Vega Table Operations JSON Reference List


Vega Table operations are the actions the Vega Table component performs. These actions include filtering, adding rows, removing rows, navigating to different table pages, and so on. But, instead of running operations in the Table component, you'll use a logic component to control and trigger them.

Using the Operations Builder tool? View table operation descriptions in our Vega Table Operations article.

Each Vega Table operation contains key/value pairs called options. For each Vega Table option, enter the relevant option value to customize how your Vega Table operation performs. For example, the TABLE_SET_COLUMN_FILTER operation filters columns in the Vega Table component. The TABLE_SET_COLUMN_FILTER operation uses the ColumnFilter option key/value pair to determine the column you want to filter by.

To control and trigger Vega Table operations in logic components, use a new Outputs Enter outputs components and actions you want the component to perform. Type called VEGA_OPERATION. For the logic component's Outputs Value, enter the operation and options you want your Vega Table to perform.

A static image displaying the table set column filter Table operation configured in an Initializer component's Outputs table.

Here's the basic template for performing an operation:

   "type": "OPERATION_TYPE",
   "options": {
      // Options go here.

Vega Table Operations

Below is a list of all supported Vega Table operations you can use to control your Vega Table component.

Operation Type



Example JSON


Adds a column to the table.

  • targetKey: string

  • definitions: object[]

You can add additional definitions, like label. If you do not provide label, it defaults to the label associated with the type of component.

  "type": "TABLE_ADD_COLUMN",
  "options": {
    "targetKey": "grid",
    "definitions": [
        "key": "ColumnAdded",
        "type": "button"


Adds an empty row to the table at a specified index.

  • targetKey: string

  • targetIndex: number

  • rowValue: object

If no index is specified, a row adds to the bottom of the table.

  "type": "TABLE_ADD_ROW",
  "options": {
    "targetKey": "table",
    "targetIndex": 1,
    "rowValue": {
      "Name": "AppOne",
      "Date": "12/01/2023",
      "Number": 123


Removes all columns and rows from the table.

  • targetKey: string

  "type": "TABLE_CLEAR",
  "options": {
    "targetKey": "grid"


Navigates to the first page of the table.

  • targetKey: string

Use enablePagination: true to allow pagination.

  "options": {
    "targetKey": "grid"


Navigates to the last page of the table.

  • targetKey: string

Use enablePagination: true to allow pagination.

  "type": "TABLE_GO_TO_LAST_PAGE",
  "options": {
    "targetKey": "grid"


Navigates to the next page of the table.

  • targetKey: string

Use enablePagination: true to allow pagination.

  "type": "TABLE_GO_TO_NEXT_PAGE",
  "options": {
    "targetKey": "grid"


Navigates to a specific page of the table.

  • targetKey: string

  • pageNumber: number or string

The first page has an index of 0.

Use enablePagination: true to allow pagination.

  "type": "TABLE_GO_TO_PAGE",
  "options": {
    "targetKey": "grid",
    "pageNumber": "{{textField.value}}"


  "type": "TABLE_GO_TO_PAGE",
  "options": {
    "targetKey": "grid",
    "pageNumber": 5


Navigates to the previous page of the table.

  • targetKey: string

Use enablePagination: true to allow pagination.

  "options": {
    "targetKey": "grid"


Sets the number of rows displayed on each page.

  • targetKey: string

  • pageSize: number or string

Use enablePagination: true to allow pagination.

  "type": "TABLE_SET_PAGE_SIZE",
  "options": {
    "targetKey": "grid",
    "pageSize": 3


  "type": "TABLE_SET_PAGE_SIZE",
  "options": {
    "targetKey": "grid",
    "pageSize": "{{pageSizeText.value}}"


Removes a column from the table.

  • targetKey: string

  • keysToRemove: string or string[]

  "options": {
    "targetKey": "grid",
    "keysToRemove": [


Removes a specified row(s) from the table.

  • targetKey: string

  • targetRowKeys: string[]

The target key of the row(s) to be removed.

  • targetIndexes: number[]

The index for the row(s) to be removed.

