Audit Logs: Configuration Updates
This article is a simple reference guide showing you the data fields expected from Configuration Updates audit logs.
To learn more about the Audit Logs API, view our Get API Logs documentation.
This section focuses on the various configuration events in Client Tracker Administration.
Adding a Datadog RUM Tracker
An event indicating a client tracker with Datadog RUM was created in Client Tracker Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
clientTokenSet |
Whether the Datadog RUM client token is set at creation. True if set; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
tracingOrigins |
The Datadog RUM tracing origins at creation. |
String |
trackInteractions |
Whether the Track Interactions setting is enabled at creation. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
recordSessionPlays |
Whether the Record Session Replays setting is enabled at creation. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
isEnabled |
Whether the Is Enabled setting is enabled at creation. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
Adding a Log Rocket Tracker
An event indicating a client tracker with Log Rocket was created in Client Tracker Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
captureIP |
Whether the Capture IP setting is enabled at creation. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
captureUser |
Whether the Capture User setting is enabled at creation. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
isEnabled |
Whether the Is Enabled setting is enabled at creation. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
ingestServer |
The Log Rocket ingest server at creation. |
String |
Adding a New Relic Tracker
An event indicating a client tracker with New Relic was created in Client Tracker Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
agentId |
The agent ID at creation. |
String |
applicationId |
The application ID at creation. |
String |
trustKey |
The trust key at creation. |
String |
isEnabled |
Whether the Is Enabled setting is enabled at creation. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
Changing a Datadog RUM Tracker
An event indicating a client tracker with Datadog RUM was modified in Client Tracker Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
clientTokenSet |
Whether the Datadog RUM client token is set. True if set; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
tracingOrigins |
The Datadog RUM tracing origins after changes were made. |
String |
trackInteractions |
Whether the Track Interactions setting is enabled. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
recordSessionPlays |
Whether the Record Session Replays setting is enabled. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
isEnabled |
Whether the Is Enabled setting is enabled. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
Changing a Log Rocket Tracker
An event indicating a client tracker with Log Rocket was modified in Client Tracker Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
captureIP |
Whether the Capture IP setting is enabled. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
captureUser |
Whether the Capture User setting is enabled. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
isEnabled |
Whether the Is Enabled setting is enabled. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
ingestServer |
The Log Rocket ingest server after changes were made. |
String |
Changing a New Relic Tracker
An event indicating a client tracker with New Relic was modified in Client Tracker Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
agentId |
The agent ID after changes were made. |
String |
applicationId |
The application ID after changes were made. |
String |
trustKey |
The trust key after changes were made. |
String |
isEnabled |
Whether the Is Enabled setting is enabled. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
Deleting a Datadog RUM Tracker
An event indicating a client tracker with Datadog RUM was deleted in Client Tracker Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
trackerDeleted |
Whether the Datadog RUM tracker was deleted successfully. True if deleted successfully; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
Deleting a Log Rocket Tracker
An event indicating a client tracker with Log Rocket was deleted in Client Tracker Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
trackerDeleted |
Whether the Log Rocket tracker was deleted successfully. True if deleted successfully; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
Deleting a New Relic Tracker
An event indicating a client tracker with New Relic was deleted in Client Tracker Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
trackerDeleted |
Whether the New Relic tracker was deleted successfully. True if deleted successfully; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
This section focuses on email template changes in Email Template Administration.
Changing an Email Template
An event indicating that an email template was modified in Email Template Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
subject |
The email subject field after changes were made to the template. |
String |
template |
The email template field after changes were made to the template. |
String |
This section focuses on changes to configuration settings in Environment Administration.
Changing API Rate Limiting
An event indicating that the API Rate Limiting settings were modified in Environment Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
numberOfRequestsPerIPAddress |
The Number of Requests per IP Address value after changes were made. |
Integer |
Changing Component Security
An event indication that the Disable Safe HTML Filters in Content Components setting was modified in Environment Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
disableSafeHTMLFilters |
Whether the Disable Safe HTML Filters in Content Components setting is enabled. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
Changing Express Content Security Policy (CSP)
An event indicating that the Express Content Security Policy settings were modified in Environment Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
frameSourceList |
The Frame Source List value after changes were made. |
String |
frameAncestorList |
The Frame Ancestor List value after changes were made. |
String |
objectSourceList |
The Object Source List value after changes were made. |
String |
Changing Express Session Administration
An event indicating that the Express Session Administration settings was modified in Environment Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
expireUserSessionChoice |
The option selected from the Expire User Session in Express drop-down. |
Boolean |
apiTokenInactivityTimeout |
The Inactivity Timeout value after changes were made. |
Integer |
sessionTimeout |
The Session Timeout value after changes were made. |
Integer |
Changing Google Tag Manager
An event indicating that the Google Tag Manager settings was modified in Environment Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
gtmContainerId |
The GTM Container ID value after changes were made. |
String |
gtmEnvironmentAuthentication |
The GTM Environment Authentication value after changes were made. |
String |
gtmEnvironmentPreview |
The GTM Environment Preview value after changes were made. |
String |
Changing Hide Preview Bar by Default
An event indicating that the Hide Preview Bar by Default setting was modified in Environment Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
hidePreviewBar |
Whether the Hide Preview Bar by Default setting is enabled. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
Changing Limit Looping for Component Execution
An event indicating that the Looping Limit for Component Execution setting was modified in Environment Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
loopingLimitComponentExecution |
The Looping Limit for Component Execution value after changes were made. |
Integer |
Changing Limit Looping for Workflow Node Execution
An event indicating that the Looping Limit for Component Execution setting was modified in Environment Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
workflowNodeExecution |
The Looping Limit for Workflow Node Execution value after changes were made. |
Integer |
Changing Offline Mode
An event indicating that the Enable Offline setting was modified in Environment Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
enableOfflineCapabilities |
Whether the Enable Offline setting is enabled. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
Changing PagerDuty Key
An event indicating that the PagerDuty Key setting was modified in Environment Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
pagerDutyKey |
Whether the PagerDuty Key setting was added, modified, or deleted. |
Boolean |
Changing Server-Side Execution Logs
An event indicating that the Server-Side Execution Logs settings were modified in Environment Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
requestResponseBodyLog |
The option selected from the Server Side Execution Request/Response Body Log drop-down.
String |
debugLog |
The option selected from the Server Side Execution Debug Log drop-down.
String |
Changing Site Name
An event indicating that the Site Name setting was modified in Environment Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
siteName |
The Site Name value after changes were made. |
String |
Changing Tracker Records
An event indicating that the Number of Days to Keep Tracker Records setting was modified in Environment Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
newNoOfDaysToKeepTrackerRecord |
The Number of Days to Keep Tracker Records value after changes were made. |
Integer |
Promoting Translations
An event indicating that translations were promoted in Environment Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
targetEnvironmentName |
The target environment where the translations were promoted. |
String |
This section focuses on uploading, downloading, and deleting Excel templates in Excel Fill Template Administration.
Deleting Excel Templates
An event indicating that a template was deleted in Excel Fill Template Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
deletedSuccess |
Whether a template was deleted successfully. True if deleted successfully; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
Downloading Excel Templates
An event indicating that a template was downloaded in Excel Fill Template Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
title |
The title of the template that was downloaded. |
String |
filesize |
The file size of the template that was downloaded (in bytes). |
String |
Uploading Excel Templates
An event indicating that a template was uploaded in Excel Fill Template Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
title |
The title of the template that was uploaded. |
String |
filesize |
The file size of the template that was uploaded (in bytes). |
String |
This section focuses on uploading and searching for Express users in Express User Administration. You'll also see audit logs for converting and Express user to a Creator User.
Convert to Creator Administrator
An event indicating that an Express user was converted to a Creator Administrator in Express User Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
The email of the converted user. |
String |
convertToCreatorAdmin |
Whether the user was converted to a Creator Administrator successfully. True if converted successfully; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
Exporting an Express User
An event indicating that an Express user was exported in Express User Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
numberOfRecordsExported |
The total number of Express user records that were exported from Express User Administration. |
Number |
Importing an Express User
An event indicating that an Express user was imported in Express User Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
importSuccess |
Whether the user was imported successfully. True if imported successfully; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
notifyUsersTempPassword |
Whether the user was emailed a temporary password successfully. True if emailed successfully; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
Searching for an Express User
An event indicating that another user search for an Express user in Express User Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
name |
The Express user's name. |
String |
phone |
The Express user's phone number. |
String |
role |
The Express user's role. |
String |
userId |
The Express user's unique identifier. |
String |
foundOutput |
Whether the search returned a result successfully. True if a result was returned successfully; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
This section focuses on adding, changing, deleting, and promoting global variables in Global Variables Administration.
