Unqork Marketplace Frequently Asked Questions


Whether you're new to the Unqork Marketplace or just have a specific question you need answered, you've come to the right place. Here, we've compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions to help you make the most of the Marketplace.


What is the Unqork Marketplace?

The Unqork Marketplace is a central location for Unqork Creators to share configuration ideas. The goal of these ideas is to cut down the time you spend building in Unqork. Here, you'll find common configurations pre-built in the form of Templates. You can add these Templates to your Unqork environment to get a head start building your application.

You'll also find Products in the Marketplace. Products are start-to-finish solutions that address a specific industry need. For example, we offer Products to address companies' return-to-work needs.

How do I access the Marketplace?

You can access the Marketplace at any time by visiting marketplace.unqork.io. You can also click the Marketplace tab in the top right corner of your Unqork environment.


Are Products reusable?

Because Products are start-to-finish solutions, they're not reusable. If you have more questions related to Products, please contact the Unqork sales team here.

How do I install a Product to my environment?

Products are complete solutions that require a little more hands-on customization with the Unqork sales team. So, you can't add them directly to your environment through the Marketplace. If a Product catches your eye, click the Request a Demo button from the listing detail pages.


What's the difference between application/integration templates and snippets?

Application and integration templates offer larger pieces of functionality compared to snippets. Application and integration templates create whole modules or workflows you can tweak to fit your needs. Snippets offer specific functions you'll add to modules you've already created.

What's the difference between application templates and integration templates?

Application templates and integration templates are similar in that they create modules and/or workflows to help build out your application. But application templates offer functionality that happens inside Unqork. And integration templates offer connections to external services via API (application programming interface) calls.

How do I use a template once I've added it to my Unqork environment?

Templates you've added to your Unqork environment live in your Unqork Library. Your Library lets you view all your application templates, integration templates, and snippets. When you want to use one of your application or integration templates, you'll do so from the Library. When you want to use a snippet, you'll do so from the Module Builder.

Why can't I build an application from a snippet?

Snippets on their own don't offer enough functionality to build a module. Rather, snippets are pieces of functionality you'll add to modules you've already created. So, you'll access snippets in the Module Builder. There, you can drag and drop snippets onto your canvas just like you would Unqork components.

How do I know a template is safe to use in my Unqork environment?

Every template goes through a rigorous review before it's available in the Marketplace. We test templates for their user experience, security, and more. This all works towards our goal of ensuring no template introduces issues out of the box.

Almost every template is customizable. So, the review process mentioned above only applies to templates before customization. Refer to your template's documentation whenever customizing to ensure no errors are introduced.


Does removing a template from your Unqork Library delete the applications you've built with it?

No, removing a template has no effect on applications you've built using that template. Applications aren't tied to their source templates in any way. To delete an application you've built using a template, refer to the template's documentation. You can access a template's documentation from the Library or the Marketplace.

How do I install a Product to my environment?

Products are complete solutions that require a little more hands-on customization with the Unqork sales team. So, you can't add them directly to your environment through the Marketplace. If a Product catches your eye, click the Request a Demo button from the listing detail pages.


How can I edit a review I left on a Marketplace listing?

Currently, only Marketplace administrators can edit listing reviews.

I have an idea that would make a great addition to the Marketplace, what should I do?

We're always looking for new ideas to add to the Marketplace. If you have something you think would help other Unqork Creators, you can submit an idea on the Marketplace home page. You'll find more details in our Browsing the Unqork Marketplace article.