Common Troubleshooting Strategies


Unqork has common strategies to use when troubleshooting. We’ve narrowed it down to what’s most applicable across various applications. We’ll suggest some of the same strategies for many of the issues you’ll encounter. Some of the strategies are industry standards, and the others are specific to Unqork. With practice, you'll easily pinpoint what strategy to use with an issue. Also, you'll gravitate toward your preferred troubleshooting approaches. Remember; everyone has their own style.

For especially tricky issues, reach out to

What You'll Learn

In this article, you'll learn how to:

Google Chrome is Unqork’s recommended browser. Some of the following processes are specific to Chrome. We reference DevTools (Inspect), which is native to Chrome.

Checking API Network Log using DevTools (Inspect)

Using this strategy, you’re checking the API (application programming interface) APIs (application programming interfaces) are a set of protocols and definitions developers use to build and integrate application software. APIs act as the connective tissue between products and services. call status code in the Network Tab of DevTools. From there, you’ll research the code to get details on the unexpected behavior.

One aspect that may need troubleshooting is configuring integrations. Integrations come in the form of API calls. At Unqork, we use plug-ins to make API APIs (application programming interfaces) are a set of protocols and definitions developers use to build and integrate application software. APIs act as the connective tissue between products and services. calls to various endpoints. An endpoint could be external, or it could be an Unqork internal API. When you save a submission, the save occurs using API calls back and forth.

Viewed via Express View, the DevTools Network tab shows the calls made to various endpoints.

Accessing the DevTools Network Tab

To go to the DevTools Network tab:

1. Preview your module in Express View.
2. Right mouse click anywhere on your Express View page.
3. Click Inspect. DevTools open as a panel on the right side of your page.

If you’re using a Mac, Command + Option + i also opens DevTools.

4. Click the Network tab located at the top of DevTools panel.

As you submit data in the module, the Network Log rows populate with information. Each row represents a resource, and they list chronologically based on your navigation. API calls are the resources that you’ll investigate most when troubleshooting.

A common strategy is to watch those API calls as they happen and while you’re going through the application.

From there, you can ask yourself some questions:

  • Is the call successful?
  • What response is the endpoint returning?
  • Is there an error message? If yes, what does it say?

Investigating an Unsuccessful API Call

Red text in the Network panel shows an unsuccessful call.

To investigate an unsuccessful API call:

1. View your API calls in the Network panel of DevTools.
2. Select the unsuccessful call. The panel populates with a second menu and details of the call. 
3. Click the Headers tab of the second menu.
4. Find and take note of the Status Code.
5. Click the Response tab to get more information on the Status Code.

When users see an error message, they'll sometimes close it without more research. We recommend that you read and dig into these responses. Error messages are descriptive and can tell you what and where a problem lies.

There are a couple of common error codes that you’ll see when navigating Unqork. They’re pretty standard in the industry. A great strategy is to Google these error codes. Copy the response code and Google, “What does [xyz] response code mean?”

Let’s say you’re working on the server-side execution of a module and you get a 412 response code. A 412 code means that something on the server-side module failed.

Interpreting the Console Output

This strategy shows you how to check the timing and order of how your components fire. The Console output is a live feed of what's happening during a submission. Having access to this output is great because you can see which components trigger and in what order. Then, you can compare against the configuration to see if anything doesn’t match. You’ll find Console output in the DevTools Console tab.

To open the DevTools Console The DevTools Console helps you securely store, build, test, and deploy your software. tab:

1. Preview your module in Express View Express View is how your end-user views your application. Express View also lets you preview your applications to test your configuration and view the styling. This is also the view your end-users will see when interacting with your application. After configuring a module, click Preview in the Module Builder to interact with the module in Express View..
2. Right-click anywhere on your Express View page.
3. Click Inspect. By default, the DevTools panel opens on the right side of your page.

To open the Console in Google Chrome, you can use the Ctrl + Shift + J (Windows/Linux) or Option + Command + J (Mac OS) shortcut.