   "type": "TABLE_REMOVE_ROWS",
   "options": {
      "targetKey": "grid",
      "targetIndex": [0]


Displays or hides the action toolbar.

  • targetKey: string

  • enableTopToolbar: Boolean or string

  • enableBottomToolbar: Boolean or string

   "options": {
      "targetKey": "grid",
      "enableTopToolbar": true,
      "enableBottomToolbar": false


Displays or hides the column filter toolbar.

  • targetKey: string

  • enableColumnFilters: Boolean or string

   "options": {
      "targetKey": "grid",
      "enableColumnFilters": true


Filters one or more columns.

  • targetKey: string

  • filters: ColumnFilter[]

ColumnFilter =


id: string

value: unknown


  "options": {
    "targetKey": "grid",
    "filters": [
        "id": "title",
        "value": "CEO"


Displays or hides the global filter toolbar.

  • targetKey: string

  • enableGlobalFilter: Boolean or string

   "options": {
      "targetKey": "grid",
      "enableGlobalFilter": true


Filters all columns simultaneously.

  • targetKey: string

  • filters: ColumnFilter[]

  "options": {
    "targetKey": "grid",
    "filter": "CEO"


Pins a column of the table.

  • targetKey: string

  • columnPinningState: ColumnPinningState

ColumnPinningState =


left: string[]

right: string[]


  "options": {
    "targetKey": "grid",
    "columnPinningState": {
      "left": [
      "right": [


Displays or hides a column of the table.

  • targetKey: string

  • column: string or string[]

  • visibility: string

    visibility =

  • HIDDEN: Hides the column(s)

  • VISIBLE: Displays the column(s)

  • TOGGLE: Switches the current visibility

  • If any of the provided columns are invalid or do not exist, the operation stops.

  • If no columns are provided, an error displays.

  • targetKey, column, and visibility support interpolation syntax.

   "options": {
      "targetKey": "grid",
      "column": [
      "visibility": "TOGGLE"


Offers additional control over filtering columns by data type.

  • targetKey: string

  • filters: string

Filters string values include:

  • text: Text filter where the end user types in the value to search.

  • select: A dropdown for the end user to select a value.

  • multi-select: A dropdown for the end user to select one or multiple value(s).

  • checkbox: A checkbox to filter boolean values.

  • range: A number range where the end user types in the number values.

  • range-slider: A range slider for a number value that the end user can interact with. If no min and max values selected, the min and max will be auto populated with the lowest and highest numbers in the data respectively.

  • date-range: A date range to filter.

Learn more about each filters type in the Filters Types and Options section.

  "options": {
    "shouldExecute": true,
    "targetKey": "vegaTable",
    "filters": [
  "creatorSummary": "Initialize filter types"


Sets row grouping in the table.

  • targetKey: string

  • groupBy: string or string[]

Use enableGrouping: true to allow row grouping.

  "options": {
    "targetKey": "grid",
    "groupBy": "lastName"


Pins a row of the table.

  • targetKey: string

  • rowPinningState: RowPinningState

RowPinningState =


top: string[]

bottom: string[]


Use enableRowPinning: true to allow row pinning.

  "options": {
    "targetKey": "grid",
    "rowPinningState": {
      "top": [
      "bottom": [


Highlights the selected row of the table.

  • targetKey: string

  • selectedRows: RowSelection

RowSelection = {[rowIndex: string]: boolean}

Use enableRowSelection: true to allow row selection.

  "options": {
    "targetKey": "grid",
    "selectedRows": {
      "0": true


Enables or disables grouping.

  • targetKey: string

  "options": {
    "targetKey": "grid"

Filters Types and Options

The TABLE_SET_FILTER_TYPES operation enables granular control over a Vega Table's column filtering feature. Creators can specify the type of filter to use for each column, and control its specific effects. For example, you could limit the filter options for a column containing a drop-down list, or limit the the minimum and maximum range values of a column displaying the number data type.

Filter Types

The list below includes a description and available option for each filter type available to the TABLE_SET_FILTER_TYPES filter:

Filter Option Description Option Values Example


Filters column by Boolean values.

Useful for filtering data from a Single Checkbox component.

