Step 11: Messaging Approved or Denied Travel Request Emails to Employees

Estimated Reading Time:  8 minutes


In the previous use case, you created a Manager Review screen that allowed managers to review and evaluate submitted employee travel requests. In this article, you'll send employees an email with the approved or denied request status from the manager review. As you did in Step 7: Configuring Valid and Invalid Email Workflow Paths, you'll use an Exclusive Gateway node to divert your workflow path into two different processes. Using Signal nodes, you'll display different notifications to the employee based on whether the manager approves or denies their travel request submission.

You can preview an example of this completed use case step here:

Learning Objectives

In this use case article, you'll use your existing knowledge of Exclusive Gateway and Signal nodes to create two different message pathways for approved or denied travel request submissions.

What You Need

To complete this step of your application, you need

Open Your Workflow-Type Application

Start by opening the workflow-type application you previously created in the Workflow Builder.

1. From the Workspaces page, locate your Workspace by selecting (Search magnifying glass) and entering Creator Workshop Workspace [your name].
2. In your Workspace, select View App on your application tile. Your application title will be [initials] + “Creator Workshop App” + [date you created the application].
3. From the menu to the left of the Application page, select  Workflows.
4. Click on your Creator Workshop App workflow tile.

Exclusive Gateway Node Configuration

To split your workflow path into two paths, use the Exclusive Gateway node.

1. Open your Creator Workshop App workflow-type application.
2. Drag and drop an Exclusive Gateway node into the Manager swimlane.
3. Select the Exclusive Gateway node to open its Settings Menu.
4. Click  Edit to open the Edit Exclusive Gateway menu.
5. In the Label field, enter Manager Review Gateway.
6. Disconnect the Manager Review  Task  node from the Employee Submitted End node by clicking the arrow connection. Click (Expand} and select  Delete.
7. Connect the output port (right) of the Manager Review  Task node to the input port (left) of the Manager Review Gateway  Exclusive Gateway node.

Image displaying Exclusive Gateway path after adding it to the workflow.

8. Save... your workflow.
9. In the Save to Version History window, select Save.

Configure the Approved Travel Request Workflow Path

Approved Email Message Configuration

If the manager role approves the employee travel request, your application will divert them to a Message node that sends an email notifying employees that their travel request is approved.

1. Open your Creator Workshop App workflow.
2. Drag and drop a Message node into the Manager swimlane.
Image displaying the Message node configuration that notifies employees that their travel application has been approved.
3. Click  Edit to open the Edit Signal Event menu.
4. In the following fields, enter or select the following:




Approved Email Message

Send via




From Name

Employee Travel Requests

Reply To


Travel Application Approved!


Hello {{data.employeeFullName}},<br>


Pack your bags: Your travel request (totaling ${{data.employeeEstimatedCostUSD}}), has been approved by your manager, {{data.managerFullName}}!<br>




The Employee Travel Processing Team

This tells the Message node to pull the end-user's End-users, also known as Express Users, are the individuals accessing an application through Express View. In most cases, end-users are the customers using the product. information from the Employee Travel Information module and populate the email correspondence.

Anything in the email template inside {{}} (double curly braces) is dynamically populated by the data the end-user End-users, also known as Express Users, are the individuals accessing an application through Express View. In most cases, end-users are the customers using the product. entered in a previous workflow screen. Enter data.propertyID in the {{}} to reference a specific component.

5. Select the Employee Submitted End node to open its Settings Menu.
6. Click  Edit to open the Edit End Event menu.
7. In the Label field, enter Approved Travel Request End.
8. Connect the output port (right) of the Manager Review Gateway  Exclusive Gateway node to the input port (left) of the Approved Email Message  Message node.
9. Connect the output port (right) of the Approved Email Message  Message node to the input port (left) of the Approved Travel Request End   End node.

Image displaying the Approved Email Message node and Approved Travel Request End node connected to the workflow path.

Approved Email Message Workflow Path Configuration

For the approved pathway to work, you must configure the Manager Review Gateway Exclusive Gateway node's path to the Approved Email Message Message node.

To edit the path: 

1. Select the Manager Review Gateway Exclusive Gateway node.
2. Select the Exclusive Gateway node to open its Settings Menu.
3. Click  Edit to open the Edit Exclusive Gateway menu.
4. In the Output Links section, you can see the No Label link between the Manager Review Gateway Exclusive Gateway node and the Approved Email Message Message node.
5. In the No Label link, select Edit to open the Edit Exclusive Gateway Link menu.

Image displaying the Output Links setting in the Edit Exclusive Gateway menu. The image shows the No Label path between the Exclusive Gateway node and the Employee Travel Information Task node.