4. At the top of the DevTools panel, click the Console tab.

The Console tab lets you see your Unqork application's data (also called submission data Also known as Record Data. Submission data consists of information saved by Unqork components. View submission data by using the angular command, or in Record Collections.). A blue arrow to the left of a blank row at the bottom of the Console's feed indicates the Console's command line. You'll use this field to enter commands to get more data details.

As components fire, the Console panel tells you what components have fired and in what order. You'll compare the Console panel to the module's configuration. This comparison helps you see any inconsistencies. The Console output shows you when a rule begins firing, and when it ends. So, if you see a beginning rule without a followup end rule, you'll know something in the rule logic is wrong.

At the bottom of the Console's feed, there's a blue arrow to the left of a blank row. The blue arrow indicates the Console's command line. It's here that you'll enter commands to get more submission details. We'll cover that in the next strategy.

You can also add Console output for a data workflow call. Set up every step of a data workflow to output a piece of information. Then, when you fire the module, the Console feed shows you which step you’re at in a data workflow. 

Checking Submission Data with a Data Command

This strategy helps you check your submission data using the DevTools Console. A data command (or Angular command) shows you how the data in the browser varies from what persists (gets saved) in the database.

In Express View, you can use a data command to check the submission data saved to the browser. You'll check submission data using the DevTools Console.

Use case: Let's say your client enters their Social Security Number (SSN) in a field, but their information doesn't show in the database. First, you'll verify that they entered the information. You'll do this using a data command. Once you confirm that the data is in the browser, you'll check if the data saves on submission. First, you'll need to access the Console tab of DevTools.

To open the DevTools Console The DevTools Console helps you securely store, build, test, and deploy your software. tab:

1. Preview your module in Express View Express View is how your end-user views your application. Express View also lets you preview your applications to test your configuration and view the styling. This is also the view your end-users will see when interacting with your application. After configuring a module, click Preview in the Module Builder to interact with the module in Express View..
2. Right-click anywhere on your Express View page.
3. Click Inspect. By default, the DevTools panel opens on the right side of your page.

To open the Console in Google Chrome, you can use the Ctrl + Shift + J (Windows/Linux) or Option + Command + J (Mac OS) shortcut.

4. At the top of the DevTools panel, click the Console tab.

The Console tab lets you see your Unqork application's data (also called submission data Also known as Record Data. Submission data consists of information saved by Unqork components. View submission data by using the angular command, or in Record Collections.). A blue arrow to the left of a blank row at the bottom of the Console's feed indicates the Console's command line. You'll use this field to enter commands to get more data details.

To run the Unqork Angular command The Angular command, or data command, is a tool that displays submission data in a browser's developer console. In Express View, enter the following command in the devtool console: angular.element('.unqorkio-form').scope().submission in the DevTools Console The DevTools Console helps you securely store, build, test, and deploy your software. tab:

1. At the prompt, enter the following Unqork Angular command:
2. Press Enter (Return). The submission object displays in the Console.
3. Click the solid drop-down arrow to the left of the response in your Console panel. The response starts with {data: {...}.
4. Expand the data section to display your submission data Also known as Record Data. Submission data consists of information saved by Unqork components. View submission data by using the angular command, or in Record Collections. object.

Next time you open the DevTools Console, you can press the up arrow key on your keyboard to repopulate the most recent command.

The Unqork Angular command only displays the submission data stored in a component through automated or end-user input before the command runs.

The Console panel populates with data for the current submission. The data shows, even if you type something without submitting the information. The Console panel's data temporarily stores in the browser.

Reading an Application's Configuration

This strategy walks you through reading the configuration of an application. The application’s configuration shows you how the application should behave. Then, you’ll compare the expected behavior to actual data.

Understanding module configuration is a key skill when troubleshooting in Unqork. The goal is to understand the logic of how the module works. You need to understand basic components and their configuration. It’s also important to know how the components interact with one another. For instance, many components have other components as their input or output.

Let’s say a Calculator component isn’t firing. You could check which component fires the calculator. Then, read through the configuration to isolate the behavior.