  • useFacetedOptions: Boolean

  • includeBlanksInFilter: Boolean

  • allowFilterBlank: Boolean

    "id": "approved",
    "type": "checkbox",
    "useFacetedOptions": true,
    "includeBlanksInFilter": false,
    "allowFilterBlank": false


Filters column by date value and allows Creators Also known as Unqork Users, or Designer Users; is anyone who is inside the Unqork platform. to specify the date format that displays in the Vega Table's filter tool bar.

Useful for filtering data from a Date Input component.

  • dateFormat: See the example formats below:

    • MM/DD/YYYY

    • YYY-DD-MM

    • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ

  • useFacetedOptions: Boolean

  • allowFilterBlank: Boolean

  • includeBlanksInFilter: Boolean

    "id": "policyStartDate",
    "type": "date-range",
    "dateFormat": "MM/DD/YYYY",
    "useFacetedOptions": true,
    "includeBlanksInFilter": false,
    "allowFilterBlank": false


Filters column by drop-down values that allow end-users to select multiple values.

Useful for filtering data fields from a Simple Select component.

  • allowFilterBlank: Boolean

  • useFacetedOptions: Boolean

  • includeBlanksInFilter: Boolean

    "id": "tags",
    "type": "multi-select",
    "allowFilterBlank": true,
    "useFacetedOptions": true,
    "includeBlanksInFilter": false


Filters column by number values and presents as a minimum and maximum field to the end-user End-users, also known as Express Users, are the individuals accessing an application through Express View. In most cases, end-users are the customers using the product..

Useful for filtering data from the Number component.

  • useFacetedOptions: Boolean

  • includeBlanksInFilter: Boolean

  • allowFilterBlank: Boolean

    "id": "quoteAmount",
    "type": "range",
    "useFacetedOptions": true,
    "includeBlanksInFilter": false,
    "allowFilterBlank": false


Filters column by number values and presents as a slider to the end-user. Creators can set the minimum and maximum values end-users can filter by.

Useful for filtering data from the Number component.

  • useFacetedOptions: Boolean

  • includeBlanksInFilter: Boolean

  • allowFilterBlank: Boolean

  • min: number (optional)

  • max: number (optional)

  • step: number (optional)

    "id": "totalValue",
    "type": "range-slider",
    "useFacetedOptions": true,
    "includeBlanksInFilter": false,
    "allowFilterBlank": false,
    "min": 0,
    "max": 100000,
    "step": 1000


Filters column by drop-down values where the end-user can select a single value.

Useful for filtering data values from a Dropdown, Simple Select component.

  • useFacetedOptions: Boolean

  • filterOptions: array

    • label: string

    • value: string

  • allowFilterBlank: Boolean

  • includeBlanksInFilter: Boolean

    "id": "team",
    "type": "select",
    "useFacetedOptions": false,
    "filterOptions": [
        { "label": "Sales", 
        "value": "Sales" },
        { "label": "HR", 
        "value": "HR" },
        { "label": "Product", 
        "value": "Product" },
        { "label": "Engineering", 
        "value": "Engineering" }
    "allowFilterBlank": true,
    "includeBlanksInFilter": false

Filter Type Options

Creators us Filter type options to customize each filter type in a Vega table. The options listed below are available for some, or all filter types.

Setting Supported Filters Description

Use Faceted Values



When Checked Box Icon (checked), the Vega Table generates filter options for end-users using the unique values contained in the data.

When, ☐ (unchecked), Creators manually enter a label and value for each option in the Filter Options list.

Allow Filter Blanks




Set toChecked Box Icon (checked) display an option to end-users that lets them filter for black values. For text type filters, end-users End-users, also known as Express Users, are the individuals accessing an application through Express View. In most cases, end-users are the customers using the product. can enter "(blanks)" (without the quotes) in the field to filter on blank values.

Include Blanks in Filter

All Filters

Set to Checked Box Icon (checked) to include blank data values. When checked, includes rows with blank values in the filter results for the end-user End-users, also known as Express Users, are the individuals accessing an application through Express View. In most cases, end-users are the customers using the product..
