Module Permissions


In Unqork, Module Permissions lets you create and customize RBAC (role-based access control) in your module. RBAC lets you customize Express roles to determine how end-users End-users, also known as Express Users, are the individuals accessing an application through Express View. In most cases, end-users are the customers using the product. interact with your module. You can also adjust permissions and grant access to unauthenticated users.

With RBAC enabled, you can also customize permissions for specific components. For example, let's say you have an accounting firm and your module includes two dashboards. The first stores client submissions, and the second is used for administrator tasks. You want your accountants to have Write access to both dashboards. Your administrator needs Write access to the task dashboard and No Access to the client dashboard. With RBAC, this customization is simple. The Module Permissions provides you with two options for RBAC:

  • Customize RBAC for this module.

  • Allow Access to Anonymous Users.

First, let's explore how to access the Module Permissions.

A static image displaying how to access the Module Permissions modal.

Accessing Module Permissions

To access Module Permissions:

1. Open your module in the Module Builder.
2. Click the ยทยทยท (ellipsis) button.
3. Select Module Permissions.

Module Permissions Modal

Now, let's explore customizing RBAC in your module. Using the Module Permissions modal A modal is a window that appears on top of the content you are currently viewing., you can specify how your roles interact with your components and modules.

In the Module Permissions Modal, there are two settings you can use to customize module RBAC:

Setting Description

Customize RBAC for This Module

When set to (ON), you can customize module and component access for each of your roles.

By default, the Customize RBAC for This Module toggle is set to (ON).

Allow Access to Anonymous Users

When set to (ON), unauthenticated end-users can access this module without logging in. Unauthenticated or anonymous means the end-user doesn't have to be registered in Unqork. When an anonymous end-user navigates to your module, they receive a temporary token. Using this token, anonymous end-users can view the module in Express View.

By default, the Allow Access to Anonymous Users toggle is set to (OFF).

A static image displaying the Module Permissions' RBAC settings.

Customizing Role Permissions

When the Customize RBAC for This Module toggle is set to (ON), you can adjust permissions for specific roles in your module. The modal displays roles and permissions in the following grid:

Attribute Description

Role (Express)

The Express role.


The permission for the corresponding Express role. Permissions include:

  • Inherit: Inherit means that the role's access in this module is the same as at the environmental level.

  • No Access: Your end-user has no access to your application.

  • Read-Only: Your end-user can view but cannot write or engage with your application.

  • Write: Your end-user has full access to write and engage with your application.

Effective Permission

Confirmation of the selected permission from the Permission drop-down.

Inherited From

If the permission is Inherit, this column displays where the permission was inherited from.

To make changes to role permissions:

1. Find the role you'd like to customize.
2. From the Permissions drop-down, select one of the following a permission.

A static image displaying how to customize RBAC permissions for an Express role.

3. Click Save to return to the Module Builder.