Checking for Component References

To check if another component references your component:

1. Open your module using the Module Builder.
2. Navigate to the component you want to check.
3. Check for an icon on the right side of the component. An icon shows if another component references this one. And, if so, what kind of component. It could be a Decision, Calculator, Initializer, or Plug-in.
4. Hover over the icon. Unqork shows you which component references this field and whether it’s an input or an output.

Reviewing the Application Logic

To read through the application logic:

1. Open your module using the Module Builder.
2. Start with the module's first component, and follow the application logic. 

When this module opens in Express view, what’s the first thing that happens? Maybe an Initializer fires or a user starts the process by entering information. Follow the flow as you read through the application. 

3. Look at inputs and outputs of components as well as triggers and trigger types. This information helps you follow what the configuration should do.
4. Now that you know how the module should act, do a side-by-side comparison of the reported behavior.

Reading through application logic is a dynamic process. Rather than a step-by-step checklist, you’ll follow the unique flow of each application.

Checking a Transform Output Using an API Call

With this strategy, you'll check the transform output using an API call. Checking the transform lets you verify the logic works as expected.

A transform is something you add to a module to convert submission data to a different structure. A transform lets you control the format of data coming in, or data sent to a client. Sometimes, there can be an error in a transform.

Let's say a client doesn't receive the data they expect. As a troubleshooter, you could first run the data command to see if the data is in the submission. If the data is in the submission, the next step is to figure out why the client didn't receive the data. If there's a transform between Unqork and the client, the issue may live there.

The next step is to run the submission data through the transform to see what output the client sees. Then, you can make a call to this endpoint, specifying the right submission and right module.

To check a transform’s output:

1. Go to
2. Click the Transforms option on the left sidebar menu.
3. Click Get Transforms.
4. Copy the GET call from the top right side of the page.

5. Update the URL with the correct domain and module ID.
6. Enter the call in your browser. 

The output of that transform returns in the browser. If the data is in the submission but not in the output of the transform, you’ve isolated the issue. There’s something wrong with the transform logic. Or, there may be a misunderstanding of what the requirements are. 

From there, you’ll look at the logic of the transform. Checking the transform's logic should help you pinpoint the issue.

These steps assume that you’re authenticated as an administrator in the environment.

Visit for other Unqork API specifications.

Setting up Service Logs for APIs and Remote Executes

This strategy walks you through customizing service logs for APIs and remote executes. You can set up logging preferences to log request bodies and response bodies. Request and response bodies show the details of a call. This information makes troubleshooting easier. When a call fails, service logs can show you exactly why that call failed.

We'll walk through how to set up service logs for APIs and remote execute calls. Then, we'll talk about how to return those service logs.

Setting up Service Logs for External APIs

Service logs log any call you make to an API that you've set up in Unqork's Services Administration. By capturing request and response bodies, you'll have more information to pull from when troubleshooting a failed call.

You'll set up logging preferences under the Logging section of Services Administration. Below, we've documented what these options mean and how to use them.



Capture Request & Respose Bodies Checkbox

Enabling this box logs the details (bodies) of the call's request and response. If you have a failed API call, the log's request body and response body give you information on why the call failed. Or, maybe the API request was successful, but the data sent wasn't handled correctly. The request body and response body show you the details of your calls.

This box defaults to OFF (unchecked). We recommend turning this option ON (checked) for every external service.

Retention Days

Define how long you want to retain service logs. If left blank, Unqork defaults to 30 days.

Pagerduty Service Key

When configured, PagerDuty sends alerts when there are errors in your Unqork application. To use the PagerDuty integration, you must have your own PagerDuty account.

For the purpose of today's training, leave the Pagerduty service key field blank.

Once you set up logging for your Unqork service, you're good to go. The service logs save to Unqork's database and you can query the logs at any time. Next, let's set up service logs for remote execute calls.

Setting up Service Logs for Remote Executes

You can also set up service logs to capture the details of your remote execute calls. Remote executes are when a module executes on Unqork's server. You have flexibility with what you capture in these logs. Capturing the request and response bodies of your calls makes future troubleshooting easier. You'll set up the request and response body log through Environment Administration.

