Supported Web Browsers


The power of the Unqork Platform is best experienced in one of our supported web browsers. As with any powerful web application, it's important to use a browser you know can keep up. To help ensure you have the best experience, here's a list of our supported browsers and a few tips to help you as you work.

Browser Requirements

For the best experience with the Unqork Platform, use one of the following major browser versions:

  • Chrome (latest)
  • Firefox (latest)
  • Microsoft Edge (latest)

On June 15, 2022, Microsoft replaced IE11 (Internet Explorer 11) with Microsoft Edge. Support for using IE11 to access the Unqork platform ended on June 15, 2022. In IE11, a permanent banner displays in your Unqork org showing that you're on an unsupported browser.

This is not an exhaustive list of compatible browsers. Unqork supports some older versions of these browsers, but older browser versions might limit functionality.

Mobile System Requirements

For use on mobile devices, use the following software versions or newer:

  • iOS 12+ - Safari (or similar Webkit-based browsers) (latest)
  • Android Oreo 8.0+ - Chrome (or similar Chromium-based browsers) (latest)

Mobile-Specific Behavior

Below are some known mobile-specific behaviors to consider:

  • Tapping component tooltips shows the content as a modal alert.

  • File pickers are OS-specific. For example, the Photo Library on iOS and Open via... on Android.

  • Push notifications are not natively supported.

  • Mobile-based gestures are not supported. For example, swipe to remove.

  • OS-specific biometric authentication is not supported.

  • Explicitly leveraging on-device hardware is not supported. For example, information from a Bluetooth device.

How to Recognize an Unsupported Browser

If Unqork detects an unsupported browser, you'll see a banner alerting you. You may also experience:

  • Unexpected blank screens. (Usually resolved by refreshing the page.)
  • Lagging or delays in the user interface.
  • A difference in the appearance of text or components when compared to other browsers.

If you can't meet the above requirements for any reason, don't worry. We'll work with you to find a solution for alternate functionality.