6.73 Platform Staging Release Notes
Version: 6.73.0
Staging Release Date: January 31, 2023
EARLY ACCESS This release contains early access features. To get access to these features, please contact your Customer Success Representative.
Module Builder
Logic Components: Updated the UX (user experience) of our logic components on the Module Builder canvas to increase the visual distinction between UI (user interface) and non-UI components. That way, Creators can find their way around the platform easier.
Module Settings: Added a new field to Module Settings that informs the user of the Module Size in Express View. There are now two size fields in the Module Settings Modal. Module Size displays the size of the module in the Unqork database. This field does not include the size of any Automatically Referenced Imported Module. Those modules are imported on load. The Module Size in Express is the size of the module that loads in Express View. This field does include all Automatically Referenced Imported Modules.
Redesigned Component Settings Modals: Redesigned Address V1, Checkpoint, Hidden, Intl Phone Number, Phone Number, Protected Field, Signature, and Plaid components with a new look and feel to improve the user experience across the platform.
Freeform Grid component: Fixed an issue in the Freeform Grid Settings modal where users could not add new rows to the Summary View grid.
Module Builder: Fixed an issue where modules that referenced other modules resulted in poor performance and slow load times. Performance has now been optimized.
EARLY ACCESS Multi-Select Dropdown component: Added On Keypress trigger that fires a specified logic component as the end user enters text. This trigger enables Creators to configure business logic to run while end-users interact with their app.
EARLY ACCESS Multi-Select Dropdown component: Added support for a new dynamic syntax to expose the end-user's search value inside the drop-down to logic components. This new syntax enables use cases where the drop-down's options only populate based on business logic (For example: minimum number of characters entered).
EARLY ACCESS Multi-Select Dropdown component: Added support for the component to render custom options not currently in the data source. This feature enables viewing custom options in circumstances where the data source may be stale or not included in submission data (For example: viewing an Unqork submission).
EARLY ACCESS Multi-Select Dropdown component: Clarified newly added settings relating to custom options and behavior on blur—with updated settings names, helper text, and tooltips.
EARLY ACCESS Multi-Select Dropdown component: Added support for the Retain Input option on the When Dropdown Loses Focus setting. This setting enables end-users to return to the drop-down and continue entering text to their existing search value.
Number component: Added the Decimal Character setting to control the number delimiter for decimal values. This setting allows for overriding the locale-based delimiter for applications.
Advanced Datagrid component: Fixed an issue where Number components in an Advanced Datagrid had a value of 0 and Required validation were considered invalid when executing by SSE (Server-Side Execution). Components that meet this criteria are now appropriately considered valid.
Workflow Builder
Gateway nodes: Added functionality for all Gateway nodes to reference Global Variable values.
Workflow nodes: Fixed an issue where nodes with non-editable paths could not be copied and pasted because the paths were not unique. Now, all nodes that are copied and pasted receive a unique path and label. This also includes nodes that have editable paths.
Platform Architecture
Application Promotion Details Page: Error messages now provide detailed information when a promotion fails.
Services Administration: Fixed an issue where the Create Services button was unresponsive in some cases.