Let's look at the options for the Server Side Execution Request/Response Body Log drop-down.



Do Not Capture Request/Response Bodies

Logs will not show details of remote execute calls.

Capture Request/Response Bodies on Failure

Unqork will only log request and response bodies if a remote execute fails.

Capture All Request/Response Bodies

Unqork will log request and response bodies for all remote executes. (Recommended)

We recommend choosing Capture all request/response bodies. Even if a call is successful, the data to and from may be incorrect. Having access to the request and response bodies for all calls gives you the information you need to troubleshoot any call.

Now that you have service logs saving to the database for your remote executes, let's go over how to find the service logs.

You can also set up PagerDuty alerts from Environment Administration. When configured, PagerDuty sends alerts when there are errors in your Unqork application. To use the PagerDuty integration, you must have your own PagerDuty account.

Checking Service Logs Using an API Call

With this strategy, you’ll check service logs to see the status of API calls and remote execute calls.

We recommend installing a Chrome extension that formats JSON. Without a JSON formatting extension, service logs return as long lines of text. A Chrome extension organizes the service logs in a user-friendly way.

In Services Administration, you define what services (APIs) integrate with your API. You also define the level of logging you want for that service. You can choose whether you want to log the request and response bodies for that service’s calls. Service logs show you the results of API calls for these services and for server-side calls. All the logs save to a collection in our database called a service log. Let's cover what gets captured in service logs.

Below, we've shared a description of each response item you'll see in a service log.

Response Item



A unique identifier for the service log.


Could be service, serviceAuthError, or remoteExecute. The 2 important ones for Unqork are service and remoteExecute.

  • service - Any external APIs that you set up in Services Administration.

  • remoteExecute - Any module that you execute server-side.


A basic identifier for each submission made in a module.


Used in the case of a remote execute. This ID is the executed module. If you're logging a service, this ID indicates the module that made the API call.


Shows the Property Name of the component that made the external API call. With remote executes, components aren't traced.


When you made the request to the remote execute or external service.

requestTime and responseTime are useful because you can filter your search to a specific time.


When the module finished executing and gave you a response or when the external API finished executing and gave you a response.

requestTime and responseTime are useful because you can filter your search to a specific time.


The name of the service you've added in Services Administration.


The user ID of the person or integration job that submitted the request.

Filtering your search by user ID can help you find out what went wrong for a specific user.


The URL of the request made.


HTTP response status codes. The codes you'll see in Unqork are:

  • 200-299: Success

  • 300-399: Redirect

  • 400+: Error

You can query by responseCode >= 400. This search brings back service logs for failed calls.


Text with basic description of the responseCode. An example may be Bad Request. This information is limited.


The details of the API or remote execute request.

There will only be a requestBody with a POST or a PUT.


The details of what returned from the call. Depending on the API call, you may or may not see a responseBody.


Tells you when the log will disappear. The default is 30 days. You can change this setting under Services Administration.


Indicates when Unqork created the log record.


Indicates date and time of a log's modification.

To get back service logs, you'll use the following endpoint: /fbu/uapi/logs/services.

You can customize your search. Maybe you only want to query failed calls. Perhaps you want to find calls made during a certain timeframe. Or, maybe you want to narrow your service logs down to remote executes only. Filtering operators let you customize any search. The query string can specify the service name, filter conditions, and sorting.

For example, to return service logs for a certain service, you'll enter the following API call into your browser: /fbu/uapi/logs/services?serviceName={serviceName}. Then, you’ll see the response for the service you queried.

To view your filtering options, go to the following link and scroll to the Filtering operators table:

Testing API Endpoints Using Third Party Applications

This strategy explains how to use Postman/Insomnia to test API endpoints.

Postman and Insomnia are third party applications. They let you make API calls outside a specific browser or specific configuration. These applications can be helpful if you’re getting a failed response to an endpoint. This step is especially useful in deciphering vague error messages. 

