Owners and Contributors create and submit Pull Requests after completing all edits to a branch. To submit a Pull Request, you must resolve all conflicts between branch modules and main modules. Or exclude the conflicting module from the Pull Request. All edits and changes to the conflicting module are lost when the branch merges.
Branch Modules not included in the Pull Request are deleted when the Pull Request merges with the Main Branch. It is important to complete all modifications to a branch before submitting a Pull Request.
From the Branch Details page, select + Create Pull Request. The Create Pull Request page displays.
From the Select Module(s) list, click the ☐ checkbox next to a module ready for review and merge.
Repeat this process for each module ready for review and merge.
To create a Pull Request, there must be at least one Creator assigned the Approver role. You can also use the Owner Can Approve Pull Requests setting to allow the branch Owner to review the Pull Request.
From the Select Participant(s) drop-down, enter or select the name of a Creator-user.
Only Creator-users assigned to the application workspace display in the drop-down. To learn how to add Creators to a workspace, view our Workspaces Role-Based Access Control (WSRBAC) article.
From the Permissions drop-down, select Approver.
Set the Notify Participant by Email to (checked). This informs the Approver when the Pull Request is available for review.
Click Add Participant.
Leaving a Comment
Creating a Pull Request requires the submitter to leave a comment.
In the Comment* field, enter an explanation of changes, or refer to the project ticket.
Users in the branch with the Notify Participant by Email setting enabled receive an email informing them of the Pull Request submission.
Best Practices
Only include modules with changes when submitting a Pull Request. Merging a branch module without changes creates a new version of the main module despite having any changes.
Comment early and comment often while using the Unqork VCS tool. The Comments tool is ideal for Contributors and Owners to communicate with Reviewers and Approvers.