Introduction to Centauri

Centauri is Unqork’s first-generation codeless runtime (Runtime v1.0.0). It provides a codeless experience for Unqork Creators using the Unqork Designer Platform.

While Centauri is a standalone runtime, it supports the new Vega (Runtime v2.0.0), adding as an additive layer to Centauri. Applications and configurations created in Centauri are taken into account to avoid forcing you to migrate applications to Vega. For cases where a configuration update is needed to support an existing application in Vega, the Module Builder's Real-Time Configuration Analysis tool provides guidance on the specific configuration changes that might be needed.

Discover the new Vega Runtime (v2.0.0), view our Introduction to Vega article.

Centauri includes Cross-Runtime Support so you can easily incorporate Vega capabilities into existing Centauri-based applications. Cross-Runtime Support provides a seamless transition between Unqork runtimes, letting Creators leverage the power of both without impacting your end-user’s experience. Cross-Runtime Support also offers a suite of controls for you to build confidently across the Centauri and Vega runtimes.

All configurations created before Vega's release are automatically designated as Centauri-based (Runtime v1.0.0) applications, modules, and workflows. Centauri-based applications will continue to function as expected.

Below is an extensive list of supported components in the Centauri and Vega runtimes:

Components That Work With Centauri Only

Address Component

Address Search Component

Advanced Datagrid Component

Browser Storage Component

Chart Component

Checkpoint Component

Content Component

Data Grid Component

DataMapper Component

Dynamic Grid Component

File Storage Component

Freeform Grid Component

KPI Component

License Scanner Component

Map Component

Map v2 Component

Multi-Select Dropdown Component

Navigation Component

Protected Field Component

Plaid Component

Repeater Component

Rich Text Editor Component

Signature Component

Single Checkbox (v1) Component

Table Component

Uniform Grid Component

ViewGrid Component

Components That Work With Centauri and Vega

Button Component

Calculator Component

Checkboxes Component

Columns Component

Data Table Component

Data Workflow Component

Date Input Component

Decisions Component

Dropdown Component

Email Component

Field Group Component

File Component

Hidden Component

HTML Element Component

Initializer Component

International Phone Number Component

Number Component

Panel Component

Phone Number Component

Plug-In Component

Radio Buttons Component

Single Checkbox (v2) Component

Text Area Component

Text Field Component

Timer Component

Components That Work With Vega Only

Vega iFrame Component

Vega Image Component

Vega Menu Component

Vega Search Select Component

Vega Simple Select Component

Vega Table Component