Record Collections Viewer


The Record Collections Viewer displays a list of record data for each module and workflow. The Record Collection list catalogs the date, time, and details of the data captured from your applications. Only users with Administrator Creator-level roles can access the Record Collections Viewer.

The Record Collections Viewer also imports external records into the Unqork Designer Platform, allowing for the consolidation of all your records data. A job details pane provides the status of imported records and allows you to audit the records if there are issues.

NOTE  Record Data is also known as Submission Data. You might see these terms used interchangeably across the Documentation Hub. Both Records and Submission data refer to module, workflow, and schema data stored in the database.

The Record Collections Viewer provides the following benefits:

What You'll Learn

In this article, you'll learn how the Record Collections Viewer lets you view and understand how to use data record collections.

Accessing the Record Collections Viewer

The Record Collections Viewer is located in the Data Elements section of the Workspace page.

To access the Record Collections Viewer from the Workspaces view:

1. In the Workspaces view, navigate to and select a Workspace.
2. Under Data Elements, click Record Icon Record Collections.

NOTE  If a workspace does not have record data, no collections display in the Record Collections list.

About the Record Collections Viewer

The Record Collections Viewer reduces the need for external data validation tools. You can view records generated by your applications without leaving the Unqork Designer Platform. This feature is helpful when building or testing modules, workflows, and Data Models because you can view each record in the same format as it's stored.

  Function Description


From Modules   |Open Dropmenu icon

(Collection Source Type)

Record Collection types include:

  • From Modules: Displays data records collected from application modules.

  • From Workflows: Displays data records collected from workflows.

  • From Data Models: Displays data records collected in a Data Model collection.


Source Type

Displays the collection's application type.

Available application types include:

  • Module Collection: These records belong to a module or a module inside a Workflow.

  • Workflow Collection: These records are collected from a Workflow.

  • Data Model Collection: These records are collected from a Data Model.


Collection Source

The name of the module, workflow, or Data Model where the records exist. Click the Collection Source name to open the record collection


Total Records

The total records collected from the module, workflow, or Data Model. This number updates when new records are submitted and the page is refreshed.



The Actions column provides additional information about the records collection.

Options include:

  • Job Tracker: Opens the collection's Job Tracker tool. This tool monitors data record imports and exports for the collection.

TIP  To learn more about the Job Tracker tool, view our Record Collections Job Tracker Tool article.

  • Source: Opens the record's source module, workflow, or Data Model in the current window.


Chevron Right button

(Open Record Collections)

Opens the record collection in the same window.

Accessing and Understanding a Collection's Data Records

Access the individual data records of a collection to view or copy record details.

To access a collection of data records:

1. From the Record Collections Viewer, navigate to an available record collection.
2. Click the name of the Collection Source, or clickChevron Right button(Open Record Collection).

Understanding the List of Records in a Collection

Once you've clicked into a record collection, the list of records displays. The record collections page displays each record and provides detailed information about when it was created and modified and the user that created it. You can also view the contents of each record using the Record Details tool.

Location Function Description


Actions ▾

Import or Export records for this collection.

TIP  To learn more about Importing and Exporting records, view our Record Collections Bulk Record Data Import and Bulk Record Data Export articles.

NOTE  Actions are not available for Data Model records.


Search Icon Search by ID

Search for a record by entering the record's full record ID.


Active Records  |Open Dropmenu icon

(Records Status Filter)

Select a record status from the drop-down list. Selecting a filter narrows the records list to record statuses that match the filter.

Record status types include:

  • Active Records: Displays records that have not been archived.

  • Archived Records: Filters the record collections list to only show archived records.

NOTE  The Unqork API Delete Module Submission and Delete Workflow Submission endpoints mark records as archived. To permanently delete a record using the Unqork API, apply the destroy:true key/value pair.


Records Collection Name and Return Arrow

Displays the name of the collection. Click Return Arrow (return arrow) or collection name to return to the Record Collections Viewer.


Record ID

The record's unique identifier. Click the Record ID to access the Records Detail panel.


Date Created

The date and time the record was created.


Date Modified

The date and time the record was modified. If no modifications were made, then Date Modified displays the same date and time as the Date Created column.



The name of the user who created the record.


Chevron Right button

(Open Record)

Click to open the Record Details panel.

Viewing and Copying a Record's Details

The Record Details panel displays the data collected from a record submission in JSON format.

To view a record's details:

1. From the Record Collections Viewer, navigate to an available records collection.
2. Click the name of the Collection Source of the collection, or click Chevron Right button(Open Record Collection).
3. From the collection list, click a Record ID, or click Chevron Right button(Open Record).

Copying a Record's Details

To copy the JSON of a record:

1. From the Record Collections Viewer, find and open a record collection.
2. From the record list column, click a Record ID, or click > next to the record.
3. Click Copy to Clipboard Icon (Copy to Clipboard). The record is copied in JSON format.

Searching and Filtering Data Records

To search for a record by ID:

1. From the Record Collections Viewer, find and open a record collection.
2. In the Search by ID field, enter the full ID of the record. The records list updates to include the matching result.

To filter a collection of records by status:

1. From the Record Collections Viewer, find and open a records collection.
2. From the Records Status Filter drop-down, select the type of status to filter by. The record list updates to show records of the chosen status.
