Audit Logs: Application and Workspaces Updates
This article is a simple reference guide showing you the data fields expected from Application and Workspaces updates audit logs.
To learn more about the Audit Logs API, view our Get API Logs documentation.

This section focuses on the various configuration events in Unqork applications.
Adding an Application
An event indicating that an application was created in a workspace.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
applicationName |
The application's name at creation. |
String |
workspaceId |
The unique identifier of the workspace where the application was created. |
String |
style |
The selected style for the application at creation. |
String |
appType |
The selected App Type for the application at creation. |
String |
appEntryPoint |
The selected App Entrypoint for the application at creation. |
String |
dataVersioning |
Whether the Data Versioning setting is enabled at creation. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
wormStorage |
Whether the WORM Storage setting is enabled at creation. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
Adding a Library Module to an Application
An event indicating that a Library module was added to an application.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
moduleId |
The unique identifier of the Library module that was created. |
String |
shareSettings |
The application's path where the Library module was created. |
String |
sharedToEnvironment↴ |
Whether the Library module was shared to the environment. True if shared; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
sharedToWorkspaces↴ |
An object of the workspaces where the Library module was shared. |
Object |
connectedApplications↴ |
All applications connected to the shared Library module. |
String |
Changing an Application
An event indicating that an application was modified in a workspace.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
applicationName |
The application's name after changes were made. |
String |
workspaceId |
The unique identifier of the workspace where the application exists. |
String |
style |
The style for the application after changes were made. |
String |
headerModule |
The application's header module after changes were made. |
String |
footerModule |
The application's footer module after changes were made. |
String |
Deleting an Application
An event indicating that an application was deleted in a workspace.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
applicationName |
The name of the application that was deleted. |
String |
workspaceId |
The unique identifier of the workspace where the application exists. |
String |
deletedSuccess |
Whether the application was deleted successfully. True if deleted successfully; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
Exporting an Application
An event indicating that an application was exported from a workspace.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
applicationName |
The name of the application that was exported. |
String |
workspaceId |
The unique identifier of the workspace where the application exists. |
String |
Moving an Application
An event indicating that an application was moved from one workspace to another workspace.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
tagetWorkspaceId |
The unique identifier of the workspace where the application was moved. |
String |
Previewing an Application
An event indicating that an application was previewed in a workspace.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
applicationName |
The name of the application that was previewed. |
String |
applicationPath |
The path of the application that was previewed. |
String |
Promoting an Application
An event indicating that an application was promoted in a workspace.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
clientName |
The name of the client environment where the application was promoted. |
String |
clientLevel |
The evironment level where the application was promoted. |
String |
Searching for an Application's Library Module
An event indicating that a user searched for an application's Library module.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
applicationId |
The unique identifier of the Library module's application. |
String |
elementType |
The App Element that the user searched for. |
String |
searchTerm |
The results of the search. |
String |
Sharing an a Library Module With an Application or Workspace
An event indicating that a Library module was shared with an application or workspace.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
elementType |
The App Element that the user searched for. |
String |
workspaces↴ |
An object of the workspaces where the Library module was shared or unshared. |
Object |
share |
The workspace where the Library module was shared. |
String |
unshare |
The workspace where the Library module was unshared. |
String |
applications↴ |
An object of the applications where the Library module was shared or unshared. |
Object |
share |
The application where the Library module was shared. |
String |
unshare |
The application where the Library module was unshared. |
String |

This section focuses on the various configuration events in Unqork workspaces.
Adding a Data Model
An event indicating that a Data Model was created in a workspace.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
datamodelName |
The Data Model's name at creation. |
String |
workspaceName |
The name of the workspace where the Data Model was created. |
String |
schema |
The Data Model's JSON Schema(s). |
String |
Adding a JSON Schema to a Workspace's Data Model
An event indicating that a JSON Schema was created for a workspace's Data Model.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
workspaceName |
The name of the workspace where the JSON Schema was created. |
String |
Adding a Workspace
An event indicating that a workspace was created.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
workspaceId |
The workspace's name at creation. |
String |
Adding a Workspace User
An event indicating that a Workspace user was created in a workspace.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
workspaceName |
The name of the workspace where the user was created. |
String |
userId |
The Workspace user's unique identifier at creation. |
String |
permissionType |
The permissions given to the Workspace user at creation. |
String |
Archiving a Data Model
An event indicating that a Data Model was deleted in a workspace.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
archivedSuccess |
Whether a Data Model was archived successfully. True if deleted successfully; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
Archiving a Data Model's JSON Schema
An event indicating that a JSON Schema was archived from a workspace's Data Model.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
archivedSuccess |
Whether a JSON Schema was archived successfully. True if deleted successfully; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
Changing a Data Model
An event indicating that a Data Model was modified in a workspace.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
dataModelName |
The Data Model name after changes were made. |
String |
modifiedAttributes |
The Data Model attributes that were modified. |
String |
workspaceId |
The unique identifier of the workspace were the Data Model exists. |
String |
Changing a Data Model's JSON Schema
An event indicating that a JSON Schema was modified in a workspace's Data Model.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
workspaceId |
The unique identifier of the workspace were the JSON Schema exists. |
String |
schemaName |
The JSON Schema's name after changes were made. |
String |
modifiedAttributes |
The JSON Schema attributes that were modified. |
String |
Changing a Workspace
An event indicating that a workspace was modified.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
workspaceId |
The workspace's unique identifier after changes were made. |
String |
Deleting a Data Model
An event indicating that a Data Model was deleted in a workspace.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
deletedSuccess |
Whether a Data Model was deleted successfully. True if deleted successfully; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
Deleting a Data Model's JSON Schema
An event indicating that a JSON Schema was deleted from a workspace's Data Model.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
deletedSuccess |
Whether a JSON Schema was deleted successfully. True if deleted successfully; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
Deleting a Workspace
An event indicating that a workspace was deleted.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
workspaceId |
The unique identifier of the workspace that was deleted. |
String |
confirmationNote |
The confirmation note that the workspace was deleted. |
String |
deletedSuccess |
Whether the workspace was deleted successfully. True if deleted successfully; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
Deleting a Workspace User
An event indicating that a Workspace user was deleted in a workspace.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
workspaceName |
The name of the workspace where the user was deleted. |
String |
deletedUserId |
The unique identifier of the Workspace user that was deleted. |
String |
Exporting Records from a Record Collections
An event indicating that a record(s) was exported from a Record Collections.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
workspaceName |
The name of the workspace where the record(s) was exported. |
String |
record-export |
Whether the records were exported successfully; True if exported successfully; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
Importing Records in Record Collections
An event indicating that a record(s) was imported in a workspace's Record Collections.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
workspaceName |
The name of the workspace where the record(s) was imported. |
String |
recordImport |
Whether the record(s) was imported successfully. True if imported successfully; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
Viewing a Workspace
An event indicating that a workspace was viewed.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
workspaceId |
The workspace's name that was viewed. |
String |