VCS How to: Create a Pull Request

Early Access VCS Articles

1. Enable VCS
2. Version Control Dashboard
3. View App Details Page
4. Create a Branch
5. Branch Details Page
6. Create a Pull Request
7. Review & Approve a Pull Request
8. Merge a Pull Request
9. Commenting on a VCS Application


Use the Create Pull Request page when a branch A branch is a copy of modules in an Unqork application that helps Creators work in parallel. Branching an application can seperate in-progress changes from release-ready modules. is ready to be reviewed and merged into the Main Branch The Main Branch (or Main Modules) consists of a core set of modules for an application. The Main Branch's modules can only be modified by creating a seperate branch.. When creating a Pull Request, Owners The VCS (version control system) Owner role is the user who creates a new branch. The VCS owner decides what parts of an application are to be modified in a branch, and assigns roles to users for the branch. and Contributors The VCS (version control system) Contributor role has permissions to edit modules in a branch. Set contributors during the VCS Create a Branch process. decide what changes to include from the branch. The Approver The VCS (version control system) Approver role is the user who reviews and approves branch changes submitted in a Pull Request. The VCS Approver verifies all changes are compatible with the Main Branch. then reviews the changes included in the Pull Request. Owners The VCS (version control system) Owner role is the user who creates a new branch. The VCS owner decides what parts of an application are to be modified in a branch, and assigns roles to users for the branch. or Contributors The VCS (version control system) Contributor role has permissions to edit modules in a branch. Set contributors during the VCS Create a Branch process. must resolve conflicts between branch modules and main modules before submitting a Pull Request. Once a Pull Request submission is complete, branch modules are no longer available to edit.

What You'll Learn

In this how-to guide, you’ll learn how to submit a Pull Request for a VCS-enabled application branch.

What You Need

To submit a Pull Request, you need a VCS-enabled application and a modified branch A branch is a copy of modules in an Unqork application that helps Creators work in parallel. Branching an application can seperate in-progress changes from release-ready modules.. You'll also need to resolve any conflicts between the branch modules and main module.

Creating a Pull Request

Owners and Contributors create and submit Pull Requests after completing all edits to a branch. To submit a Pull Request, you must resolve all conflicts between branch modules and main modules. Or exclude the conflicting module from the Pull Request. All edits and changes to the conflicting module are lost when the branch merges.

Branch Modules not included in the Pull Request are deleted when the Pull Request merges with the Main Branch. It is important to complete all modifications to a branch before submitting a Pull Request.

1. From the Branch Details page, select + Create Pull Request. The Create Pull Request page displays.
2. From the Select Module(s) list, click the ☐ checkbox next to a module ready for review and merge.
3. Repeat this process for each module ready for review and merge.

Adding Approvers

If an Approver The VCS (version control system) Approver role is the user who reviews and approves branch changes submitted in a Pull Request. The VCS Approver verifies all changes are compatible with the Main Branch. has not been added to the branch, use the Create Pull Request page to add them. If an Approver is assigned to the branch, or the Owner Can Approve Pull Requests setting is selected, you can jump to the next section.

To create a Pull Request, there must be at least one Creator assigned the Approver role. You can also use the Owner Can Approve Pull Requests setting to allow the branch Owner to review the Pull Request.

1. From the Select Participant(s) drop-down, enter or select the name of a Creator-user.

Only Creator-users assigned to the application workspace display in the drop-down. To learn how to add Creators to a workspace, view our Workspaces Role-Based Access Control (WSRBAC) article.

2. From the Permissions drop-down, select Approver.
3. Set the Notify Participant by Email to Checked Icon (checked). This informs the Approver when the Pull Request is available for review.
4. Click Add Participant.

Leaving a Comment

Creating a Pull Request requires the submitter to leave a comment.

1. In the Comment* field, enter an explanation of changes, or refer to the project ticket.
2. At the top-right of the Create Pull Request page, click Create. A modal A modal is a window that appears on top of the content you are currently viewing. confirms the creation of the Pull Request.

Users in the branch with the Notify Participant by Email setting enabled receive an email informing them of the Pull Request submission.

Best Practices
