7.16.0 Platform Release Notes

Version: 7.16.0

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Release Schedule

Cohort Staging Release Date UAT Release Date Production Release Date

Early Release

Jan 28, 2025

Feb 11, 2025

Mar 4, 2025


Feb 12, 2025

Mar 5, 2025

Mar 12, 2025


Mar 10, 2025

Mar 13, 2025

Mar 27, 2025



Release Highlights

Bulk Data Operations

With this release, Bulk Data Operations (BDO) are now available, making it easier to move your submission data in and out of the Unqork Designer Platform.

The following BDOs are supported:

  • Delete: The BDO Delete operation lets you delete submission data from your record collections.

  • Export: The BDO Export operation lets you export all of some of your submission data into a file for download. Or you can send it to an Amazon S3 or Azure Blob object storage service.

  • Import: The BDO Import operation lets you import submission data into your record collections.

  • Update: The BDO Update operation lets you update submission data in your record collections.

TIP  To learn more about Unqork's Bulk Data Operations, view our Bulk Data Operations documentation.

Certificates for SAML Assertions

We’re excited to announce a new enhancement to our SAML Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is a protocol that allows an identity provider (IdP) to send a user's credentials to a service provider (SP) to verify their identity and grant them access to a service. Single Sign-On (SSO) Single Sign-On is an authentication scheme that enables users to use one set of login credentials across multiple services. configurations. Creators Also known as Unqork users; anyone who is inside the Unqork platform. using Signed AuthenRequest or Expect Encrypted Assertions can now bring their own certificates for SAML assertions.

Benefits include:

  • Bring Your Own Certificates (BYOC): Upload and manage your own X.509 certificates for signing and encrypting SAML assertions.

  • Enhanced Security: BYOC allows for greater control over your SAML setup by letting you use certificates issued by your preferred Certificate Authority (CA).

  • Streamlined Configuration: Easily upload, activate, and rotate certificates directly in the SAML SSO configuration interface.

Organizations who require higher security and compliance standards can now leverage their own trusted certificates. This enhancement also helps those that need more flexibility and control over SAML assertion encryption and signing processes.

NOTE  This update is part of our ongoing commitment to enhancing security and customization options for our customers. If you have any questions or need help setting up your custom certificates, please submit a ticket to support.unqork.com.

UDesigner Component Settings Resizable Drawer

With the release of UDesigner, the component settings modal A modal is a window that appears on top of the content you are currently viewing. was upgraded to a drawer to the right of the Module Builder. With this new release, Creators Includes the Short Answer component, Long Answer component, Select Boxes, Radio component, Dropdown, Number component and Single Checkbox. can now resize the drawer to meet their configuration needs. Most UDesigner components default to a new medium (M) or large (L) size, optimized for the type and number of configuration settings. Most components also offer the original small (S) resizing option so you can view the Module Builder canvas during configuration.

UDesigner Component Canvas Contrast

Improved Module Builder component contrast to better identify and locate components on the Module Builder canvas.

These improvements include:

UDesigner Component Suite

The Navigation and Timer components are now available in UDesigner. These components support the same functionality as in Classic Designer but with an improved look and feel.

Introducing Unqork’s Visual Query Builder

The Visual Query Builder enables Creators and Administrators to target specific data captured by their applications. The Query Builder is like a SQL SQL (Structured Query Language) is language used in programming and designed for managing data contained in a relational database system. builder tool for creating a logic statement to retrieve specific information from a database. The information can then be retrieved by a module using a Plug-In component.

Unqork's Query Builder is optimized for accessing data stored against Data Model schemas, reducing the need to build complex data workflows for targeting and retrieving data.

Benefits include:

  • A simple-to-use interface for building and refining queries.

  • Quickly build queries using logical and comparison operators to retrieve specific data without the need for complex data workflows.

  • Easily refer to prebuilt queries using the Plug-In component in modules.

EARLY ACCESS  This feature is currently in production early-access. Functionality is subject to change as this feature is prepared for general access. To enable the feature in your environment during the early-access phase, please contact your Unqork representative.




Express View

Platform Architecture

Record Collections



Workflow Builder