Config Analysis Dashboard Tool


The Config Analysis Tool helps resolve complex issues that come up as you build in the Unqork Designer Platform. With this tool, Unqork provides feedback on your applications as you build.

Use the Config Analysis Tool to submit your configurations for review. The team at Unqork runs multiple tests on each configuration, and they suggest possible improvements. They also send you a detailed report from the tests, so you avoid similar configuration issues in the future. Upload your report to the Config Analysis Dashboard tool to filter and organize your information with ease. Track changes as you and your team update the project to see progress in real-time. The tool includes a variety of charts as visualization aids for the report. Use these KPI A quanitifiable measure of performance of a specific objective for a specified time. widgets to print, export, and share test results.

Config Analysis requests are sent to an Unqork team that performs a detailed analysis of your configurations. This tool does not return the analysis in real time. Expect to receive the results in one to two days.

Submitting a Config Analysis Request

First step is to submit a Config Analysis Request. After receiving your request, we'll review your modules or applications to be sure they meet Unqork's best practices.

To submit a module or application for analysis, click the + Request New Analysis button.

Next, you'll choose what you want to submit for review. Your options are:

  • All Applications in the Environment: Choosing this option submits all applications in your current environment for review. It's important to note that this could potentially be a lot of data to analyze.

  • Specific Applications: Choosing this option shows the Applications drop-down. Using this drop-down you'll select specific applications in your environment. You can choose as many applications as you want.

  • Specific Modules: Choosing this option shows the Modules drop-down. Using this drop-down you'll select specific modules in your environment. You can choose as many modules as you want.

1. After you've made your selection(s), click Submit.
2. Click OK in the pop-up.

Another pop-up appears showing your Request Number. You can use this number anytime to view the details and status of your request in the Dashboard.

Filtering the Config Analysis Dashboard

The Config Analysis Dashboard is where you'll find all your requests. As you continue to build applications, the number of requests will increase. But only 10 requests show per Dashboard page. You can click the pagination buttons below the table to see more. Or, to make it easier, you can use the dashboard's filters to help you find a particular request. You can use any or all these filters, depending on how specific you want to be. As you enter text into the fields, the result appears automatically. To clear all fields, just click the funnel icon to the far right.

Let’s take a look at the available filters:

Filter Description

Request #

This is the Request Number you received when you submitted your request. The typical format of the number is: DATA-####.


The person that submitted the request.


The date of the request submission.


Use this filter to find requests that analyze either:

  • Modules

  • Applications


These are the specific modules or applications added to the request.

Here's an example of the Config Analysis Dashboard:

Uploading Your Config Analysis Report

After submitting a request, you'll receive an email with an attached spreadsheet named Config Analysis {your-environment} {timestamp in UTC}.xlsx. This spreadsheet is your analysis report. You'll upload this spreadsheet to the Config Analysis dashboard to organize the request information. Download and save this spreadsheet to your computer to make it easier to upload.

To upload your spreadsheet file:

1. Access the Config Analysis Dashboard tool.
2. Use the Config Analysis Dashboard's filters to find your request.
3. Click the View button to the right of your request. This will open the Config Analysis Upload Dashboard.
4. Drag and drop your spreadsheet file onto the Config Analysis Upload Dashboard. Or, use the dashboard's Browse option to upload your file.

The format of your file must be .xls or .xlsx to successfully upload to the dashboard.

After the upload is complete, a new page opens showing the Config Analysis Details page. On it, you'll see all the detailed test results of your request. Let's use the dashboard to look at the tests run on your configuration.

After you've uploaded your spreadsheet, you won't have to do it again. Now, when you view that request from the Config Analysis Dashboard, it'll open directly in the Config Analysis Details page.

Navigating the Config Analysis Details Page

The Config Analysis Details page shows you all the test results for your request. The top of the page shows the basic information about your request:

  • Request #

  • User

  • Date

  • Scope

  • Resources

But that's not even the half of it. There's so much to see on this dashboard. The available dashboard panels let you view, filter, and even share the results of the report. These panels are:

  • Charts

  • Filters

  • All Violations

  • Test Descriptions

Here's an example of a report in the Config Analysis Details page:

Let's look at each of these panels in more detail.

