshooting the Creator Workshop Configuration


Building an application is a complex process that might result in errors if configured incorrectly. The first step to resolving errors in your application is to identify where the error occurred. Once located, you can troubleshoot and resolve these issues.

If you're having trouble identifying and resolving configuration errors in your application, use the following table to help guide you through any issues that might occur. The table provides you with a list of all elements used in a specific use case step and a summary of their configuration. Once you find the source of the error, visit the relevant use case step and review the configuration instructions.

The configuration values you enter (Property IDs A Property ID is the unique field ID used by Unqork to track and link components in your module., Inputs Enter inputs components and actions you want the component to perform. and Outputs table Enter outputs components and actions you want the component to perform. Mapping, JSON JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is an open standard file and data interchange format. Unqork uses JSON for submission (record) data., and so on) are often case sensitive. Ensure your inputs match the configuration instructions and example builds.

Configuration Overview

Use Case Step Elements Configuration

Step 1: Creating Your Workspace and Workflow Application

Creator Workshop workflow:

  • Employee Information  Task node

  • Employee Information module

  • End node

To see a preview of these elements in a configuration, visit

In this use case, you created a workspace, a workflow-type application, and the Employee Information  Task node module.

Step 2: Retrieving Employee Information

Employee Information module:

  • employeeFirstName, employeeLastName, managerFirstName, managerLastName, managerTeamName   Text Field components

  • employeeHireDate Date Input Icon Date Input component

  • employeeType Dropdown Component Icon Dropdown component

To see a preview of these elements in a configuration, visit

In this use case, you added fields to your Employee Information module to intake employee information.

Step 3: Retrieving Employee Information Continued

Employee Information module:

  • employeeEmail, managerEmail  Email components

  • btnShowTravelPolicy Button component Icon Button component

To see a preview of these elements in a configuration, visit

In this use case, you added Email component fields to your Employee Information module so you can collect employee and manager email addresses. You also added a Button component to trigger the Company Travel Policy pop-up modal A modal is a window that appears on top of the content you are currently viewing..

Step 4: Displaying Company Travel Policy

Employee Information module:

  • panelPopUp Panel component

  • htmlTravelPolicy  Columns Component Icon HTML Element component

To see a preview of these elements in a configuration, visit

In this use case, you configured the Company Travel Policy pop-up modal A modal is a window that appears on top of the content you are currently viewing. in your Employee Information module using a Panel component. You also used Field Group and Columns components to organize your module's Express View Express View is how your end-user views your application. Express View also lets you preview your applications to test your configuration and view the styling. This is also the view your end-users will see when interacting with your application. After configuring a module, click Preview in the Module Builder to interact with the module in Express View. appearance.

Step 5: Viewing Submission Data on the DevTools Console

Employee Information module:

  • ruleShowTravelPolicy Decisions Component icon Decisions  component

To see a preview of these elements in a configuration, visit

In this use case, you learned about reviewing submission data entered in the Employee Information workflow screen. For other workflow screens, use the same process for reviewing submission data Also known as Record Data. Submission data consists of information saved by Unqork components. View submission data by using the angular command, or in Record Collections. with the DevTools Console The DevTools Console helps you securely store, build, test, and deploy your software. to ensure the configuration works as expected.

Step 6: Editing Swimlanes and Copy/Pasting a Module

Creator Workshop workflow:

  • Employee swimlane

  • Email Validation  Task node

  • Email Validation module

Email Validation module:

To see a preview of these elements in a configuration, visit

In this use case, you converted the Authenticated swimlane into the Employee swimlane for employee role access. You also created a new Task node and module in the Automated swimlane to validate that the employee email addresses had the correct company domain. Instead of configuring the content, you copied/pasted a module definition.

Step 7: Configuring Valid and Invalid Email Workflow Paths

Creator Workshop workflow:

  • Email Validation Gateway Exclusive Gateway node

  • Invalid Email Address Message node

  • Invalid Email Path End node

  • Employee Travel Information  Task node

  • Employee Travel Information module

To see a preview of these elements in a configuration, visit

In this use case, you added an Exclusive Gateway node to divert the workflow path into two paths — one for valid email addresses and another for invalid ones. For invalid email addresses, you used the Message node to notify employee roles that their email address is invalid. For valid employee email addresses, you added another Task node and module to send the workflow to the Employee Travel Information screen.

