Navigating Unqork's Documentation Hub

Unqork is a visual, codeless software development platform that eliminates the challenges of a traditional code-based development approach when creating applications. Unqork's Documentation Hub equips you with the knowledge to create complex applications using the Unqork Designer Platform. But, with so much information at your fingertips, it can be challenging to know where to begin. In this article, you'll learn about the different resources our Documentation Hub has to offer, and where to find them. You'll also learn about our learning resources that offer further assistance to you and your team in your creation journey.

TIP  For more information on the basics of Unqork, visit our Introduction to the Unqork Designer Platform article.

Unqork's Documentation Hub

The Unqork User Manual

Unqork’s User Manual is where you’ll find foundational, end-to-end documentation for the Unqork Designer Platform. The User Manual includes documentation for each component, operator, node, setting, tool, and feature.

Quick References

Unqork's Quick References let you quickly find important materials when working in Unqork. These resources include audit log reference guides, working with data and files in Unqork, inputs and output options when using logic components, and all supported formulas in Unqork.

Best Practices

Using Unqork's Best Practices articles, you'll learn how to plan and build high-performing and efficient Unqork applications. These articles provide you best practices for configuration, data management, modularity, and security.

API Documentation

Access Unqork's API Documentation to learn how to set and retrieve submission data, and control other aspects of your Unqork environment.

How-to Guides

Unqork’s How-to Guides are procedure-based articles that guide you through a specific task or use case. These guides help you learn to use tools, features, and combine elements to achieve a goal. How-to Guides are non-industry specific and support multiple business cases. Use these goal-oriented directions to achieve results and create applications.


Unqork's troubleshooting articles help you locate, solve, and prevent common problems. Our troubleshooting content will assist you with basic, administration, Module Builder, component, and RBAC troubleshooting. You can also learn about tools and strategies that minimize errors and improve efficiency.

Release Notes

Unqork's Release Notes catalog all updates and changes made to the platform. You can browse through new features and enhancements to see how Unqork is providing you with the best experience possible.

Learning Resources

Unqork Academy

Unqork Academy is our one-stop shop for all your educational needs. Here, you'll find everything you need to build enterprise-grade applications on the Unqork platform. Use these resources throughout your Unqork journey to achieve learning goals and obtain badges. Unqork Academy also provides certifications based on your role or skill level to help you bring your vision to reality. Share your badges and certifications with your network and let them know your accomplishments.

Not sure where to start? Depending on your learning style, you can select specific Academy programs and services.

  • Self-Service: Content consumed at your own pace, walking you through the platform in a step-by-step approach.

  • Hybrid: Learning content that combines self-paced video materials and live, technical trainer office hours to overcome hurdles.

  • Instructor-Led: This content is our most hands-on approach to building applications in Unqork. This offering consists of live training sessions and coursework.

Unqork Academy also offers certifications that you can complete. Certifications are based on roles, which give you and your team the appropriate skill and knowledge to work in Unqork effectively.

To learn more about using Academy, identifying your creator role, or signing up for certification courses, visit our Getting Started With Unqork article.

Unqork Community Hub

Unqork's Community Hub is home to all our Unqork resources. You'll find links to Unqork Marketplace, Creator events, and any resource you might need. You can also access Unqork documentation, Academy courses, and release notes. If you have a configuration question for the community, or find a bug on the platform, the Community Hub lets you ask and report it. The Community Hub is also where you'll go for news and all Unqork status updates.