How to: Merge an Application Branch


In this how-to guide, you'll learn how to use Unqork's Application Versioning feature to merge An app versioning Merge combines changes from one branch or draft, into another branch, draft, or published version of an application. branches of your application. Merging lets you insert changes from a branch into another version, thereby creating a new branch. After merging changes, Creators Also known as Unqork Users, or Designer Users; is anyone who is inside the Unqork platform. can publish the primary version to update their application.

Discover how to create and publish branches in our How to: Create and Publish an Application Branch article.

Accessing the Merge Tool

To access the Merge tool, open the application or module's Branch & Version Management pane at the Application level or in the Module Builder. Then, navigate to a branch or published application version and click the (merge) button.

Branches can only merge into published versions, or other branches. You cannot merge a branch into itself.

Using the tabs below, access the Merge tool:

Access the Merge Tool by Branching Into Another Branch

To merge branches into other branches, you'll use the Branch & Version Management pane.

To merge An app versioning Merge combines changes from one branch or draft, into another branch, draft, or published version of an application. a branch into another branch:

1. Navigate to your versioned application.
2. At the top of the Application level page or the Module Builder, click the  (branch) button. The Branch & Version Management pane displays to the right.
3. In the Branches of X list, navigate to a branch you wish to merge, and click the (merge) button. The Merge tool displays.

Understanding the Merge Tool

A static image displaying the Application Versioning's Merge page.

The Merge page displays the following information:





After reviewing and resolving conflicts, click the Merge button to combine the Source branch into the Target version.

Merging a branch into a Published App Version creates a new branch. To publish changes from a branch, follow our How to: Create and Publish an Application Branch article.


Cancel Merge

Cancels the merge An app versioning Merge combines changes from one branch or draft, into another branch, draft, or published version of an application. and returns the Creator to the Module or Application view.



Displays the branch containing the changes you want to merge into the Source version.


☐ Discard Branch after Merge

(Branches only)

Set to Checked Box Icon (checked) to delete the Source branch after the merge completes.

When this option is checked, changes not accepted in the Proposed Changes list are permanently deleted.



Displays the branch or application version that is modified by the Source version once the merge is complete.


☐ Discard Branch after Merge

(Branches only)

Set to Checked Box Icon (checked) to delete the Target branch after the merge completes.

The Discard Branch option is not available for published application versions.

When this option is checked, changes not accepted in the Proposed Changes list are permanently deleted.


Switch Order

Switches the Target version and the Source version.


Output Branch Name*

Enter a name for the new branch. After merging, the Output Branch Name displays as a red pill in the Module Builder and Branch & Version Management pane. For example, entering V1.3-Merge in the Output Branch Name field creates V1.3-Merge.

*This field requires a value to merge.


Review and Resolve Conflicts

Contains the Proposed Changes and Unchanged elements lists. Evaluate and accept any changes displayed in the Proposed Changes list.


Proposed Changes

Displays a list of elements that were modified from the Target version. Review and accept elements to include them in the merge.

The list does not display if there are no changes between the Source and Target version.


Accept All

Selects all elements to merge, setting all ☐ (unchecked) boxes in the Accept column to Checked Box Icon (checked).


Clear Accepted

Deselects all elements to merge, setting all Checked Box Icon (checked) boxes in the Accept column to ☐ (unchecked).


Element Name

The name of the element.



The type of change made to the element.

Changes include:

  • Modified: This element contains changes that are different from the Target version.

  • Removed: This element will be removed from the application on merge.

  • Added: This element will be added to the application on merge.



The type of element. Elements include Modules.



After reviewing changes to the element, set to Checked Box Icon (checked) to include it in the merge.

By default, boxes in this column are ☐ (unchecked). Unchecked elements are not included in the merge.

If the Source branch is removed using the Discard Branch after Merge setting, then unchecked elements are permanently deleted.



This table displays a list of elements that do not require review or approval because they are unmodified.


After accessing the Merge page, Creators Also known as Unqork Users, or Designer Users; is anyone who is inside the Unqork platform. review and accept proposed changes between the Source and Target version. You can merge An app versioning Merge combines changes from one branch or draft, into another branch, draft, or published version of an application. branches into other branches or published application versions using the same merge process.

Merging creates a new branch. To publish a branch, view our How to: Create and Publish an Application Branch article.

To merge a branch using the Merge tool:

1. In the Output Branch Name* field, enter a unique name for the output branch.
2. In the Proposed Changes list, evaluate each element in the list to verify you want it merged.
3. In the Accept column, set to Checked Box Icon (checked).

To prevent a change from being in the merge, leave the box ☐ (unchecked).

Repeat this step for each element in the Proposed Changes list.

4. Click Merge. The Merge confirmation modal A modal is a window that appears on top of the content you are currently viewing. displays.
5. Verify the Source, Target, and Output Branch Name name, then click Confirm.

The page refreshes and displays the new application branch. The Merge pill displays the Output Branch Name.