6. In the Label field, enter Approved Request Path.
7. In the Logic field, enter requestStatus="Approved". This syntax tells the Email Validation Gateway Exclusive Gateway node to continue down this path if the Manager Review module requestStatus Dropdown Component Icon Dropdown component's value is "Approved".

Image showing the Edit Exclusive Gateway settings menu. The Label field displays the Approved Request Path. The Logic field displays the Approved response criteria from the requestStatus Dropdown component.


8. Save... your workflow.
9. In the Save to Version History window, select Save.

Configure the Denied Travel Request Workflow Path

Denied Email Message Configuration

If the manager role denies the employee's travel request, your application diverts to a Message node that sends an email notifying employees that their travel request has been denied.

1. Open your Creator Workshop App workflow.
2. Drag and drop a Message node into the Manager swimlane.
Image displaying the Message node configuration that notifies employees that their travel request application is denied.
3. Click  Edit to open the Edit Signal Event menu.
4. In the following fields, enter or select the following:




Denied Email Message

Send via




From Name

Employee Travel Requests

Reply To


Travel Request Reviewed


Hello {{data.employeeFullName}},<br>


Unfortunately, your travel request (totaling ${{data.employeeEstimatedCostUSD}}), has been denied. Please reconsider your plans and feel free to apply again in the future.<br>




The Employee Travel Processing Team

This tells the Message node to pull the end-user's information from the Employee Travel Information module and populate the email correspondence.

5. Drag and drop an End node into the Manager swimlane.
6. Select the End to open its Settings Menu.
7. Click  Edit to open the Edit End Event menu.
8. In the Label field, enter Denied Request End.
9. Connect the output port (right) of the Manager Review Gateway Exclusive Gateway node to the input port (left) of the Denied Email Message Message node.
10. Connect the output port (right) of the Denied Email Message  Message node to the input port (left) of the Denied Request End End node.

Denied Email Message Workflow Path Configuration

As you did with the approved path, the denied path must also be configured to divert end-users End-users, also known as Express Users, are the individuals accessing an application through Express View. In most cases, end-users are the customers using the product. with denied travel requests to receive the Denied Email Message.

To edit the path: 

1. Select the Manager Review Gateway  Exclusive Gateway node.
2. Click Edit to open the Edit Exclusive Gateway menu.
3. In the Output Links section, you can see the No Label link between the Manager Review Gateway  Exclusive Gateway node and the Denied Email Message  Message node.
4. In the No Label link, select Edit to open the Edit Exclusive Gateway Link menu.
5. In the Label field, enter Denied Request Path.
6. In the Logic field, enter requestStatus="Denied".

Image showing the Edit Exclusive Gateway settings menu. The Label field displays the Denied Request Path. The Logic field displays the Denied response criteria from the requestStatus Dropdown component.

7. Save... your workflow.
8. In the Save to Version History window, select Save.

Here's what your workflow looks like once complete: 

Image showing the completed use case configuration for step 11.
(click image to expand)

View and Test the Workflow-Type Application in Express View

Before moving on to the last use case step, ensure your application runs as expected. Preview your workflow-type application in Express View Express View is how your end-user views you application. Express View also lets you preview your applications to test your configuration and view the styling. This is also the view your end-users will see when interacting with your application. After configuring a module, click Preview in the Module Builder to interact with the module in Express View. and fill in the necessary information to complete each workflow screen. For the manager's email address, use an email address you can access to test the Message node and the Manager Review screen.

When testing role-specific screens on your Express View preview, use the Role-Based Access Control (RBAC RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) is a method to control system access for authorized users. The role in RBAC refers to the levels of access employees have to a network.) settings to view your application as your end-user End-users, also known as Express Users, are the individuals accessing an application through Express View. In most cases, end-users are the customers using the product. would. At the top of your Express View preview, select Show to open the Express RBAC Control. In the Preview as: field, switch between the Administrator, trainingApplicant, and trainingManager roles to view and test each part of your application.

Image showing the Express RBAC Controls dropdown.

Having trouble with your configuration? Visit our Troubleshooting the Creator Workshop Configuration article to help identify and resolve any errors on your application.


In this use case step, you added an Exclusive Gateway node after your Manager Review screen to divert your workflow into two different paths. Based on the manager's review status, you used Message nodes to send employees an approved or denied travel request email. In the next use case step, you'll complete your configuration by creating a Manager Dashboard module. This module will allow manager roles to view all approved and denied employee travel requests.

Continue Your Learning

In the next article, you'll begin Step 12 of the Beyond Basics learning module. In the first article of Step 12, you'll learn about Charts & Graphs components.