Step 8: Adding Snippets to a Module and Calculating Travel Cost

Employee Travel Information module:

  • Employee Travel Information Fields snippet

To see a preview of these elements in a configuration, visit

In this use case, you added a snippet to your Employee Travel Information module. You reviewed the snippet configuration, which takes employee information from the Employee Information screen and displays it concisely for employees to see. The snippet also contained Address Search, Date Input, and Calculator components that retrieved end-user End-users, also known as Express Users, are the individuals accessing an application through Express View. In most cases, end-users are the customers using the product. travel departure and arrival information. The snippet also displayed the estimated cost and remaining annual travel budget.

Step 9: Using External API Calls to Retrieve Currency Exchange Rates

Employee Travel Information module:

  • Calculating Country Codes and Exchange Rates snippet

To see a preview of these elements in a configuration, visit

In this use case, you added a snippet to your Employee Travel Information module that uses internal and external API APIs (application programming interfaces) are a set of protocols and definitions developers use to build and integrate application software. APIs act as the connective tissue between products and services.s to calculate current currency exchange rates. You learned how Plug-In components can create API calls to get information from other Unqork modules or from external sources. You also learned how the Calculator and Data Workflow components can be used to take information from large country code and currency rate data sets, manipulate that data, and display the current exchange rate and the estimated converted cost.

Step 10: Creating a Manager Review Screen

Creator Workshop workflow:

  • Manager swimlane

  • Manager Review  Task node

  • Employee Submitted Signal node

  • Manager Notification Email Message node

Manager Review module:

  • Copy/paste configuration from Employee Information and Employee Travel Information modules

  • panelReviewSubmission Panel component

  • requestStatus Dropdown Component Icon Dropdown component

  • colManagerApproval Columns Component Icon Columns component

To see a preview of these elements in a configuration, visit

In this use case, you created a new swimlane for Manager roles. Inside your Manager swimlane, you created a Task node and module for managers to view and then approve or deny submitted employee travel requests. In the Manager Review module, you copied/pasted the configuration from your Employee Information and Employee Travel Information modules. Then, you deleted unnecessary components and organized the module to display the employee travel request information to the manager role. Using a Panel component, you made all the employee information viewable only to the manager role. Then, you added a Dropdown component for the manager to select an Approved or Denied response.

For the second part of this use case, you used a Signal node to notify employees that their travel request was successfully submitted for approval. Then, you used a Message node to notify and the manager and link them to the Manager Review screen to review the employee travel request submission.

Step 11: Messaging Approved or Denied Travel Request Emails to Employees

Creator Workshop workflow:

  • Manager Review Gateway Exclusive Gateway node

  • Approved Message, Denied Message  Message nodes

  • Approved Travel Request End, Denied Travel Request End  End node

To see a preview of these elements in a configuration, visit

In this use case, you used another Exclusive Gateway node to divert the workflow path based on the manager's Approved or Denied response in the Manager Review module. For the Denied responses, you used a Message node to send a Denied message to employees. For Approved responses, you used a Message node to send an approved message.

Step 12: Creating a Dashboard to Display Submitted Travel Requests

Creator Workshop application:

  • Manager Dashboard module

Manager Dashboard module:

  • plugListSubmissions Plug-In component

  • initPlugSubmissions Radio Button component icon Initializer component

  • vgSubmissions Dropdown Component Icon ViewGrid component

  • Chart and KPI Dashboard snippet

To see a preview of these elements in a configuration, visit

In this use case, you created a module outside of your workflow to hold your manager review dashboard. This dashboard displays all the completed employee travel request submissions for the manager to view. First, you added a Plug-In component to bring all end-user End-users, also known as Express Users, are the individuals accessing an application through Express View. In most cases, end-users are the customers using the product. submission data Also known as Record Data. Submission data consists of information saved by Unqork components. View submission data by using the angular command, or in Record Collections. into the module. Using a ViewGrid component, you organized and displayed this information by its review status.

In the next step of the use case, you added a snippet containing an advanced dashboard configuration. You learned how Data Workflow components can filter data by their Approved or Denied status. You learned how Panels can organize and display data, allowing managers to see approved and denied travel requests separately. You also learned how Chart and KPI components can display data in dynamic widgets.

Wrapping up your use case, you configured your workflow End nodes to redirect the manager to your dashboard after they approved or denied an employee travel request.

Unqork Community Hub

If you are still having trouble finding a solution to your configuration, visit the Unqork Community Hub. Here, you can post questions and get assistance from other Creators Also known as Unqork Users, or Designer Users; is anyone who is inside the Unqork platform. and Unqork employees.

Troubleshooting Resources

The Unqork Documentation Hub holds more information that can help you identify and resolve your performance issues. Here are resources you can access to troubleshoot your application: