How-to Guides: Component Library
This section of our How-to documentation lets you explore various use cases using many of the Unqork components. Click on a topic to see the how-to documentation.
Button Component
Add an interactive, clickable element to your module.
Introduction to Triggering Operations Using a Button Component
Introduction to Triggering Multiple Operations
Trigger Multiple Operations With the Button Component
Calculator Component
Create and insert logic calculations.
Charts Component
Create visual displays for your data sets.
Dropdown Component
Display a single choice drop-down list of options.
Dynamic Grid Component
Add a spreadsheet-like grid component to your application.
Multi-Select Dropdown Component
Display a multi choice drop-down list of options.
Panel Component
Add a container that can refresh in other modules, or provide compatibility between Centauri and Vega runtimes.
Uniform Grid Component
Insert a highly-customizable grid into your module.
Viewgrid Component
Build and display a simple dashboard.
Use Inline HTML With a ViewGrid Component
How to: Build an Inline ViewGrid Using Data Workflows
How to: Show a Delete Button in a Simple Dashboard
How to: Remove the Action Button from a Dashboard
How to: Display Workflow Submissions in a Dashboard
How to: Build a Remote Execute Dashboard With a Delete Action
Formulas & Libraries
View formula and library reference sheets.
Setting Object Values Using Lodash