Adding a Global Variable
An event indicating that a global variable was created in Global Variables Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
key |
The required global variable's key at creation. |
String |
description |
The description of the global variable at creation. |
String |
serverSideOnly |
Whether the Server-Side Only setting is enabled at creation. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
value |
The global variable's value at creation. |
Integer |
Changing a Global Variable
An event indicating that a global variable was modified in Global Variables Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
key |
The required global variable's key after changes were made. |
String |
description |
The description of the global variable after changes were made. |
String |
serverSideOnly |
Whether the Server-Side Only setting is enabled. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
value |
The global variable's value after changes were made. |
Integer |
Deleting a Global Variable
An event indicating that a global variable was deleted in Global Variables Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
variableDeleted |
Whether the global variable was deleted successfully. True if deleted successfully; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
Promoting a Global Variable
An event indicating that a global variable was promoted in Global Variables Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
keysDetails↴ |
An array of the detail information for the promoted global variable. |
Array |
object↴ |
An object containing the detail information for the promoted global variable. |
Object |
key |
The required global variable's key after changes were made. |
String |
description |
The description of the global variable after changes were made. |
String |
serverSideOnly |
Whether the Server-Side Only setting is enabled. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
value |
The global variable's value. |
Integer |
promotedEnvironment |
The environment where the global variable was promoted. |
String |
This section focuses on creating, uploading, downloading, and deleting assets in Managed Assets Administration.
Adding an Asset Folder
An event indicating that a folder was created in Managed Assets Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
folderTitle |
The asset folder's title at creation. |
String |
lastmodified |
The last time the folder was modified. |
Date |
Deleting an Asset
An event indicating that an asset was deleted in Managed Assets Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
folderTitle |
The title of the deleted asset. |
String |
filesize |
The file size of the deleted asset (in bytes). |
String |
lastmodified |
The last time the asset was modified. |
Date |
Downloading an Asset
An event indicating that an asset was downloaded in Managed Assets Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
folderTitle |
The title of the downloaded asset. |
String |
filesize |
The file size of the downloaded asset (in bytes). |
String |
lastmodified |
The last time the asset was modified. |
Date |
Uploading an Asset
An event indicating that an asset was uploaded in Managed Assets Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
folderTitle |
The title of the uploaded asset. |
String |
filesize |
The file size of the uploaded asset (in bytes). |
String |
lastmodified |
The last time the asset was modified. |
Date |
This section focuses on adding, copying, and restoring modules in Module Administration.
Adding a Module
An event indicating that a module was created in Module Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
name |
The name of the module that was created. |
String |
title |
The title of the module that was created. |
String |
appName |
The name of the application where the module exists. |
String |
workspaceName |
The name of the workspace where the module exists. |
String |
Copying a Module
An event indicating that a module was copied to a new module in Module Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
newModule↴ |
An object of module details for the new module created when copying another module. |
Object |
title |
The new module's title. |
String |
id |
The new module's unique identifier. |
String |
name |
The new module's name. |
String |
version |
The current version of the new module. |
String |
created |
The date the new module was created. |
Date |
modified |
The last time the new module was modified. |
Date |
oldModule↴ |
An object of module details for the module that was copied. |
Object |
title |
The copied module's title. |
String |
id |
The copied module's unique identifier. |
String |
name |
The copied module's name. |
String |
version |
The current version of the copied module. |
String |
created |
The date the copied module was created. |
Date |
modified |
The last time the copied module was modified. |
Date |
Restoring a Module
An event indicating that a module was restored in Module Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
module↴ |
An object of module details for the restored module. |
Object |
title |
The restored module's title. |
String |
id |
The restored module's unique identifier. |
String |
name |
The restored module's name. |
String |
version |
The version of the module before being restored. |
String |
newVersion |
The restored version of the module. |
String |
created |
The date the module was restored. |
Date |
modified |
The last time the restored module was modified. |
Date |
This section focuses on the various actions and settings that can be configured in a module.