These applications help you discover if the issue is with the endpoint or with what you’re passing in.

If the endpoint works when called from Postman, it's likely you have a configuration issue.

Let's say the API call is still unsuccessful after entering the endpoint into Postman. You now know the Unqork configuration is working, and the issue lives elsewhere

Third-party Application Downloads

Updating Data Using a Module

Sometimes, a submission can’t move forward because a piece of data is set to the wrong value. Instead of redoing the configuration, you can update the data for that submission. This strategy saves you from redoing the whole configuration.

Use case: Imagine you have an insurance application with a Hidden component called applicationStatus. Your agent can only review the application if applicationStatus is set to ‘complete.’ A client has an issue uploading an image of their driver’s license. So, instead of uploading the image, they email it to your agent. Your application is still ‘in progress.’ The unfinished application blocks your agent from reviewing and approving the application. You'll use a module to help your agent move forward with onboarding the client. If you update the applicationStatus, work can continue without any further steps for the client.

To use a module to update submission data:

1. Open a module in the Module Builder.

Configure an Entry Component

You'll need a field that accepts a text or number entry. Make sure the component you choose relates to the data type of the submission field you're updating. Let’s say you want to update a field called ‘’, and that field stores as a string. Use a Text Field component. For a numeric value, you'll use a Number component.

1. Drag and drop a component, such as a Text Field component, onto the canvas.
2. Enter textField in the Property ID.
3. Enter Text Field in the Label Text.
4. Click Save.

Configure a Plug-In Component

1. Drag and drop a Plug-In component onto the canvas.
2. Enter pluginTroubleshoot in the Property ID and Label Text.
3. In the Inputs table, enter the following:
a. Property ID: enter textField. This references the Text Field component (or other entry component) that you created earlier.
b. Mapping: enter data.{fieldToUpdate}. {fieldToUpdate} refers to the specific field that you want to update.

4. Select Update Module Submission from the Internal Services drop-down.
5. Update the Data Source URL with the correct Module ID and Submission ID for the data you're updating.

6. Click Save.

Configure a Button Component

1. Drag and drop a Button component onto the canvas.
2. Enter btnSubmit in the Property ID.
3. Enter Submit in the Label Text.
4. Select Validate from the Button Action Type.
5. Enter pluginTroubleshoot in the Trigger on Click field. This is the Property Name of the Plug-In component that you configured earlier.

6. Click Save.

After adding these 3 components, your module looks like this:

Updating the Data for the Submission

To complete the update, you'll:

1. Preview your module in Express View.
2. Populate your Text Field with the value you want to update.

This updates the field that you entered in the Mapping section of your Plug-In component.

3. Click the Submit Button.

If you configured the module correctly, the button triggers your Plug-In. The Plug-In updates the data for the submission you specified.

When you update an array or object’s data, the new data overwrites the entire array or object. Please reach out to your Unqork representative with any questions about this functionality. 

Using the Server-Side Debugger Tool

This strategy lets you mimic a submission's remote execution without going through the workflow. The Debugger Tool is a great way to test your module while you build it.

Let’s say you have a button for users to click in your end-user application. The button triggers a Plug-In, which executes another module via remote execution. The module that’s executed remotely has an API call. The call populates data back into your submission. The Debugger Tool simulates the module’s remote execution without the end-user flow.

To use the Debugger Tool:

1. Open the module you want to troubleshoot using the Module Builder.
2. Click the Server Side Execution button on the top right of the page.

The Server Side Execution Testing page opens. 

3. Populate the Submission ID that you want to test in the Debugger.
4. Use the remaining options to replicate the Plug-In you’d normally use in this module.
5. Click the Execute button. The module executes with your provided preferences. 

If you scroll down, you’ll see Response Status and Response Body under the Response tab. The status and body show details of the submission, including if there's an error code. You can find this same information in the Network tab of DevTools.

6. Select the Debugger tab.

The Debugger tab shows you every step of what happens during the remote execution of your module.

You can learn more about the Debugger Tool in our In-Product Help.