Data Extraction in Unqork


This article provides a comprehensive guideline for extracting the various types of data that Unqork stores. Clients can find instructions for extracting meaningful data for their organization. By adhering to these instructions, clients can extract their submission data, attachment data, and other data stored in Unqork.

You must generate an access token before using any of these APIs. Please refer to our API documentation for generating an access token for authentication:

This article focuses on the types of data you can extract data from Unqork. To learn how to extract this data and use preconfigured modules to do so, view our How to: Extract Data From Unqork article.

Submission Data Extraction

Submission data refers to information stored when end-users End-users, also known as Express Users, are the individuals accessing an application through Express View. In most cases, end-users are the customers using the product. interact with your modules and save their inputs. Your end-user creates a new submission (and submission ID) every time they save or submit their data.

Clients typically need to access their submission data depending on the context of the data involved. Below are some examples of why extracting submission data might be useful.

Record Keeping and Compliance

  • Audit Purposes: Clients might need their submission data for auditing or compliance purposes to ensure adherence to industry regulations, internal policies, or legal requirements.

Data Ownership and Reporting

  • Ownership: Clients might want a copy of all submission data submitted and stored in their applications.

  • Analysis and Reporting: Clients might want information for internal analysis and reporting on business conducted in their Unqork applications.

Data Migration

  • Migration: Clients might need submission data for a different platform or service. Clients might be interested in preserving this information for future business purposes.

Extracting Submission Data

In this section, you'll explore the ways you can extract your data from Unqork.

Schema Module Submissions

Use the following API APIs (application programming interfaces) are a set of protocols and definitions developers use to build and integrate application software. APIs act as the connective tissue between products and services. format to retrieve the first 50 submissions from your schema module: https://{host}/api/1.0/modules/{moduleId}/submissions. You’ll replace {host} with your Unqork environment URL and {moduleId} with the module ID of your schema module.

For example,


Check the Response Header: More items must be retrieved if the next link header is present. You’ll find your current API call link and the next link that contains the next 50 submissions.

For example, https://{host}/api/1.0/modules/{moduleId}/submissions?offset=50).

Repeat the API GET calls until no more new submissions remain, signified by no next link being present.

Schema Workflow Submissions

Use the following API APIs (application programming interfaces) are a set of protocols and definitions developers use to build and integrate application software. APIs act as the connective tissue between products and services. format to retrieve the first 50 submissions from your schema workflow: https://{host}/api/1.0/workflows/{workflowId}/submissions. You’ll replace {host} with your Unqork environment URL and {workflowId} with the workflow ID of your schema workflow.

For example,


Check the Response Header: More items must be retrieved if the next link header is present. You’ll find your current API call link and the next link that contains the next 50 submissions.

For example, https://{host}/api/1.0/workflows/{workflowId}/submissions?offset=50).

Repeat the API GET calls until no more new submissions remain, signified by no next link being present.


Q: Do I use my Unqork Express or Designer environment URL in the {host} portion of the API?

A: This API can be used with either the Unqork Express or Designer environment URL.

Q: Is it possible to use the API to get more than 50 submissions at one time?

A: The maximum number of submissions that can be retrieved with a single API call is 50. However, you can use scripting to automate the process and run additional API calls.

Q: Are there any alternate methods that can be used to export submissions?

A: If the Bulk Record Data Export feature is available in your environment, use it to export submissions from each Record Collection.


Extracting Attachment Data

Attachment data refers to any images or files saved as part of a submission. Based on the configuration and the files stored, these might include CSV/Excel, PDF, or image files.

Schema Module Submissions

Use the following API APIs (application programming interfaces) are a set of protocols and definitions developers use to build and integrate application software. APIs act as the connective tissue between products and services. format to retrieve the first 50 submissions from your schema module: https://{host}/api/1.0/modules/{moduleId}/submissions. You’ll replace {host} with your Unqork environment URL and {moduleId} with the module ID of your schema module.

In the response and inside the submissions associated with attachment data, links to that attachment data display in the format of a Cloud Storage Delivery link: https://{host}/fbu/files/{filePath}?signature={signature}.


Check the Response Header: More items must be retrieved if the next link header is present. You’ll find your current API call link and the next link that contains the next 50 submissions.

For example, https://{host}/api/1.0/workflows/{workflowId}/submissions?offset=50).

Repeat the API GET calls and retrieve the attachment data from the Cloud Storage Delivery links until no more new submissions remain, signified by no next link being present.

Schema Workflow Submissions

Use the following API APIs (application programming interfaces) are a set of protocols and definitions developers use to build and integrate application software. APIs act as the connective tissue between products and services. format to retrieve the first 50 submissions from your schema workflow: https://{host}/api/1.0/workflows/{workflowId}/submissions. You’ll replace {host} with your Unqork environment URL and {workflowId} with the workflow ID of your schema workflow.

In the response and inside the submissions associated with attachment data, links to that attachment data display in the format of a Cloud Storage Delivery link: https://{host}/fbu/files/{filePath}?signature={signature}.


Check the Response Header: More items must be retrieved if the next link header is present. You’ll find your current API call link and the next link that contains the next 50 submissions.

For example, https://{host}/api/1.0/workflows/{workflowId}/submissions?offset=50).

Repeat the API GET calls and retrieve the attachment data from the Cloud Storage Delivery links until no more new submissions remain, signified by no next link being present.


Q: How long is the Cloud Storage Delivery link valid?

A: 24 hours.

Q: Will the Cloud Storage Delivery link change when running the same Get Submissions API call more than once?

A: Yes. Each time you make the API call, you’ll receive a new Cloud Storage Delivery link. The previous link(s) are still valid 24 hours from the time the link was generated after the previous API call(s).


Extracting Configuration Data

Exporting configuration data lets the client control ownership of their intellectual property. Copying the module or workflow definitions lets you duplicate your configuration in another module or workflow in the same or different environment. Storing the module or workflow definitions lets you recreate the module or workflow at any time.

Module Definition

1. Log into your environment.
2. Navigate to your workspace.
3. Navigate to a module-type application containing your module.
4. Open the module in the Module Builder.
5. At the top right of the Module Builder, click ···(ellipsis) and select Copy Module Definition. The module definition saves to your computer’s clipboard A place on your operating system that stores recently copied content. The clipboard only stores one item at a time..
6. The module definition has now been successfully copied to the clipboard and is ready to be pasted into a text or code editor.

If you encounter any difficulties, please contact Unqork Support at

Workflow Definition

1. Log into your environment.
2. Navigate to your workspace.
3. Navigate to a workflow-type application containing your workflow.
4. Open the workflow in the Workflow Builder.
5. At the top right of the Module Builder, click the ···(ellipsis) and select Copy Workflow Definition. The workflow definition saves to your computer’s clipboard A place on your operating system that stores recently copied content. The clipboard only stores one item at a time..
6. The workflow definition has now been successfully copied to the clipboard and is ready to be pasted into a text or code editor.

If you encounter any difficulties, please contact Unqork Support at


Q: What should I consider when using an existing module or workflow definition?

A: When pasting the module or workflow definition, you must consider any specific configurations that existed in the original environment or application. Sometimes, these specific configurations might not exist in the new environment or application. For example, Plug-In component services, references to other module IDs, moduleRBAC RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) is a method to control system access for authorized users. The role in RBAC refers to the levels of access employees have to a network. permissions, and so on.

Extracting Style Sheets

Unqork's Style Team can style an environment with Custom CSS Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for presenting how a HTML or XML document looks to end-users.. CSS is a stylesheet language used to customize the look and feel of a website's content. You can upload a style sheet to Style Administration in the environment settings.

1. Login into your environment.
2. At the top right of the page, click Settings ▾ and select Administration.
3. Under Environment, click Style Administration.
4. In the Styles Admin table, locate the style you want to export.
5. At the top right, click Manage ▾ and select Download.
6. Check the downloads in your browser to view the downloaded file.


Q: Can I delete the style after downloading it?

A: Yes. To learn more, view our Style Administration article in the Documentation Hub.