Adding a Module Transform
An event indicating that a module transform was created in the Module Builder.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
moduleName |
The name of the module where the transform was created. |
String |
appName |
The name of the application where the module exists. |
String |
workspaceName |
The name of the workspace where the application exists. |
String |
transformName |
The transform's name. |
String |
type |
The transform type. |
String |
Changing the Editing Module Setting
An event indicating that a user set a module to edit in the Module Builder.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
moduleName |
The name of the module where the setting was changed. |
String |
appName |
The name of the application where the module exists. |
String |
workspaceName |
The name of the workspace where the application exists. |
String |
canEdit |
Whether a user has set a module to edit mode. True if set to Editing; false if set to Viewing. |
Boolean |
Changing a Module
An event indicating that a module was modified in the Module Builder. This log occurs after the module is saved.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
moduleName |
The name of the module that was modified. |
String |
appName |
The name of the application where the module exists. |
String |
workspaceName |
The name of the workspace where the application exists. |
String |
archiveId |
The unique identifier associated with archived changes after they were made. |
String |
Changing a Module Transform
An event indicating that a module transform was modified in the Module Builder.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
moduleName |
The name of the module where the transform was modified. |
String |
appName |
The name of the application where the module exists. |
String |
workspaceName |
The name of the workspace where the application exists. |
String |
transformName |
The name of the transform after changes were made. |
String |
type |
The transform type after changes were made. |
String |
Changing a Module's Workflow Settings
An event indicating a module's Workflow Settings were changed in the Module Builder.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
moduleName |
The name of the module whose Workflow Settings were modified. |
String |
appName |
The name of the application where the module exists. |
String |
workspaceName |
The name of the workspace where the application exists. |
String |
validation |
Whether the Validate on Opening Submission setting is enabled. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
postTrigger |
The Post Trigger after changes were made. |
String |
postValidationTrigger |
The Post Validation Trigger after changes were made. |
String |
postSaveTrigger |
The Post Save Trigger after changes were made. |
String |
Changing Module Permissions
An event indicating that a user has modified the Module Permissions in the Module Builder
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
moduleName |
The name of the module whose permissions were modified. |
String |
appName |
The name of the application where the module exists. |
String |
workspaceName |
The name of the workspace where the application exists. |
String |
customizeRBAC |
Whether the Customize RBAC for This Module setting is enabled. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
allowAccessAnonymous |
Whether the Allow Access to Anonymous Users setting is enabled. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
accessDetails |
An object of all module access details. |
Object |
Changing Module Settings
An event indicating that a user has modified the Module Settings in the Module Builder.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
moduleName |
The name of the module whose settings were modified. |
String |
appName |
The name of the application where the module exists. |
String |
workspaceName |
The name of the workspace where the application exists. |
String |
modulePath |
The module's path. |
String |
tags |
The module's tags. |
String |
dataModel |
The module's data model. |
String |
loadSubmissionInitial |
Whether the Load Submission With Initial Module Version setting is enabled. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
enableStaggerLoad |
Whether the Enable Stagger Load setting is enabled. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
propagateDisabled |
Whether the Container Components' Propagate "Disabled" to Logic Components setting is enabled. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Object |
serverSideExecuteOnly |
Whether the Server-Side Execution Only setting is enabled. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Object |
superUserOnSSE |
Whether the Act as Super-User When Server-Side Executing setting is enabled. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Object |
enableTracker |
Whether the Enable Tracker setting is enabled. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Object |
showPageTitle |
Whether the Show Page Title setting is enabled. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Object |
Changing Module Translations
An event indicating that module translations were modified in the Module Builder.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
moduleName |
The name of the module where the transform was modified. |
String |
appName |
The name of the application where the module exists. |
String |
workspaceName |
The name of the workspace where the application exists. |
String |
enableTranslations |
Whether the Enable Translations setting is enabled. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
Deleting a Module
An event indicating that a module was deleted from an application.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
moduleName |
The name of the module where the transform was created. |
String |
appName |
The name of the application where the module exists. |
String |
workspaceName |
The name of the workspace where the application exists. |
String |
deletedSuccess |
Whether the module was deleted successfully. True if deleted successfully; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
Deleting a Module Transform
An event indicating that a module transform was deleted in the Module Builder.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
moduleName |
The name of the module where the transform was created. |
String |
appName |
The name of the application where the module exists. |
String |
workspaceName |
The name of the workspace where the application exists. |
String |
transformName |
The transform's name. |
String |
type |
The transform type. |
String |
deletedTransform |
Whether the module transform was deleted successfully. True if deleted successfully; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
Saving a Snippet
An event indicating that a module configuration was saved as a snippet in the Module Builder.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
moduleName |
The name of the module wher the snippet was saved. |
String |
appName |
The name of the application where the module exists. |
String |
workspaceName |
The name of the workspace where the application exists. |
String |
snippetName |
The snippet's name. |
String |
description |
The description of the snippet. |
String |
tags |
The snippet's tags. |
String |
imageUploaded |
Whether an image was uploaded to the snippet. True if an image was uploaded; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
configLevel |
The selected configuration level at creation. |
String |
additionalSignaling |
The selected Additional Signaling at creation. |
String |
featureFunctionality |
The description of the snippet's functionality at creation. |
String |
requirements |
The requirements for using the snippet at creation. |
String |
This section focuses on uploading, downloading, and deleting PDF templates in PDF Template Administration.