Navigating the Charts Panel

Expand the charts panels, and you'll see all the test violations of your modules and applications. Violations are configurations that don't follow Unqork's best practices. You'll see that violations have types of severity. The higher the severity, the greater the risk of issues occurring in your application.

These are the charts you'll see in this panel:

Chart Description

Violations by Test Count

This pie chart shows you the number of violations per test. You can hover over a section of the chart to see the test it represents and the number of violations.

Violations by Severity Count

This bar graph shows you the number of violations per type of severity. The different types of severity are:

  • Low: Violations that have a small chance of causing issues in your application.

  • Medium: Violations that have the potential of causing issues in your application.

  • High: Violations with a high risk of causing issues in your application.

  • Informational: These violations offer context about your configuration. These types of violations don't necessarily pose a risk to your configuration.

Violations by Module Count

This bar graph shows you the number of violations per module.

One of the key features of these charts is that you can print and export them to share with your team. When you expand the Charts panel, you’ll notice a hamburger button () at the top right of each chart widget. When you click on this button, you get the following options:

  • Print chart

  • Download CSV

  • Download XLS

  • Download PDF document

Let's look at each of these in more detail.

Print Chart

The Print Chart option lets you print data from each chart.

To print a chart:

1. Click the (Hamburger) button at the right of the chart.
2. Select Print Chart.
3. At the print dialog, set your Destination:
a. Save as PDF.
b. A connected printer device.
4. Set the Layout as Portrait or Landscape.
5. Under More Settings, set the Scale as either Default or Custom. The Custom option lets you adjust the chart size to fit the full page.
6. Click Save/Print. The button updates based on your Destination selected earlier.

Download CSV

A CSV (comma-separated values) file is a plain text file that contains a list of data.

To download your chart as a CSV file:

1. Click the (Hamburger) button at the right of the chart.
2. Select Download CSV.
3. Check your Downloads folder for the .csv file. Your file name is similar to that of the chart name. For example, the Violations by Test Count chart downloads as violations-by-test-count.csv.

Download XLS

XLS is a file extension created by Microsoft for use with Microsoft Excel.

To download your chart as an XLS file:

1. Click the (Hamburger) button at the right of the chart.
2. Select Download XLS.
3. Check your Downloads folder for the .xls file. Your file name is similar to that of the chart name. For example, the Violations by Test Count chart downloads as violations-by-test-count.xls.

Download PDF Document

PDF stands for Portable Document Format. Using this format prevents modification of your chart file while still allowing sharing and printing.

To download your chart as a PDF file:

1. Click the (Hamburger) button at the right of the chart.
2. Select Download PDF Document.
3. Check your Downloads folder for the .pdf file. Your file name is similar to that of the chart name. For example, the Violations by Test Count chart downloads as violations-by-test-count.pdf.

Navigating the Filters Panel

The Filters panel helps you find specific information about your analysis. These filters let you find a specific module or even a specific test. You can use any or all these filters, depending on how specific you want to be.

The image below is what the Filters panel looks like when expanded:

The filters are:

Filter Description


This filter lets you look at a specific test run on your configuration. The test options are specific to your configuration. The different tests might include:

  • buttonsWithoutSingleClick

  • compsWithHiddenChecked

  • flagBadDropdowns

  • flagBadHTML

  • flagBadPlugins

  • flagMismatchLabels

  • flagUnusedDeComponents

  • getApiParamViolations

  • getApiSpecViolations

  • getBadInitCalcNames

  • getBadRemoteExecute

  • getClearWhenHidden

  • getComponentLoops

  • getDisabledComps

  • getDisplayWithoutComponents

  • getDwfsWithConsoles

  • getFormIdWithoutImport

  • getHardcodedEnvReference

  • getHiddenCompMismatchLabels

  • getPluginWithoutErrorTrigger

  • getStoredValsInDeComps

  • getSubmissionsNoLimit

  • getTestComps

  • getUnlabeledComponents

  • getUnsanitizedDwfFormulas

  • getWatchTrigger

  • ViewGridsWithFormulas


The following config analysis tests are excluded from this drop-down because they don't apply to best practices:

  • getComponentDistributions

  • getSubmissionDistribution

  • getSubmissionTimeSeries


This drop-down lets you filter by application name.


You'll use this drop-down to find a specific module in your application.


Each violation has a status. These are the status options you can filter for:

  • To Do: These are violations that you've not yet reviewed.

  • In Progress: These are violations you've started working on.

  • Resolved: These are violations that you've fixed.

  • Won't Do: These are violations that you've reviewed but need no further action.


Each violation has a severity associated with it. The higher the severity, the worse the practices are in the configuration. The different types of severity are:

  • Low: Violations that have a small chance of causing issues in your application.

  • Medium: Violations with some potential to cause issues in your application.

  • High: Violations with a high risk of causing issues in your application.

  • Informational: These violations offer context about your configuration. These types of violations don't necessarily pose a risk to your configuration.

Apply Filters

Click this button to apply the filters you've selected.

Clear Filters

Click this button to clear all the filters.

Navigating the All Violations Panel

This panel shows all the violations for the individual components of your modules. The table also populates with the selections you made in the Filters panel. By default, the table shows 10 entries. You can click the pagination buttons below the table to see more.

Here's an example of what the All Violations table looks like:

Here's what you'll see in the All Violations table:

Attribute Description


This is the specific test run on this module's component.

Application Name

This is the name of the application where the component lives.

Module ID

This is the unique identifier of the component's associated module.

Module Name

This is the name or title of the component's associated module.


This is the Property ID of this specific component.


This is the current status of the violation. Remember, these are the status options you see:

  • To Do: These are violations that you've not yet reviewed.

  • In Progress: These are violations you've started working on.

  • Resolved: These are violations that you've fixed.

  • Won't Do: These are violations that you've reviewed but need no further action.


This is the severity of the violation. Remember, the different types of severity are:

  • Low: Violations that have a small chance of causing issues in your application.

  • Medium: Violations with some potential to cause issues in your application.

  • High: Violations with a high risk of causing issues in your application.

  • Informational: These violations offer context about your configuration. These types of violations don't necessarily pose a risk to your configuration.

Viewing a Component's Violation

After you've found a violation to review, click the Details button to the right of it. A pop-up appears with:

  • The test name.

  • The violation's severity.

  • The violation's status

  • A link to the module in the Module Builder.

Use this Status drop-down to update the progress of the violation.

Also on the pop-up is a table showing detailed information. Depending on the test and the component, you'll see differing information. The most common information is the:

  • Application ID.

  • Application name.

  • Module ID.

  • Module name.

  • Component's property name.

  • Modified time (UTC) and date.

  • Component's ancestors.

  • Status of the violation.

By default, the table shows 10 entries. You can click the pagination buttons below the table to see more.

Here's an example of what you might see:

Navigating the Test Descriptions Panel

The final Panel of the dashboard is the Test Descriptions panel. Here you can look at the tests run on your modules and applications. By default, the table shows 10 tests. You can click the pagination buttons below the table to see more. The table shows the following:

  • Test name

  • Test severity

  • Test description

Here's what the Test Descriptions panel looks like:

To get more detailed information about a test, click on the Learn More button to the right of it. When you do, a pop-up appears with an in-depth description of the test. You'll see the following sections in the pop-up:

Attribute Description


This is the test's name.


This is the test's severity.

Test Description

This is a brief description of what the test does.

Suggested Action Item

Here you can find a suggestion for your configuration. Following these suggestions will help ensure you configure the module using Unqork's best practices.


An explanation for the suggested action.

Columns Explanation

This is a description of the test fields you'll find from your spreadsheet report.

Here's an example of what the pop-up looks like: