Additional Formulas
Unqork logic components let you use formulas in your configuration. Components that support formulas are the Calculator, Initializer, and Data Workflow components. You can enter formulas into the Output table of the Calculator and Initializer components. Using formulas in the Data Workflow operator depends on the operators you configure. For example, the Formula operator supports formula configuration.
Below is a list of Hot-Formula-Parser, Lodash, Moment.js, and VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) formulas.
Hot-Formula-Parser Formulas
The following formulas only exist in the hot-formula-parser library. They are not based on any Excel or VBA formulas.
To learn more about the hot-formula-parser library, see the following documentation:
Formula | Description | Syntax | Reference |
Combines specified values and returns a new value. |
ADD(number1, number2) |
Creates an array from individual fields or an object. This formula is useful for converting an object to a single-row table in a Data Workflow. |
ARGS2ARRAY(value1, [value2], ...) |
Counts how many times a specified value exists in an array. |
COUNTIN(array, value) |
Counts the number of unique values in a list of specified values and ranges. |
COUNTUNIQUE(value1, [value2], ...) |
Divides one value by another value and returns the result. |
DIVIDE(number1, number2) |
E |
Returns Euler's number (e). This value is approximately 2.71828. |
E() |
EQ |
Determines whether a value is equal to the specified value. |
EQ(value1, value2) |
Flattens a nested array. |
FLATTEN(array1, [array2], ...) |
Determines whether a number is greater than or equal to another number. |
GTE(number1, number2) |
Converts an HTML HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is the standard markup language for for achieving font, color, graphic, and hyperlink effects when creating web pages. string into plain text. |
HTML2TEXT(value) |
Specifies the intervals on the horizontal axis of a chart. |
INTERVAL(second) |
Returns true if the value is a binary type. |
ISBINARY(value) |
LT |
Determines whether a value is less than the specified value. |
LT(number1, number2) |
Determines whether a value is less than or equal to the specified value. |
LTE(number1, number2) |
Subtracts one or more values from the specified value. |
MINUS(number1, number2) |
Multiplies two values and returns the result. |
MULTIPLY(number1, number2) |
NE |
Determines whether a value is not equal to the specified value. |
NE(value1, value2) |
Filters numbers from an array. |
NUMBERS(value1, [value2], ...) |
Raises a number to the base power and returns the result. |
POW(base, exponent) |
References to a specific cell at a fixed row and column. |
REFERENCE(context, reference) |
Extracts matching text strings based on a regular expression. |
REGEXEXTRACT(text, regex_pattern, [re_flags]) |
Determines whether part of a text string matches a regular expression. |
REGEXMATCH(text, regex_pattern, [full], [re_flags]) |
Replaces part of a text string with a different text string. |
REGEXREPLACE(text, regex_pattern, replacement, [re_flags]) |
Estimates variance based on a sample. |
VARS(value1, [value2], ...) |
Lodash Formulas
Formula | Description | Syntax | Reference |
JavaScript JavaScript is an object-oriented computer programming language. It is most-commonly used for interactive effects in the browser. library containing utility functions for programming. |
LODASH(method, arg1, [arg2], ...) |
Moment.js Formulas
Formula | Description | Syntax | Reference |
JavaScript JavaScript is an object-oriented computer programming language. It is most-commonly used for interactive effects in the browser. date library for parsing, validating, formatting, and manipulating dates. |
MOMENT(moment_obj, method, arg1, [arg2], ...) |
VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) Formulas
Formula | Description | Syntax | Reference |
Joins elements separated by a delimiter. |
JOIN(array, delimiter) |
Extracts a given number of characters from the right side of a text string. |
RIGHT(text, number) |
Divides text by a specified number of characters or string, adding each part to a separate cell. |
SPLIT(text, index) |