Deleting a PDF Template
An event indicating that a PDF template was deleted in PDF Template Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
deletedSuccess |
Whether the PDF template was deleted successfully. True if deleted successfully; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
Downloading a PDF Template
An event indicating that a PDF template was downloaded in PDF Template Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
title |
The downloaded PDF template's title. |
String |
fileSize |
The file size of the downloaded PDF template (in bytes). |
Number |
Uploading a PDF Template
An event indicating that a PDF template was uploaded in PDF Template Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
title |
The uploaded PDF template's title. |
String |
fileSize |
The file size of the uploaded PDF template (in bytes). |
Number |
This section focuses on adding, changing, and deleting services in Services Administration.
Adding a Service
An event indicating that a service was created in Services Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
serviceTitle |
The service title at creation. |
String |
serviceName |
The service name at creation. |
String |
serviceProtocol |
The service protocol at creation. |
String |
authType |
The service's authentication method at creation. |
String |
notfollowRedirect |
Whether the Prevent Redirect setting is enabled at creation. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
enableSOAPdigiSign |
Whether the Enable SOAP Digital Signature setting is enabled at creation. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
enableMutualTIs |
Whether the Enable Mutual TLS setting is enabled at creation. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
requestHeaders |
An object of the service's configured request headers at creation. |
Object |
responseHeaders |
An object of the service's configured response headers at creation. |
Object |
requestBody |
An object of the service's configured request body at creation. |
Object |
captureReqResBodies |
Whether the Capture Request and Response Bodies setting is enabled at creation. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
retentionDays |
The total number of retention days configured at creation. |
Integer |
pagerdutyKeySet |
Whether the PagerDuty Service Key is set at creation. True if set; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
Changing a Service
An event indicating that a service was modified in Services Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
serviceTitle |
The service title after changes were made. |
String |
serviceName |
The service name after changes were made. |
String |
serviceProtocol |
The service protocol after changes were made. |
String |
authType |
The service's authentication method after changes were made. |
String |
notfollowRedirect |
Whether the Prevent Redirect setting is enabled. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
enableSOAPdigiSign |
Whether the Enable SOAP Digital Signature setting is enabled. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
enableMutualTIs |
Whether the Enable Mutual TLS setting is enabled. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
requestHeaders |
An object of the service's configured request headers after changes were made. |
Object |
responseHeaders |
An object of the service's configured response headers after changes were made. |
Object |
requestBody |
An object of the service's configured request body after changes were made. |
Object |
captureReqResBodies |
Whether the Capture Request and Response Bodies setting is enabled. True if enabled; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
retentionDays |
The total number of retention days configured after changes were made. |
Integer |
pagerdutyKeySet |
Whether the PagerDuty Service Key is set. True if set; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
Deleting a Service
An event indicating that a service was deleted in Services Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
serviceAdminDeleted |
Whether the service was deleted successfully. True if deleted successfully; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
This section focuses on starting, stopping, and filtering Start, Signal Start, and Timer Start Workflow nodes in Start Node Administration.
Starting a Workflow Node
An event indicating a Workflow node was started in Start Node Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
type |
The type of Workflow node that was started. |
String |
workflowPath |
The workflow path where the node exists. |
String |
Stopping a Workflow Node
An event indicating a Workflow node was stopped in Start Node Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
type |
The type of Workflow node that was stopped. |
String |
workflowPath |
The workflow path where the node exists. |
String |
This section focuses on setting a default style, modifying, promoting, and deleting styles in Style Administration.
Changing a Style
An event indicating that a style was modified in Style Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
styleName |
The style's name after changes were made. |
String |
description |
The description of the style after changes were made. |
String |
Deleting a Style
An event indicating that a style was deleted in Style Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
styleDeleted |
Whether the style was deleted successfully. True if deleted successfully; false otherwise. |
Boolean |
Promoting a Style
An event indicating that a style was promoted in Style Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
styleName |
The style's name when promoted. |
String |
description |
The description of the style when promoted. |
String |
promotedEnvironment |
The environment where the style was promoted. |
String |
Setting a Default Style
An event indicating that a style was set as default in Style Administration.
Element | Description | Type |
attributes↴ |
An object of event attributes. |
Object |
styleName |
The default style's name. |
String |
description |
The description of the default style. |
String |