How-to Guides: Integration Administration

Everything you need to know about setting up and using Unqork's Integration Gateway..

Introduction to Integration Administration

Get an introduction to Unqork's Integration Administration.

General Guides

How to: Create Connections and Recipes Using the Integration Gateway

Learn how to create connections, recipes, and endpoints in the Integration Gateway.

How to: Create On-Prem Agents Using the Integration Gateway

Learn how to integrate with on-premise (on-prem) systems.

How to: Create a Variable Endpoint

Learn how to create variable path parameters for endpoints.

How to: Promote Recipes Using the Integration Gateway

Learn how to promote recipes between environment levels.

Connect to the Unqork API

How to: Create an Unqork Connector

Learn how to create a connector to an Unqork API endpoint.

How to: Retrieve a Payload Using an Unqork Connector

Learn how to retrieve the full payload from an Unqork endpoint.

Connect to External Services

How to: Get Salesforce Contact Records

Learn how to connect to and get Salesforce Contact Records from the Salesforce API.

How to: Create Salesforce Contact Records

Learn how to connect to and create Salesforce Contact Records from the Salesforce API.