Bulk Record Data Export


A static image displaying the Export Records window.

Export a collection of records using the Record Collections Viewer Bulk Record Data Export action. Records data is exported in JSON JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is an open standard file and data interchange format. Unqork uses JSON for submission (record) data. format and includes active, archived, or all records from a collection.

NOTE  Record Data is also known as Submission Data. You might see these terms used interchangeably across the Documentation Hub. Both Records and Submission data refer to module, workflow, and schema data stored in the database.

Use Bulk Record Data Export in the Record Collections Viewer to gain the following benefits:

  • Extract record data from Unqork applications.

  • Analyze and manipulate Unqork Data using external tools.

  • Move data to another Unqork environment level.

What You'll Learn

After completing this article, you’ll know how to access the Bulk Export tool, how to use it, and understand the best practices.

Accessing the Record Collections Viewer Export Window

To access the Export window from the Workspaces view:

1. In the Workspaces view, navigate to and select a Workspace.
2. Under Data Elements, click Record Icon Record Collections.

NOTE  If a workspace does not have record data, no collection is available to display in the Records Collection list.

3. From the Record Collections list, select a Collection Source.
4. Click Actions ▾.
5. Click Export_Icon Export Records.

A static image showing a collection in the Records Collection page, the Actions button is selected and the Exprot Records button is highlighted.

About the Export Records Window

The Export Records window displays the following options:



Export Name *

Enter a name for the export file. The file displays as {{filename}}.json after export.

*This field is required.

Select Format *

Choose how the records are organized on export:

  • CSV: Exports records in a single CSV file.

  • ZIP CSV: Exports records in a single CSV file, then compresses it into a ZIP file.

  • JSON Lines: Exports records in a single JSON Lines file.

  • Zip JSON Lines: Exports records in a single JSON Lines file, then compresses it into a ZIP file.

  • Zip with Multiple JSON Files: Exports each record into individual JSON files, then compresses them into a ZIP file.

*This field is required.

Select Number of Files to Export

(All Records or Active Records)

Split the export process into batches.

The value in this field dictates how many files the record data is evenly split between. For example, if you have 20 records and Number of Files to Export is set to 2, the final export is split into two files containing 10 records each. Each file processes in its own batch.

Select Records to Export

Choose the type of records to export:

  • All Records: Export both active and archived records.

  • Active Records Only: Exports records that have not been archived (deleted).

  • Archived Records Only: Exports records that have been archived but not permanently deleted (destroyed).

NOTE  The Unqork API Delete Module Submission and Delete Workflow Submission endpoints mark records as archived. To permanently delete a record using the Unqork API, apply the destroy:true key value.

Include Metadata

Check this setting to append Unqork Metadata to each record. Setting this to Checked (Checked) puts record data inside the data key.

Metadata includes:

  • form: The Record ID.

  • owner: The user account that created the record.

  • deleted: If the record has been archived.

  • data: Contains the record data.

By default, this setting is ☐ (Unchecked).

Exporting a Record Collection

For this example, export a set of records belonging to your application. This example assumes you have an existing application with at least one collection of records available to download.

To export a record collection from the Record Collections Viewer page:

1. Select a Collection Source.
2. Click Actions ▾.
3. Click Export_Icon Export Records.
4. In the Export Name * field, enter a name for the export file.
5. From the Select Format * drop-down, select a file type.
6. From the Select Records to Export drop-down, select the type of record to include in the export.
7. Click Start Export. The Job Tracker page and Export Details panel displays.

NOTE  To learn more about the Job Tracker page, visit our Job Tracker article.

8. Wait until the status changes from In Progress to Completed. The download (download) button displays.

9. Click download (download). The {{exportName}}-0.json file saves to your default download location. The batch value of the export is included at the end of the file name. For example, {{exportName}}-0.json, {{exportName}}-1.json, {{exportName}}-2.json, and so on.

Best Practices

  • Separate large record exports into smaller batches by increasing the Select Number of Files to Export value. If you intend to import these files at a later time, each file should contain less than 20,000 records.
