VCS How To: Mark a Module for Deletion in a Branch

Early Access VCS Articles

1. Enable VCS for an application
2. Version Control Dashboard
3. View App Details Page
4. Create a Branch
5. Branch Details
6. Create a Pull Request
7. Review and Approve a Pull Request
8. Merge a Pull Request
9. Commenting on a VCS Application



To remove a main module from a VCS-controlled Unqork Version Control, also known as source control, is a system used to track and manage changes to modules and applications. application, use the Mark to Delete From App action during the Create Branch process. Main modules The Main Branch (or Main Modules) consists of a core set of modules for an application. The Main Branch's modules can only be modified by creating a seperate branch. marked for deletion in a branch A branch is a copy of modules in an Unqork application that helps Creators work in parallel. Branching an application can seperate in-progress changes from release-ready modules. are not removed until the branch is reviewed in a Pull Request A Pull Request, also known as a Merge Request, is a VCS event that indicates the contributor is ready for their branch changes to be reviewed by an Approver, then merged into the main branch.. When the branch merges with the Main Branch, the main module marked for deletion is permanently removed.

What You'll Learn

After completing this article, you'll know how to mark a main module for deletion in a VCS branch.

Marking a Main Module for Deletion in a New Branch

In a VCS-controlled application, new modules are created during the Create Branch process. After creating a branch, new modules become available to edit by the Owner The VCS (version control system) Owner role is the user who creates a new branch. The VCS owner decides what parts of an application are to be modified in a branch, and assigns roles to users for the branch. and Contributors The VCS (version control system) Contributor role has permissions to edit modules in a branch. Set contributors during the VCS Create a Branch process. until it is ready to be submitted to the Main Branch in a Pull Request A Pull Request, also known as a Merge Request, is a VCS event that indicates the contributor is ready for their branch changes to be reviewed by an Approver, then merged into the main branch.. After review, approval, and merge, the new module becomes a Main Module.

This example assumes you have access to a VCS-controlled application.

To learn how to enable VCS, view our How to: Enable VCS (Version Control System) article.

From the Workspaces page:

1. Find and open a workspace that contains a VCS-enabled application.
2. Click the application's View App in VCS button. The UDLC Login page displays.
3. Enter your credentials and click Login. The View App Details' Branches page displays.
4. Click + Create Branch. The Create Branch page displays.

5. In the Branch Name* field, enter a name for the branch.
6. From the Main Modules grid, find the module you want to mark for deletion and click Action ▾.
7. Click Mark to Delete From App. The module moves from the Main Modules list to the Modules to Delete from App list.

8. Under Participants, click Show Advanced Settings.
9. Set Owner Can Approve Pull Requests to Checked Box icon (Checked).

This setting allows the Owner The VCS (version control system) Owner role is the user who creates a new branch. The VCS owner decides what parts of an application are to be modified in a branch, and assigns roles to users for the branch. to review and approve the branch's Pull Request. Outside of testing, the use of this setting should be determined by your organization.

10. In the Please Document Reason field, enter a reason for creating this branch.

11. Click Create. A modal A modal is a window that appears on top of the content you are currently viewing. displays informing you the branch has been successfully created.
12. Click OK. The Branch Details page displays.

When the branch is merged after the Pull Request, the module marked for deletion is removed from the Main Module list.
