Schemas Viewer

Estimated Reading Time:  6 minutes


A JSON JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is an open standard file and data interchange format. Unqork uses JSON for submission (record) data. Schema defines the requirements for storing and validating data in an application. The Schemas Viewer displays the JSON schemas that have been added to a workspace, letting you upload, manage, and publish them. When published, you can use schemas to create Unqork Data Models you can apply to Unqork modules in the same workspace.

IMPORTANT  Only Creators Also known as Unqork Users, or Designer Users; is anyone who is inside the Unqork platform. with an Administrator role can access the Schemas Viewer.

JSON Schemas provide the following benefits:

  • They promote a data-first development approach.

  • In advance of building your application, they specify the structure for your data.

  • They force consistent data validation from a central location.

What You'll Learn

In this article, you'll learn about the Schemas Viewer and how to import, edit, download, and publish JSON Schema files. You'll also explore ways to create validation in your schema files.

Accessing the Schemas Viewer

The Schemas Viewer is located under Data Elements to the left of your Workspaces page.

To access the Schemas Viewer:

1. In Workspaces view, navigate to and select your Workspace.
2. To the left of the page, select Schemas.

About the Schemas Viewer

Once you've accessed the Schemas Viewer, you'll see a list of schemas available in the workspace. Use this page to import, view, publish, and archive JSON Schemas.

A static image displaying the Schema Viewer and all its avaliable attributes and actions.

Below are the available attributes and actions you can take in the Schemas Viewer:

  Attribute Description


+ Import Schema

Used to upload a JSON Schema into your workspace and name it.

TIP  To learn more, see the Importing a JSON Schema section of this article.



Displays a list of JSON Schemas imported in your workspace. Each schema tile includes a title, a timestamp when it was last modified, and a status of Draft Icon Draft or Lock Icon Published.

You can also click a schema tile to view its details in a side panel.

TIP  To learn more about Schema Details, see the Viewing JSON Schema Details section of this article.


Active Schemas / Archived Schemas

Let's you filter by all active or archived schemas and display them in the Schemas Viewer.



Click this button on a specific schema tile to perform the following actions:A static image displaying a Schema tile's ellipsis menu.

  • Download: Lets you download the JSON Schema to your computer as a .json file.

  • Duplicate: Lets you duplicate the JSON Schema. Because you cannot edit a published schema, duplicate it to create and edit a copy in a Draft Icon Draft state.

  • Rename: Lets you rename the JSON Schema.

  • Archive: Archives the JSON Schema. In the Schemas Viewer, select Archived Schemas to filter for archived schemas only.

  • Delete: Deletes the JSON Schema.


Associated Data Models

Each tile displays the Data Model(s) associated with it. Click View Data Model to view it in a side panel.

Importing JSON Schemas

Not all JSON Schemas are supported in Unqork. For example, you cannot upload schemas with specific keywords. If your schema is not valid, edit it and remove these keywords. Additionally, Unqork schemas require that all arrays specify the items property.

Unsupported keywords include:




























IMPORTANT  Property keys cannot use the ( . ) period character. Periods in a property key affect dot notation In Unqork, Dot Notation accesses the properties of an object. The object's name comes before the period, and the property comes after. For example, to reference just the City from an Address Search component, you would enter "". functionality.

TIP  To learn more about creating valid JSON Schemas, visit:

To import a JSON Schema: 

1. At the top right of Schemas Viewer, click + Import Schema.
2. In the Schema Name* field, enter a unique name for your schema.
3. In the Upload Schema* field, browse or drag and drop your schema file.

IMPORTANT  You must upload a valid .json file.

A static image displaying the Import Schema modal with a schema name and uploaded JSON file.

4. Click Import.

Viewing JSON Schema Details

Clicking on a schema tile displays that schema's details in a side panel. Below are the various details and actions available in a schema's details panel:

A static image displaying the Schema Details panel for a selected schema.
Attribute Description

Schema Name

The name of the selected schema.

Replace Schema

Lets you upload and replace the current schema with another JSON Schema. This button only displays when a schema is in a Draft Icon Draft state.

TIP  To learn more, see the Editing a JSON Schema section of this article.


The unique identifier of schema. You can reference the schema ID in API APIs (application programming interfaces) are a set of protocols and definitions developers use to build and integrate application software. APIs act as the connective tissue between products and services. calls.

Created By

The email address of the Creator who created the JSON schema.

Created On

The date and time the schema was created.

Last Modified

The date and time the schema was last updated.


Lets you download this JSON Schema to your computer as a .json file.

JSON Field

A field that displays the JSON. Hover over a JSON value in your schema to display Edit text line button. (edit). Click it to change the value. Click Green check mark. to save your changes or Red X or Undo button. to undo them.

IMPORTANT  You can only edit JSON Schemas that are in a Draft Icon Draft state.

TIP  To learn more, see the Editing a JSON Schema section of this article.


Publishes your schema and changes the state from Draft Icon Draft to Lock Icon Published.

IMPORTANT  Once published, you cannot edit your schema. Confirm your schema is ready for publication before you publish.


Saves any changes made to your schema.

Editing JSON Schema Values

After you import your schema in your workspace, it's in a Draft Icon Draft state. That way, you can edit or replace your schema file in the Schemas Viewer. It's important to note that you can only edit the values of existing fields in your uploaded JSON Schema. To add or delete fields, or rename an attribute, edit your schema outside Unqork and upload the file again.

IMPORTANT  Editing schema types changes the component it can be mapped to. Confirm your field type matches its data values before saving.

To edit your JSON Schema's values: 

1. From the Schemas Viewer, click the schema tile you want to edit.
2. Hover over the JSON value you want to edit and select Edit text line button..
3. After making your changes, click Green check mark. to save them. Or, click Red X or Undo button. to undo them.

4. Click Save.

To replace your JSON Schema file with another file: 

1. In the Schemas Viewer, select the draft schema you want to replace.
2. At the top of the panel, click Replace Schema.
3. Browse or drag and drop your replacement file in the Replace Schema modal A modal is a window that appears on top of the content you are currently viewing..
4. Click Replace.

Schema Validations

Enforcing validation with Data Models begins with your JSON Schemas. You can include validation for fields or by marking a key as required. Because schema fields map to components, field validations are applied to the mapped component.

Let's look at an example of validating a JSON Schema's individual fields and how that applies to your module. In this use case, the Solutions Architect wants to structure case data in an insurance application. They upload a JSON Schema with an array of objects named Cases. Each object includes a validation for the minimum or maximum length of each entry.

They bind their JSON Schema with a Data Model and then apply it to an application module. Because it is an array of objects, it maps to a Uniform Grid component they can add in the Module Builder. This component field includes the validation for each array object. When end-users End-users, also known as Express Users, are the individuals accessing an application through Express View. In most cases, end-users are the customers using the product. create a new case, the application validates the minimum and maximum length before saving the data.

The Solutions Architect can also make Cases entries required for all end-users. They can upload a new schema with the required text in their JSON Schema, bind it to a Data Model, and apply the schema to a chosen module.
