6.74 Platform Release Notes
Version: 6.74.0
Early Release
Feb 16, 2023
Mar 2, 2023
Mar 16, 2023
Mar 1, 2023
Mar 15, 2023
Mar 29, 2023
Mar 14, 2023
Mar 28, 2023
Apr 11, 2023
EARLY ACCESS This release contains early access features. To get access to these features, please contact your Customer Success Representative.
External APIs: By default, service executions now pass the Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br request header to external APIs. This encourages external APIs to compress their responses—improving service execution performance for large response payloads. This enhancement has no negative impact on existing services. That said, to disable this new default behavior, set Accept-Encoding: identity in a Plug-In component or your Services Administration configuration.
External APIs: Plug-In component and Service Administration URLs are now parsed using the WHATWG (Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group) standard URL parser. Therefore, automatic URL-encoding of certain special characters during module or service execution no longer occurs (^{}|'). If the external API is dependent on these special characters, they must be encoded directly in the URL.
Missing source elements.
Applications with different IDs but the same name.
Missing default workspaces in destination environment.
Unauthorized access (inadequate permissions).
General Lamda errors.
General MongoDB errors.
Dynamic Refresh: Added support for refreshing components when the Enable Stagger Load module setting is enabled. Stagger load improves performance by only registering Hidden components into the module when making visible, or unhiding, those components using logic. Hidden components refreshed into the module now behave the same way.
Dynamic Refresh: Added support for refreshing components which are initially hidden and are made visible/added to the DOM using subsequent logic operations. For example, this enables creators to refresh into a modal before that modal is opened.
EARLY ACCESS Multi-Select Dropdown component: Removed support for URL as a Data Source Type. Creators can instead use an API to populate their drop-down options using a Plug-In component and a Data Reference Key.
EARLY ACCESS Multi-Select Dropdown component: Added a Label Property setting when using the Data Reference Key option as the Data Source Type. This key must exist in the drop-down's data source for options to be displayed.
EARLY ACCESS Multi-Select Dropdown component: Added support for the Retain Input option with the When Dropdown Loses Focus setting. This enhancement enables end-users to return to the drop-down and continue entering text to their existing search value.
EARLY ACCESS Multi-Select Dropdown component: Added support for the Clear button (visible if Show Clear Button is set to ON) to respond to readOnlyView and disabled Output Types from logic components.
If readOnlyView is yes, the Clear button is hidden from the end-user's view.
If disabled is yes, the Clear button is disabled for the end-user.
EARLY ACCESS Multi-Select Dropdown component: Clarified newly added settings relating to custom options and behavior on blur. Clarifications include updated settings names, helper text, and tooltips.
Multi-Select Dropdown component: Added a Search Debounce setting to control the firing of Trigger on Search when the end-user enters text. Creators can use this setting to calibrate the trigger to fire in a performant manner. For example, waiting 250 ms after an end-user enters a character before firing Trigger on Search.
Number component: Added support for a Decimal Character setting to control the number delimiter for decimal values. This enables overriding the locale-based delimiter for applications that require it.
Rich Text Editor component: Added support for responding to and supporting the disabled Output Type in logic components.
ViewGrid component: Added support for translating the Action button label in the ViewGrid component.
Panel component: Fixed an issue where a gray border appeared around the Panel during a dynamic refresh. Changing the Overlay Display setting to None now hides the gray border. Once set, Creators can refresh without seeing the border.
Workspaces RBAC: Fixed an issue where links in the navigation bar appeared disabled. The links now appear as expected.
Module Builder
Module Builder Canvas: Updated the UX (user experience) of the Module Builder canvas to provide a frame around the building area in the canvas. This enhancement improves way-finding during the configuration experience.
Module Settings Modal: Added Module Size in Express View. There are now two size fields in the Module Settings Modal:
Module Size: Displays the size of the module configuration in the Unqork database. This field does not include the size of any Automatically Referenced Imported Modules as they are imported on load.
Module Size in Express: The size of the module that loads in Express View. This field includes all Automatically Referenced Imported Modules.
Real-Time Configuration Analysis: Re-enabling the Real-Time Configuration Analysis in the Module Outline. Enhancements were made to the Module Outline to improve performance and reduce duplicate analyses. The Real-Time Configuration Analysis tool provides dynamic, real-time feedback about your module's configuration.
Transforms: Transforms have received design updates to improve the Creator experience. You can now find Transforms in the Module Builder and Workflow Builder by clicking the ··· (ellipsis) button.
Enhancements include:
Transforms now display in a modal so Creators no longer need to leave the module or workflow to edit them.
Creators can now view high-level information about their Transforms without clicking into each row. Information like name, type, user, and created and updated time are now available at first glance.
Creators can now quickly edit Transforms types with a click of a button.
Added detailed error messages in the Transforms experience to enable creators to quickly and efficiently debug them.
NodeJS 18 Upgrade: The Platform was upgraded from NodeJS v16 to NodeJS v18. As part of this upgrade, OpenSSL v1.1.1 is no longer available NodeJS v18. Instead, OpenSSL v3.0 is now available for NodeJS v18. In OpenSSL v3.0, unsafe legacy renegotiation is no longer enabled by default. This requires clients relying on unsafe legacy renegotiation to update their services, or request to enable the legacy renegotiation flag.