Version Control Dashboard

Early Access VCS Articles

1. Enable VCS
2. Version Control Dashboard
3. View App Details Page
4. Create a Branch
5. Branch Details Page
6. Create a Pull Request
7. Review & Approve a Pull Request
8. Merge a Pull Request
9. Commenting on a VCS Application
Pardon our dust! The Version Control Dashboard article's layout, design, and language are currently undergoing changes. Use caution when referring to steps and processes contained in this page.


The Version Control Dashboard is an Unqork Development Life Cycle (UDLC) tool that provides a high-level view of VCS Unqork Version Control, also known as source control, is a system used to track and manage changes to modules and applications.-controlled (Version Control System) applications In Unqork an application is a program used to perform specific tasks. An application can be one of two types: workflow or module. in an environment. On this page, a list displays which applications have VCS enabled, how many branches A branch is a copy of modules in an Unqork application that helps Creators work in parallel. Branching an application can seperate in-progress changes from release-ready modules. for each application have been created, the last time a branch was modified, and provides access to the App Details page for VCS-enabled applications. 

To learn more about Unqork's VCS tool, view our Introduction to the Version Control System<-( LINK OUT) article.

The Version Control Dashboard also contains search and filter bars for categorizing the applications list by application/workspace name, modification date, and if VCS is enabled for the application.

What You'll Learn

After completing this article, you’ll know how to access and navigate the Version Control Dashboard.

Accessing the Version Control Dashboard

The Version Control Dashboard requires access to the UDLC Toolkit and is available in every workspace.

To learn how to enable VCS for an application, view our How To: Enable Application Version Control article.

To access the Version Control Dashboard from Workspaces view:

1. From the Workspaces view, select a workspace tile.
2. Click Open Version Control.

A static image displaying an Unqork Workspace, the Open Version Control button is highlighted.

Navigating the Version Control Dashboard

A static image of the Version Control Dashboard, numbered buttons are placed next to each feature and described in the table below.

  Setting Description

Search By Text  

Search for an application or workspace by entering part or all of its name.


All Applications  Open Dropmenu icon

(VCS Control Filter)

Filter applications by VCS Control. Coincides with the VCS Enabled column. Filter options include:

  • All Applications: Search for all applications.

  • Only VCS Enabled: Search for applications that are VCS Enabled.

  • Not VCS Enabled: Search for applications that do not have VCS enabled.


Sort By  Open Dropmenu icon

Sorts the application list based on the setting selected. Sort options include:

  • Modified - Ascending/Descending: Sorts the Application List by the date it was Last Edited.

  • Application Name - Ascending/Descending: Alphabetically sorts the Application List by the Application Name.

  • Workspace Name - Ascending/Descending: Alphabetically sorts the Application List by the Workspace Name.



Resets the search bar. Clears the Search By Text field, sets VCS Control Filter to All Applications, returns the Sort By drop-down to Sort By, and refreshes the Application List using the default search settings.



Searches the workspace using the current search bar settings.


Application Name

The name of the application. Clicking on the application name navigates to one of two places:

  • If VCS is enabled, it opens the App Details page.

  • If VSC is disabled, it opens the application in Designer View on a new page.


Workspace Name

The name of the workspace. Click the workspace name to open the workspace on a new page.


VCS Enabled

Indicates if the application uses VCS.


Branch Count

The total number of branches created for the application. Includes all branch status types.


Last Edited

Displays the date and time of the branch that was most recently modified.



Click to display actions for the application, including:

  • See Active Branches: Opens the Active Branches panel.

  • Not VCS Enabled: VCS has not been enabled for this application, and no active branches exist.


Paginated List

Each page in the list contains eight applications. Click a page number to navigate to that section of the list. For environments with more than 15 pages, click the ... (ellipsis) to load the next set of pages.

Active Branches Panel

From the Version Control Dashboard, click See Active Branches to open the Active Branches panel. The Active Branches panel displays application branches that are APPROVED, WORK IN PROGRESS, or PENDING REVIEW.

For more details on managing branches, read our Branch Details article.

A static image of the Version Control Dashboard's Active Branches panel.

  Setting Description
1 Application Name

The name of the application, as seen in Workspaces.


Last Edited

Displays the date and time of the most recently modified branch and the user that modified it.


My Branches Open Dropmenu icon

(Branch Owner Filter)

Filter application branches by the branch owner. Branch filters include:

  • My Branches: Displays all active branches you own.

  • All Branches: Displays all active branches owned by all users in the application.



Displays the name of the active branch set during the Create Branch process.


Module Count

The total number of modules in the branch.



The current branch status. Active branch statuses include:

  • WORK IN PROGRESS: The branch is currently being modified.

  • PENDING REVIEW: The branch has been submitted for review, but has not been merged.

  • APPROVED: The branch has passed review but has not been merged into the main module branch.


Open App Details

Opens the App Details View page.


Create Branch

Opens the Create Branch page.
