Marketplace: Workflow Integration Templates

Workflow integration templates are workflow-based, use-case specific assets that connect your applications to external services. For example, creating an automated workflow to upload files to an SFTP server using the Workflow SFTP Upload Intergration template.

DocuSign Workflow Integration Template

Use this integration template so end-users can dynamically generate eSignature PDFs.

Workflow Automated Import SFTP Integration Template

Use this integration template to import files from an SFTP server and save it in Unqork.

Workflow Single Email Integration Template

Use this integration template as a starting point to create a simple email template with SendGrid integration.

Workflow SFTP Upload Integration Template

Use this integration template to upload files to an SFTP server.

Infermedica Symptoms Checker Integration Template

Use this integration template to analyze medical symptoms based on demographics and health risk factors with Infermedica integration.