Create Field Operator: Dynamically Adding & Referencing Values
In this
With the second expression, you'll learn to reference and add values based on other fields. The Create Field operator accepts calculations as part of the key/value expression. So, you can add a monthly income value by dividing the annual income value by 12.
Here's how the completed use case looks in the Module Builder:
Here's how the completed use case looks in Express View, including a peek at the DevTools Console:
What You'll Learn
In this
What You'll Need
For this use case, you'll need:
1 Number component
1 Button component
1 Data Table component
1 Data Workflow component
To set up your Data Workflow, you'll need:
2 Input operators
1 Create Field operator
2 Console operators
Configure the Data Table Component
First, create the table to add your key/value pairs. You'll create a simple 1-row table using a Data Table component.
1. | Drag and drop a Data Table component onto your canvas. |
2. | Enter dtTable in the Label and Property Name fields. |
3. | In the Data Table, enter the following: |
name | age |
Veronika |
37 |
4. | Click Save. |
Configure the Number Component
Next, add a Number component so you can enter a sample annual income.
1. | Drag and drop a Number component onto your canvas, placing it below the Data Table. |
2. | Enter income in the Property ID field. |
3. | Enter Annual Pre-Tax Income (USD) in the Label Text field. |
4. | Click Save. |
Configure the Data Workflow Component
With the Data Table and Number components set up, you're ready to configure the Create Field operator. You'll add 2 new key/value pairs to the single row (object) in your table (array).
1. | Drag and drop a Data Workflow component onto your canvas, placing it below the Number component. |
2. | Enter dwfCreateField in the Label and Property Name fields. |
Configure the 2 Input Operators
Start by connecting your Data Table and Number component to your Data Workflow. You'll make this connection using Input operators.
1. | Drag and drop 2 Input operators onto your Data Workflow canvas. |
2. | Configure the first Input operator's Info window as follows: |
Setting |
Value |
Category |
Input |
Component |
dtTable |
Required |
Yes |
Source |
Default |
3. | Configure the second Input operator's Info window as follows: |
Setting |
Value |
Category |
Input |
Component |
income |
Required |
Yes |
Source |
Default |
Configure the Create Field Operator
Next, set up the Create Field operator. Here, you'll add 2 new key/value pairs to the row (object) in your table (array). Notice that the Field 1 expression includes the term _arg. _arg is an alias for the value coming in through the operator's argument (top) port. Using _arg lets you dynamically add value, instead of directly defining it.
The Field 2 expression adds an "incomeMonthly" key. The expression you'll use is incomeMonthly=incomeAnnual/12. See how you can use calculations and references to other fields in your expressions? These are 2 more useful options for adding values without explicitly defining them.
1. | Drag and drop a Create Field operator onto your Data Workflow canvas. |
2. | Configure the first Set operator's Info window as follows: |
Setting |
Value |
Category |
Create Field |
Label |
_arg |
Do Not Sanitize Formula |
Checked (yes) |
Field 1 |
incomeAnnual=_arg |
Field 2 |
incomeMonthly=incomeAnnual/12 |
3. | Connect the output port (right) of the dtTable Input operator to the input port (left) of the Create Field operator. |
4. | Connect the output port (right) of the income Input operator to the argument port (top) of the Create Field operator. |
Configure the Console Operators
Now to configure 2 Console operators in your Data Workflow. These operators let you see the before and after of your Create Field operator.
Notice that the Create Field operator only outputs to a Console operator. When creating applications, you might also want to use a dedicated Output operator. Then, you can connect that Output operator to a Hidden component. That way, you can store the final table and reference it elsewhere in your application.
1. | Drag and drop 2 Console operators onto your Data Workflow canvas. |
2. | Configure the first Console operator's Info window as follows: |
Setting |
Value |
Category |
Console |
Label |
Before Create Field |
3. | Configure the second Console operator's Info window as follows: |
Setting |
Value |
Category |
Console |
Label |
After Create Field |
4. | Connect the output port (right) of the dtTable Input operator to the input port (left) of this first Console operator. |
5. | Connect the output port (right) of the Create Field operator to the input port (left) of this second Console operator. |
6. | Click Save. |
Configure the Button Component
Finally, create a button you can click in Express View to trigger your Data Workflow.
1. | Drag and drop a Button component onto your canvas, placing it below the Data Workflow. |
2. | Enter btnRunDWF in the Property ID field. |
3. | Enter Run Create Field in the Label Text field. |
4. | Select Event as the Action Type. |
5. | Enter dwfCreateField in the Trigger on Click field. |
6. | Click Save. |
7. | Save your module. |
Now you're ready to test out your Data Workflow. Preview your module in Express View and open the DevTools Console. Enter a value in the Annual Pre-Tax Income (USD) field, then click the Run Create Field button. The DevTools Console looks something like this:
You can find the completed Dynamically Adding & Referencing Values lab here: