User Registration and Management Application

About this User Guide

The purpose of this guide is to show administrative functionality for this application. Using this guide, you'll learn how to log in and set up your admin account. You'll also learn to add, manage, and delete your end-users' accounts.

These instructions assume that:

  • You have a basic understanding of Google Chrome or a similar web browser.

  • You'll use the application as an administrator. You must have administrator-level permissions to add and manage other end-users' accounts.

This guide references the following pages:

# Page Description

User Registration: Create New Account

This is the first page of the application. This is where anonymous end-users start their sign-up process. Anonymous (or unauthenticated) users are new users who haven't signed up yet. This page is where they'll enter their information and create an account.

NOTE  We'll also refer to this page as User Registration (1) throughout this guide.


User Account Management: Manage My Account

After login, this is the application's landing page. End-users can update their own account information on this page.

NOTE  We'll also refer to this page as User Account Management (2) throughout this guide.


User Account Administration: User Account Dashboard

This is a one-stop-shop for managing end-users. From the User Account Dashboard, administrators can create, delete, update users, and resend temporary passwords. Only end-users with administrator-level permissions can access this page.

NOTE  We'll also refer to this page as User Account Administration (3) throughout this guide.

All images used in this guide are for illustrative purposes only. Images are subject to change without notice. All images were correct at the time of publication.


The User Registration and Management application is a portal for visitor end-user registration. As an application template, you can integrate this piece into your new or existing application.

As you move through this guide, you'll learn how to:

  • Log in to the application as an administrator.

  • Update your administrator account information.

  • Navigate roles and permissions.

  • Navigate the User Account Dashboard.

  • Add, manage, and delete your end-users' accounts.

  • Resend temporary passwords to your new users.

Once you're familiar with the above, you'll guide new end-users to set up their own accounts. This means administrators no longer need to maintain accounts for every end-user!

Let's get started.

Application Login

Creating Your Account

To log in to this application, you’ll need an account. You'll sign up for an account on the User Registration: Create New Account page.

1. Navigate to the User Registration: Create New Account page.
2. Enter your First Name.
3. Enter your Last Name.
4. Enter your email address in the Email and Confirm Email fields.
5. Enter your Phone Number. This is optional.
6. Click Sign Up. The “Thank you for registering” message indicates a successful sign-up.
7. Check your inbox for a registration email with your temporary Unqork password.

First-time Login

Using the information from your registration email, you'll log in and confirm your account. This login takes place on the User Registration: Create New Account page.

NOTE  Your temporary password expires in 7 days. At the “Thank you for registering” message, click Log In Here.

8. Enter your Email.
9. Enter your Temporary Password.
10. Click Login.
11. At the Reset Password notification, click OK.
12. Enter a new password in the New Password and Confirm Password fields.
13. Click Change Password. The browser redirects you to the User Account Management: Manage My Account page.

Future Logins

After changing your password, the login process looks like this:

1. On the User Registration: Create My Account page, click Log In Here.
2. Enter your Email Address.
3. Enter your Password.
4. Click Login.

Requesting a New Password

If you forget your password, don't worry. You can always request a new one.

To request a new password:

1. On the User Registration: Create My Account page, click Log In Here.
2. At the Login screen, click the Forgot Password link.
3. Enter your email in the E-mail Address field.
4. Click Forgot Password.
5. At the info pop-up, click OK. If the email address is in our database, you'll receive an email to reset your password.
6. Open the Reset Your Password email.
7. Click the reset password link.

NOTE  This link expires in 7 days.

8. Enter your new password in the New Password and Confirm New Password fields.
9. Click the Change Password link.
10. Click OK.

You’re all set! Now you can log in using your new password.

Updating Your Account Information

You can update your phone number, name, and email at any time. You'll do this on the User Account Management: Manage My Account page.

To update your account information:

1. Log in to your account. The browser redirects you to the User Account Management: Manage My Account page.
2. In the Personal Information section, click Update Information.
3. Update your Full Name.
4. Update your Phone.
5. Click Save Information.

To update your email address:

1. Log in to your account. The browser redirects you to the User Account Management: Manage My Account page.
2. In the Email section, click Update Email.
3. Update your Email Address.
4. Enter your email again in the Confirm Email field.
5. Click Save Email.

NOTE  This is the email you'll now use to log in.

Roles and Permissions

Each environment comes with 4 standard roles. When you add a new user, you'll choose the permissions for that user. Administrators can change an end-user's role at any time. As an administrator, you can add custom roles to your environment when setting up RBAC (role-based access control). This way, you can make sure the right people have the right access to your app.

Here are the standard roles and the permissions for each role:




As an Administrator, you can:

  • Access all pages in the application.

  • Update your own account information, such as name, phone, and email.

  • View the User Account Dashboard's user list and details.

  • View an end-user's account.
  • Add a new account for an end-user.
  • Edit an end-user's information, including their role.
  • Delete an end-user's account.

NOTE  It's rare that you'll assign an administrator role to your end-users. When setting up RBAC (role-based access control) for your application, we recommend creating custom roles. This way, each end-user can have the appropriate permissions in your application.


As an authenticated user, you can:

  • Access the User Registration and User Account Management pages.

  • Sign up for an account.

  • Update your own account information, such as name, phone, and email.

Anonymous (Guest)

As an anonymous user, you can:

  • Access the User Registration page.

  • Sign up for an account.

NOTE  Once they've fully logged in to their account, a new user automatically becomes an authenticated user. This means they now have authenticated-level permissions in the application.


This user has no access to the application.

Internal User Setup

Once you've confirmed your administrator account, you can create accounts for other users. Internal User Setup is an ongoing activity that you'll return to from time to time. Administrators can set up, update, and delete end-user accounts from the User Account Dashboard. You'll find this dashboard on the User Account Administration: User Account Dashboard page.

NOTE  To access and use the User Account Dashboard, you must have administrator-level permissions.

Navigating the User Account Dashboard

The User Account Dashboard lists all your end-user accounts. This dashboard lives on the User Account Administration: User Account Dashboard page. From this page, administrators can create, delete, and update end-user accounts.

Here's an example of a User Account Dashboard:

Let's explore the various features and functions that you'll see in this dashboard:

Setting Description

Add User Button

Click this to create a new user account.

Search Fields

The dashboard lets you filter your search to 1 field without searching the others. You can use any or all of these search fields. For example, you could filter by Name and a Role. Or, you could filter by Email only.

  • Search Name: Enter the full name of the end-user account you want to find. You can also narrow down by first name.

  • Search Phone: Enter the phone number of the end-user account you want to find.

  • Search Email: Enter the email address of the end-user account you want to find.

  • Search Role: Choose the role you want to filter by from the drop-down. The default roles are Administrator, Authenticated, Anonymous, and NoAccess. If you've added other custom roles to your environment, you'll see those here, too.

Search Button

Click this to search by the criteria you entered in any of the search fields.

Clear Filters Button

Click this to clear the search fields. Also, if you click this after doing a filtered search, the dashboard refreshes and lists all end-users.

User Grid

Shows a header bar at the top of the grid, organizing each user's information. Looking at the header from left to right, you'll see columns for Name, Phone, Email, Role, and Password Status. Below the header bar, you'll see a list of your end-user accounts, organized alphabetically.

  • Name: The end-user's full name.

  • Phone: The end-user's phone number, if it's on file.

  • Email: The end-user's email address.

  • Role: The end-user's assigned role.

  • Password Status: The end-user's password status. This shows as either TEMPORARY, OK, or blank. TEMPORARY means the end-user still has their temporary password and needs to confirm their account. OK means they've confirmed their account and changed their password.

View User Button

Click this to see your end-user's information, such as name, email, phone, and role.

Navigation Buttons

At the bottom of the dashboard, you'll see a Previous and a Next button.

  • Previous: Takes you to the previous page of the dashboard's user grid. If you're on the first page of your dashboard's user grid, this button is grayed out.

  • Next: Takes you to the next page of the dashboard's user grid. If you've filtered your search or have too few users, this button is grayed out.

Creating an End-User Account

To log in to your application, end-users need an account. To create their own account, they'd navigate to the User Registration: Create My Account page. But, perhaps you want to create an account for an end-user. You’ll create those accounts from the dashboard. Before you add a new account, filter the dashboard to make sure the account doesn't already exist. To create a new account:

1. Navigate to the User Account Administration: User Account Dashboard page.
2. Click Add User.
3. Enter your end-user’s First Name.
4. Enter your end-user’s Last Name.
5. Enter your end-user’s email address in the Email and Confirm Email fields.
6. Enter your end-user’s Phone Number. This is optional.
7. Add the appropriate role for this end-user.
8. Click Add User.

The account appears in the dashboard and triggers an email to the end-user with their temporary password.

NOTE  Temporary passwords expire in 7 days.

Searching for an End-User Account

For an easy way to find your end-user's account, you can use the dashboard's Search filters. To find your end-user's account:

1. Navigate to the User Account Administration: User Account Dashboard page.
2. Enter information in one or more of the search fields. You can search by name, phone, email, and role.
3. Click Search. The dashboard updates and shows only accounts matching the criteria you entered.

Updating End-User Account Information

Using the dashboard, you can update the details of an existing end-user's account. You can update their name, email, phone number, and role. To update an account:

1. Navigate to the User Account Administration: User Account Dashboard page.
2. Use the dashboard's filter feature to find your end-user's account.
3. Click View User.
4. Click Update User.
5. Change the Full Name as necessary.
6. Change the Email Address as necessary.
7. Confirm the Email Address.
8. Add or change the Phone Number as necessary.
9. Change the Role as necessary.
10. Click Save.

Resending a Temporary Password

When an end-user gets a new account, they'll receive an email with a temporary password. If needed, you can resend a temporary password to the new user. The User Account Dashboard makes this easy. To resend a temporary password:

1. Navigate to the User Account Administration: User Account Dashboard page.
2. Use the dashboard's filter feature to find your end-user's account.
3. Click View User.
4. Click Resend Password.

NOTE  You can only resend a temporary password if the end-user hasn't logged in yet. So, their Password Status on the dashboard would still show as TEMPORARY.

Deleting an End-User Account

If you no longer need an end-user's account, you can delete it. You can delete both temporary and confirmed accounts. To delete an account:

1. Navigate to the User Account Administration: User Account Dashboard page.
2. Use the dashboard's Search filters to find your end-user's account.
3. Click View User.
4. Click Delete User.
5. Click Delete to confirm the account deletion.