The Primary Fields component group are the most common and simple components used in the Unqork Designer Platform. Components are the smallest building blocks in Unqork. You'll use them to build out the structure and functionality of your modules. Components range in purpose, from creating simple fields to making complex API calls.
The Primary Fields group is located to the left of the Module Builder.
What are the Primary Fields?
Click on the list below to learn more about each primary field component:
Checkboxes Component
With a Checkboxes component, you can create a question with more than one possible answer. Use this component if you want your end-user to select more than one option from a list.
Date Input Component
The Date Input component is a way for end-users to select a date while using an application. The component validates every selection by capturing a year, month, and day.
When you add the Date Input component, you give your end-user two options for selecting a date. They can either use the built-in date picker widget. Or, they can enter their needed date manually.
The Multi-Select Dropdown component lets you show a long list of options in a compact form. This component shares almost all functionality with the standard Dropdown component. But the Multi-Select option lets your end-user make more than one selection. This component also allows for custom styling where the standard Dropdown doesn't.
The Radio Buttons component offers a quick way to select between mutually exclusive options. If you need to ask a yes or no question, the Radio Buttons component is a good choice.
The Single Checkbox component gives your end-user a single checkbox option for selection. The end-user can either select the checkbox or leave it clear.