Service Logs Dashboard Tool


The Service Logs Dashboard tool logs and displays all remote execute and service requests. You can use the dashboard to view the performance of your API APIs (application programming interfaces) are a set of protocols and definitions developers use to build and integrate application software. APIs act as the connective tissue between products and services. calls. That way, you can determine if all your calls are working correctly.

The tool also offers a variety of filters so you can locate service logs easily. Once you've located your API call, you can view details like Service Type, Request Method, Root and Parent Service Log ID, and so on.

The Service Logs Dashboard also includes a Charts panel with a range of KPI A quanitifiable measure of performance of a specific objective for a specified time. (key performance indicator) widgets. You have the choice of exporting, printing, or creating PDFs from each chart.

IMPORTANT  The Service Logs Dashboard tool retrieves information about your API calls. When an API call fails, the tool can help you find the call and the module where it exists. What the Service Logs Dashboard tool cannot do is troubleshoot the issue for you.

NOTE  The UDLC Service Logs Dashboard captures requests that egress out of the environment and the Logs Dashboard captures requests that ingress into the environment.

TIP  For more information about troubleshooting, view our Troubleshooting articles.

Service Logs Dashboard Tool Access

This tool requires Creators Also known as Unqork Users, or Designer Users; is anyone who is inside the Unqork platform. to have specific role access in Environment Role RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) or WSRBAC (Workspaces Role-Based Access Control.

If using Environment Roles (not using WSRBAC):

  • Creator roles can view all service logs in this tool.

If using WSRBAC:

  • Creators can view service logs related to modules, workflows, or services inside Workspaces they have access to.

  • If a user cannot access specific service log records, it likely means they do not have access to the Workspace containing the module.

What You'll Learn

In this article, you’ll learn how to filter logs, view their details, and export and share data.

TIP  To learn more about accessing the Unqork Development Life Cycle Toolkit, view our Introduction to the Unqork Development Life Cycle Toolkit article.

Navigating the Logs Table

To view the details of an API call, you'll use the Logs table. By default, the Logs table shows 10 entries. Click the Load More button at the bottom of the Logs table to display 10 more entries. You can also use the (acsending/descending) icon in each column header to adjust the table organization. Below is an example of what the Logs dashboard looks like in the Service Logs Dashboard tool:

A static image displaying the Logs Dashboard in the Service Logs Dashboard tool.

Let’s look at what you'll see in the Logs table:

Columns Description


This column displays the API call's service type. Service types include:

  • remoteExecute: This service type represents service logs for internal API calls in Unqork.

  • service: This service type represents service logs for external APIs calls.

Code - Text

This column displays the response code and its associated text—for example, 200 - OK.

Date Time

Each time an API call occurs, the Unqork Service Logs timestamp it. The timestamp displays using UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

Duration (ms)

Displays the time between the call's request and response, in milliseconds (ms).


Displays the user ID of the Creator Also known as Unqork Users, or Designer Users; is anyone who is inside the Unqork platform. who configured the API call.

Service / Module

Displays the module ID of your API call and the API call's execution method. For example, if the call retrieves data, it displays the GET method.


Click this button to view all detailed information about the service log.

Load More

By default, the Logs table displays 10 entries. Click this button to display 10 more.

Back to Top

Click this button to return to the top of the Logs table.

Logs Shown

The number of entries currently displayed in the Logs table.

Excel Download

Click this button to download the Logs table to your computer as an Excel file.

Filtering the Logs Table

Every time you execute an API APIs (application programming interfaces) are a set of protocols and definitions developers use to build and integrate application software. APIs act as the connective tissue between products and services. call in your application, it stores in Unqork’s Service Logs. Everyone making an API call using the Unqork services has their calls saved to the Service Logs. Because this can result in hundreds to thousands of service logs, the Service Logs Dashboard tool offers some precise filters.

A static image displaying the Logs dashboard filters.

Expand the sections on the left panel to use the following filters and actions:

Filter Description

Service Type

Select the Service Type to filter by. New drop-down menus display after making your selection.


Select this filter to choose a specific service to filter by.

Service Name

Use this drop-down menu to select a service in your environment by name.


Select this filter to choose a specific module to filter by.

Module Name

Use this drop-down to select a module in your environment by name.

Module ID

Enter a module ID to filter for a specific module.

Data Range

Expand these filters and use these fields and drop-down menus to select a specific start and end date range to filter by. You can also filter for a specific time in hours, minutes, and seconds. This filter uses UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

IMPORTANT  This setting only applies to external API calls. For internal services, service logs store for 30 days in Production environments and three days for other environments.


Expand this section and use these fields to filter by the following:

  • Root Service Log ID: Enter a specific root ID to filter by.

  • Parent Service Log ID: Enter a specific parent ID to filter by.

Response Codes

Expand this section and use these fields and drop-down menus to filter by specific response codes returned by your API call. This filter includes the following options:

  • All Codes: Filters all calls that returned a response code, regardless if it's a success or error code. By default, this option is selected.

  • Error Codes: Filters all calls that returned 400 and 500 level error codes.

  • Success Codes: Filters all calls that returned 200 - OK and 202 - Accepted success codes.

  • Select Specific Codes: Selecting this option displays a drop-down menu where you can select a specific response code to filter by.

TIP  To learn more about response codes, view our HTTP Status Codes article.

Request / Response

Expand this section to filter by specific request and response keys and values.

  • Request Key: Use this field to search for a specific request key. You must filter using data. in your request key—for example, data.companyName.

  • Request Value: Use this field to filter for the request value associated with the API call's request key.

  • Response Key: Use this field to search for a specific response key. You must filter using data.resolved in your response key—for example, data.resolved.status.

  • Response Value: Use this field to filter for the response value associated with the API call's response key.


Expand this section and use these fields to filter by the following:

Apply Filters

Click this button to apply all filters and return the results in the Logs table.

Clear Filters

Click this button to clear all filters.

Share Filters

Click this button to copy your filters as a link to share with your team.


Navigating a Service Log's Details

Now that we’ve examined the information in the Logs table and how to use the filters, let’s explore your call in more detail.

Opening a Service Log Details Modal

To open the Service Log Details modal A modal is a window that appears on top of the content you are currently viewing.:

1.Use the Filters to locate the service log you'd like to view.
2.Click the View button to the far right of your Logs table entry.

A static image displaying the View button to the right of a service log on the Logs dashboard.

Viewing the Service Logs Details

When you view a service log, you'll see all the detailed information of that API call. To the right is an example of a remoteExecute service log in the Service Log Details modal.

You'll find the following details and actions for all service logs:

A static image displaying the Service Log Details for a remote execute service log.


X (Close)

Click the X at the top right to close the Service Log Details modal A modal is a window that appears on top of the content you are currently viewing..


The API call's service type. Service types include:

  • remoteExecute: This service type represents service logs for internal API calls in Unqork.

  • service: This service type represents service logs for external APIs calls.


The API call's request method. Request methods can be the following:

  • GET: Retrieves and reads existing resources.

  • POST: Creates new resources.

  • PUT: Updates existing resources.

  • DELETE: Deletes a resource.

TIP  To learn more about request methods, view our How Do APIs Work? article.

Root Service Logs ID

The unique identifier of the service log at the root directory.

Parent Service Log ID

The unique identifier of the service log at the parent directory.

Service / Module

The name of the service or module making the API call.

Service Log ID

The unique identifier of the service log.

Submission ID

The unique identifier of the submission created, retrieved, updated, or deleted after the call is completed.

Response Code - Text

The response code and its associated text returned in the response.

User ID

The unique identifier of the Creator Also known as Unqork Users, or Designer Users; is anyone who is inside the Unqork platform. that configured the API call.

Request Time

The timestamp when the API request was made, in UTC.


The component making the API call.

Response Time

The timestamp when the API response was returned, in UTC.

Duration (ms)

The time it took to complete the API call, in milliseconds (ms).


The URL path where the API call was made.

Request Body

Expand this accordion An accordion is a type of menu that displays a list of headers stacked on top of one another. to view the JSON JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is an open standard file and data interchange format. Unqork uses JSON for submission (record) data. request body of the API call. This data represents the same data you'll find in the DevTools Console The DevTools Console helps you securely store, build, test, and deploy your software..

IMPORTANT  To view the request body data for an service API call, you must set Capture Response & Request Bodies to (ON) in Services Administration.

Response Body

Expand this accordion to view the JSON response body of the API call. This data represents the same data you'll find in the DevTools Console.

IMPORTANT  To view the response body data for an service API call, you must set Capture Response & Request Bodies to (ON) in Services Administration.

View Module in Designer

Click this link to open the API module in the Module Builder.

Debug Execution

Click this link to open the API module in the Server-Side Execution Testing page.

IMPORTANT  This link is only available when viewing the details of a remoteExecute service log.

Navigating the Charts Panel

Above the Logs table, you'll see the Charts panel. If you expand the Charts panel, you’ll see four graphs. These graphs plot all API calls currently displayed in the Logs table. If your Logs table displays only 10 entries, you'll see data plotted for only those 10 entries. Click the Load More button below the Logs table to update your graphs automatically. These graphs include:


Services / Modules

This graph plots the number of times the tool counts a service or module in the Logs table.

Response Codes

This pie chart displays the percentage of all response codes in the Logs table.

Requests x Time

This line graph plots API requests versus time. To the right of the graph, you can choose to plot the time in minutes, hours, or days.

Performance x Time

This line graph plots the performance of the API requests versus time. To the right of the graph, you can choose to plot the time in minutes, hours, or days.

Below is an example of what your charts might look like:

Exporting and Sharing Chart Data

On each chart, you’ll notice a hamburger button () at the top right.

A static image displaying the chart sharing options.

When you click this button, you can select from the following options:


Print Chart

Lets you print the chart or save it as a PDF. Use your computer's print settings to modify the chart as you wish.

Download CSV

Lets you download the chart as a .csv file.

Download XLS

Lets you download the chart as an .xls file.

Download XLSX

Lets you download the chart as an .xlsx file.

Download PDF Document

Lets you download the chart as a .pdf file.